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2nd grade planning thread

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CLE LA for grammar, writing, spelling

MEP for math

McGuffey 2nd reader for reading

Galloping the Globe for geography/social studies

Story of the Orchestra for music

CHOW read aloud for history

Fun with Nature and More Fun with Nature books for science

Art and PE?????? winging it

Classic read alouds like Trumpet of the Swan, Heidi, Mr. Popper's Penguins, Black Beauty for literature

Favorite Poems Old and New selections for read alouds and memory work for poetry

Ergemeier's Bible Storybook for Bible

See It and Say it in Spanish and beginning piano if we can work those in without stress


will pare down and rotate all non 3R subjects as needed.

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DH just got hit with a lay-off, so for now at least, I'm planning to work mostly from what we have on the shelves and what we can get from the library.


Math: A mix of Beast Academy 3A-B, Primary Mathematics 3A, Challenging Word Problems 3, and Primary Grade Challenge Math


Grammar: Primary Language Lessons; Words are Categorial series; Word Fun; Spectrum Language 2 & Evan-Moor Language Fundamentals 2 as needed for practice


Spelling: Scholastic Spelling 2


Handwriting: New American Cursive I


Reading: MCP Phonics C; Harcourt Trophies Grade 4; Great Illustrated Classics


Science: Fun With Nature; More Fun With Nature; Nature in a Nutshell


History: Story of the World 2; Kingfisher Atlas of the Medieval World

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Bible: Egermeier's Story Bible (2nd half), plus daily scripture reading with family


Math: Singapore 2, Life of Fred (currently using Butterfly), Verbal Math Lesson for review


Science: living books such as Berger titles, One Small Square series, Pagoo, Great Dinosaur Mystery..., Life in the Great Ice Age, possibly Memoria Press Supplemental Science recommendations


History: listening in on MOH Volume 3 (audio), First History of Canada (Barclay), History Stories for Children, various picture books


Foreign Language: begin Hey Andrew! Greek! - Level 1 or 2


English: McGuffey's Speller, McGuffey's 2nd Reader, possibly English Lessons through Literature - Level 2


Literature: My Book House, Grandma's Attic series, Goops, Understood Betsy, Little House on the Prairie, Farmer Boy, Just So Stories


Shakespeare: Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare


Geography: CM's Elementary Geography, Paddle-to-the-Sea


Poetry: Poetry for Young People (Carroll), Sing Song


I'm not sure if she'll listen in on our Morning Time or not.  Maybe a few things, such as theology, artist study, nature study, and poetry.


I'm intimidated to go read through this thread.  I think I'm content with my plans, but ...



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I'm looking at writing for my rising-2nd grader.  He really enjoys dictating stories for me to write.  So far we've just done it whenever he has a story he wants to tell me.  But I'm wondering if I should start harnessing that in a more formal way next year.  His storytelling far exceeds his ability to write (both spelling & the actual writing of it) and I expect it'll take a couple more years before they even come close to lining up.   So...thinking here.  Do I try to find some kind of curriculum?  Make it a point to try to have him dictate to me more regularly?  I want to really encourage him with his stories and I don't want it to become a subject to dread.  So I'm hesitant to do anything too formal, like restricting him to certain topics, etc.  

We are doing FLL2 & WWE1 next year, so I have that area covered.  

Any thoughts?  

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I'm looking at writing for my rising-2nd grader. He really enjoys dictating stories for me to write. So far we've just done it whenever he has a story he wants to tell me. But I'm wondering if I should start harnessing that in a more formal way next year. His storytelling far exceeds his ability to write (both spelling & the actual writing of it) and I expect it'll take a couple more years before they even come close to lining up. So...thinking here. Do I try to find some kind of curriculum? Make it a point to try to have him dictate to me more regularly? I want to really encourage him with his stories and I don't want it to become a subject to dread. So I'm hesitant to do anything too formal, like restricting him to certain topics, etc.


We are doing FLL2 & WWE1 next year, so I have that area covered.


Any thoughts?

Bravewriter's Jot it Down might be a good informal addition to add if you want to do some creative "writing" for him.
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Bible: Long Story Short and reviewing Sunday School Lessons

Reading: 30-60 min of required reading a day and 4 genres covered by Drawn into the Heart of Reading

Grammar, Writing, Picture Study, Poetry: Finish ELTL 1 and begin 2

Handwriting: Getty Dubay C

Spelling:  All About Spelling 2

Math: Math U See Gamma

History: Ancients with a variety of pieced together resources

Science: Finishing Science in the Beginning and beginning Science in the Ancient World by Jay Wile

Art: Various Usborne Art Books

Music:  Beethoven using Confessions of a Homeschooler and Simply Charlotte Mason resources

            Guitar Lessons

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I am so done with the shopping too, SRGS.


current plans:


Math: Saxon 2


Reading: Don't laugh, it's paid for and it works for our family. He can read anything he wants to and most things I don't want him to  but he needs to work on his stamina.


LA: LLATL (older editions), either yellow or red depending on where he is when he finishes level one of Shurley


Handwriting: HWT for printing, plan on introducing cursive after winter break. He wants to learn Spencerian and has plenty of time to convince me.


History: Greenleaf Egypt (secularized) + YouTube documentaries + Ancient Egypt Treasure Chest


Science: finish Thornton Burgess Bird Book study on Satori Smiles, Simple machines unit when recommended by Greenleaf with  Usborne book and experiments in Physics for Every Kid, begin weather unit when Saxon brings it up with Usborne and Discovery Box, finish up with Wild Goose kit for the human body


Music: Composer of the month (read short biography and listen to well known works during chore time)


Art: Artist of the month (similar only with eyes instead of ears)


Poetry: Poem of the week


Put the credit card away, Ethel, that's more than enough.

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DH just got hit with a lay-off, so for now at least, I'm planning to work mostly from what we have on the shelves and what we can get from the library.


Math: A mix of Beast Academy 3A-B, Primary Mathematics 3A, Challenging Word Problems 3, and Primary Grade Challenge Math


Grammar: Primary Language Lessons; Words are Categorial series; Word Fun; Spectrum Language 2 & Evan-Moor Language Fundamentals 2 as needed for practice


Spelling: Scholastic Spelling 2


Handwriting: New American Cursive I


Reading: MCP Phonics C; Harcourt Trophies Grade 4; Great Illustrated Classics


Science: Fun With Nature; More Fun With Nature; Nature in a Nutshell


History: Story of the World 2; Kingfisher Atlas of the Medieval World

I hope your hubby is able to find something else soon! 

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Guest Banana.Brains

She will be doing History and science with her brother( 4th grade) I just need to decide on something. 


Math-  MUS Beta


Grammar- First Language Lessons 2


Spelling- AAS 1 & 2


Writing- The Complete Writer 1


Reading- AAR 2






PE- Co-op and hopefully Cross Fit kids 







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Math: Continue with Miquon, LOF

Language Arts: Going to give English Lessons Through Literature a try. We'll see if I need to add to it.

Spelling: Sequential Spelling

History: SOTW 2

Science: BFSU

PE: Going to try the PE class at the climbing gym.

Music: We might give learning the recorder a try.


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I'm looking at writing for my rising-2nd grader.  He really enjoys dictating stories for me to write.  So far we've just done it whenever he has a story he wants to tell me.  But I'm wondering if I should start harnessing that in a more formal way next year.  His storytelling far exceeds his ability to write (both spelling & the actual writing of it) and I expect it'll take a couple more years before they even come close to lining up.   So...thinking here.  Do I try to find some kind of curriculum?  Make it a point to try to have him dictate to me more regularly?  I want to really encourage him with his stories and I don't want it to become a subject to dread.  So I'm hesitant to do anything too formal, like restricting him to certain topics, etc.  


We are doing FLL2 & WWE1 next year, so I have that area covered.  


Any thoughts?  

Why doesn't he write? Does he have hand pain?


When my DD was in K, which would be 12 months ago, I took her to be evaluated by an OT and discovered she has motor planning issues, is ambidextrous, and has weak pincer and core strength. DD completed exercises at home and saw the OT for about a month.


For 1st grade, DD started copying short sentences daily using copy sheets that I printed using StartWrite software and completed spelling using a LOE dry erase board.  By January, she started taking 3-5 dictation sentences on the dry erase board and will now copy a large stanza of poetry with pencil and paper.


If your child is struggling with a pencil by late 1st grade, seek the OT evaluation.  OT can examine balance, developmental motor, handedness, core/pincer strength, visual perception, and motor planning.  We found the OT eval to be very helpful.


ETA:  For narrations, DD dictates to me, and I type up her words.  That is as formal as we get, and I use ELTL. 

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Our plans:

SOTW secularly using Histoey Odyssey

Singapore Primary 2



I also have Build Your Library. I use it for book lists and the nature stuff to add.


Maybe all about spelling? My daughter needs some spelling help to give her writing confidence, but we haven't been using a formal reading program because she reads all.day.long and at a fifth or sixth grade level.


We do a weekly co-op, hike at least weekly and am probably going to sign her up for elementary music through a local homeschool program.

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Bravewriter's Jot it Down might be a good informal addition to add if you want to do some creative "writing" for him.



I'm looking at writing for my rising-2nd grader.  He really enjoys dictating stories for me to write.  So far we've just done it whenever he has a story he wants to tell me.  But I'm wondering if I should start harnessing that in a more formal way next year.  His storytelling far exceeds his ability to write (both spelling & the actual writing of it) and I expect it'll take a couple more years before they even come close to lining up.   So...thinking here.  Do I try to find some kind of curriculum?  Make it a point to try to have him dictate to me more regularly?  I want to really encourage him with his stories and I don't want it to become a subject to dread.  So I'm hesitant to do anything too formal, like restricting him to certain topics, etc.  


We are doing FLL2 & WWE1 next year, so I have that area covered.  


Any thoughts?  

Yep. I was going to suggest BW's Jot it Down! too. I'm using it with my 2nd graders next year. Sounds exactly like your kiddo! 

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DD #3 for 2nd in the fall


Bible: CLE Bible 200, Sunday School verses and papers, PBS, Ergemeiers or Leading Little Ones to God when we run out of other things.

Language Arts: CLE LA 100/200, CLE Reading 100/200, we have been moving through the 100s at a relaxed paced and may have some left to do, no worries.

Math: CLE 200

History: ACE when she's reading well.

Science: ACE when she's reading well.

Art: She is working through Art Pacs, 1/2 maybe, or parts of them.

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For my DS7 (turns 8 in November):


Math: Right Start C

Spelling: continue Spelling Workout B

Handwriting: continue HWT 2nd grade level, he's taught himself cursive using the little supplement that came with it, so I'll let him continue practicing that as well. We'll continue with Keyboarding without Tears as well.

History: Story of the World Volume 2

Literature: Classical House of Learning to accompany SOTW, also books from Quiver of Arrows

Writing: Jot It Down and Quiver of Arrows

Other misc Language Arts: continue Poetry Tea Time as well, and develop a plan for memory work and stick to it (still need to work this out, obviously!

Science: TWTM-style Earth Science (Usborne First Encyclopedia of Our World and More Mudpies to Magnets) and Astronomy (can't remember the book we are using for that, it will be the second half of the year anyway...)

Latin: Song School Latin 1 (just going for some fun and exposure, nothing too serious)

Art: ArtTango and Simply Charlotte Mason picture study (three artists like we did this year, haven't selected them yet), hopefully a trip to an art museum at some point in the school year

Music: piano lessons start when he turns 8, plus composer study (three composers, listen to select pieces and read a biography)

PE: basketball and swimming lessons

Home Ec: daily chores, plus I want to start having help more with meal planning, making the grocery list, grocery shopping, and cooking/baking (goal of having him involved with one dinner per week, I hope to start this over the summer so we get into the habit...)

Religion: reading through the Illustrated Book of Mormon stories (we did the same with the Illustrated Old Testament stories this past year in our Circle Time and it was a really nice overview for them).



Whew! That seems like a lot!!! Fortunately most of those subjects will be combined with his 1st grader sister and they still don't take too terribly long to complete!



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I'll have two second graders next year.  They will be tagging along with big brother (4th) for some things.


Math: MEP 2, Khan, LOF Fridays


LA: ELTL 2, RLTL 2, Cursive, BW Jot it Down writing projects (one per term)


History/Geography: Wayfarers Ancient


Science: Wayfarers Ancient, Nature Study


Art: SCM picture studies, Drawing with Children (term 1, 3, 5), Discovering Great Artists (term 2, 4, 6)


Music: Piano lessons, Wayfarers Composers


Handicrafts/life skills: Sewing (term 1-2), Baking (term 3), Gardening (term 4-5), Origami/paper crafts (term 6)


Tea Time: AO Folk Songs (term 1), A Child's Introduction to Poetry (term 2), Shakespeare "As You Like It" (term 3), The Story of the Orchestra (term 4), Kio and Gus Philosophy (term 5-6)


Bible/Habits: CAP God's Great Covenant OT 1, SCM Laying Down the Rails


We have three main blocks to our day, Morning time together, LA/Math, Afternoon Loop together.  We have a quiet time and get outside everyday (except in the soarching hot summer).  I read aloud at lunch as well.


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  • Reading- Read 30 min to mom in the morning and 30 minutes by herself in the afternoon.
  • Writing- WWE, FLL1, & Pentime 2
  • Math- Saxon 3
  • Spelling- Natural speller word lists used with spelling city
  • Science- Earth and space this year with Bill nye videos and lots of correlating books.
  • misc- Five in a row volume 2, Mavis beacon typing, and Timez attack

That's the current plan, though I keep changing it weekly. So we'll see what is ends up being by August.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought I wouldn't be able to plan until June but circumstances have changed and I've had the time to plan these last two weeks. So here goes:


Reading- I hope we can increase her fluency and cross that bridge to reading for fun.

-Finish OPGTR per SWB suggestions in, I think, her writing lecture.

- Treadwell and McGuffey Readers and a list of books to popcorn read afterwards until we cross the afore mentioned bridge.

-Spelling- Natural Speller in a Spelling and the Brain way


Writing and Grammar- The goal here is for her to know the 8 parts of speech, types of sentences, capitalization, punctuation and write in complete sentences.

-When we finish ELTL 1 then ELTL 2- I really like the book selection.

-SCM's cursive/proverbs program once we finish flower cursive

-maybe some exercises from Wheeler's English Lessons


Math- I want her understand addition, subtraction, time and money. I also want her to master the facts.

-Continue with Miquon.

-Add RightStart back in.


Latin- the goal here is to enjoy learning about another language. I mainly view this as a stepping stone to understanding English, the great books, etc. further on down the line.

-Song School Latin 1


Science- So last year we only did science through weekly field trips. This year I'm letting the girls each choose their own science topics. This child wants to learn about birds. I want to keep it light in second grade so we'll read through bird books (Burgess' and Buckley's will act as spines) draw birds (Law's videos on YouTube) and try monitoring bird feeders, incubate eggs, field trips, etc.


History- 1800-1865 and California history


Art- Other than drawing birds I'm hoping to outsource this subject next year.


Music- Other than our hymn study in church hopefully piano lessons, choir and a few CDs with songs from the 1800s.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Planning juices flowing...popping in to update my previous post:


Memory Work: Geography (countries of Africa & Europe), poems, probably something Shakespeare, Bible verses, Spanish stuff, whatever history/science/math/grammar stuff I think necessary...

Bible: Bible Road Trip (mostly just using reading passages), we'll cover Job--Malachi

Math: We'll finish MM3B...and then probably take the rest of 1st semester just in review & fun stuff...I'll probably move on with 4A second semester if we're broadening/strengthening the foundation stuff...

Logic: Critical Thinking Co. books, logic-building games (stretching my budget here...we'll see how far it goes...)

Reading: WTM 2nd grade list, books from my ever-growing book list...

Grammar: R&S 3

Writing/Spelling: Modern Speller grade 3

Science: Earth & Space (God's Design for Heaven & Earth, First Encyclopedias, maybe an experiment kit or two, library books & resources)

History: SOTW2, encyclopedias, library books

Spanish: Speaking Spanish with Miss Mason, First Step Espanol, Little Pim, conversing with Spanish speaking friends

Art: Home Art Studio grade 2, artist/picture studies

Music: piano lessons, music listening, composer studies

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

My last time through second grade, we will be using


MFW Adventures


OPGTR (if not finished)


MUS Alpha (2nd half)

CC cycle 3 memory work/morning time


This has changed a bit, now we'll be using:


FUFI (tagging along with his brother)



Adventures In Phonics 2

MUS Alpha (second half)

CC cycle 3 memory work/ morning time

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This may be a dumb question, but does anyone else have a second grader that still naps on occasion? My son does he will be 7 in September. In fairness, he is up from about 7 am till 10 pm everyday. I decided long ago that with all we went through to get a child, let alone 2, that my hubby had a right to see his children for more then just putting to bed at night.


So are we alone? Or do others do this? How has it effected your planning?

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This may be a dumb question, but does anyone else have a second grader that still naps on occasion? My son does he will be 7 in September. In fahirness, he is up from about 7 am till 10 pm everyday. I decided long ago that with all we went through to get a child, let alone 2, that my hubby had a right to see his children for more then just putting to bed at night.


So are we alone? Or do others do this? How has it effected your planning?


Not a dumb question. :) My oldest just turned 7. He's in bed by 8 or 9 and still needs a nap 2-3 times a week. I feel it out. Sometimes I'll let him just read or write quietly on his bed while the little ones nap. Sometimes he has to sleep. And a couple days a week I might let him stay up with me. I think every kid is different as far as sleep needs go - and different family situations are different, too.


As far as my planning... We get pretty much all school stuff done in the morning, so it doesn't really affect schedule that way. I like the idea of keeping a quiet rest time in the middle of the day - if anything, it gives them time to mull over the different things we learned that morning. And I need that down time, too! :) 

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LA- aar3, narration/copywork for writing, apples and pears for spelling, handwriting (I forgot the name of it, the italics one).

Math- miquon books 3&4, singapore challange word problems

History- classical conversations history cards as our spine (we are not in cc, just using the cards), alongs with usborne encyclopedia, library books, and time period literature.

Latin- ssl1 with dad

Bible- with dad, not sure what they will do.

Science- class at coop, monthly nature center classes, books from the library.

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My duaghter is doing her 2nd grade work next year, so I'll post on this thread (my signature needs updated...a lot...).


We have 6 more lessons to complete in AAR 4, and several chapters of NL Science 1 to finish. I'm sure we will finish AAR in time for our "new year" to start at the beginning of August, but science may drag into the beginning of it.


This is my tentative plan (I keep changing it and second guessing myself):


Math Mammoth 2

Nancy Larson Science 2

Story of the World: Ancients

ELTL 2 (this is one I can't commit to. I keep flipping between this & WWE/FLL)

All About Spelling 2/3 (she's about 1/2 way through level 2 right now)


We'll also do various art, music, and logic things, as well as our local co-op.

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  • 2 weeks later...

DD #1 just turned 7 and will be starting 2nd grade in August. We cycle between many different resources to hold her interest and keep the whining to a minimum:


Phonics: CLE  Language 200 series (phonics part), MCP Phonics B, Adventures in Phonics C, Reading Comprehension Grade 2 Claws and Paws, Right Into Reading Book 3, and Take it to Your Seat Phonics Centers Grades 2-3. Decodable Readers for reinforcement


LIterature: Memoria Press More Story Time Treasures, Houghton Mifflin Reading series grade 2 (Adventures and Delights), Using Pictures Books to Teach 8 Essential Literary Elements by Susan van Zile


Grammar: Very light introduction via CLE Language 200 series


Handwriting: Finish Zaner Bloser Handwriting Grade 1 and start  ZB Handwriting Grade 2


Composition: Starting something more formal this year but still keeping it light with Write Source Grade 2 and Writeshop Primary B. Also using various resources I have for using mentor texts (picture books) to teach writing techniques (six trait writing)


Mathematics: Finish Singapore Standards 1B and start Singapore Math in Focus 2A; MEP Year 2 as reinforcement and Life of Fred and Mathseeds for fun


Science: Finish up Life Science focus from last year (finishing human body study using Nancy Larson Science 1 and K12 Science 1) start Earth and Space science focus using Nancy Larson Science  2 and 3. Also a study of birds in the spring using Nancy Larson Science. Supplement with lots of trade books, DVD's, etc.


History: Continue studying American History through the Civil War using Winterpromise American Story 1 and Adventures in America as spines. Supplement with lots of trade books, DVD's, etc


Geography: Finish Evan Moor Beginning Geography K-2 and start Legends and Leagues South with supplements (DVD's, trade books, etc.)


Bible/Devotions: Finish Leading Little Ones to God and My Big Book of 5 Minute Devotions; start Living the Ten Commandments for Children


Art:, Drama and Chorus: Weekly Co-op


Music: Start piano lessons again


Physical Education: Ballet (year round), ice skating (fall/winter), swimming (year round) and possibly Rookie baseball in the spring


Plus quarterly enrichment: A Child's Introduction to Poetry; American Art History and Folk Music Study


**WHEW!!! Lots to do but only Bible, phonics, handwriting and math are daily activities**

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  • 3 weeks later...

Late to the party, but we are sorted out!


LA - Journal (with prompts), ETC 5-6, Growing with Grammar, lots of independent reading (she needs no pushing), poetry memory work daily.


Bible - daily reading and memory work.


Writing - HWT cursive


Math - Math Mammoth 2, daily Calculadders, Life of Fred for fun.


History/Geography - SOTW 2 with extra books and map work, some projects.


Science - 1st semester animal studies a la the WTM recommendations. 2nd semester habitat studies and plants, combined with gardening.


Art - Projects from the Usborne Art Treasury (they love these!), plus sewing and handwork crafts.


Music - piano lessons, music appreciation with Meet the Great Composers.


French - daily Passe Partout (essentially French Sesame Street).


A lot of these things take under 10 minutes - several of them are the "next thing" from last year.


Looking forward to it!

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