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It can't be a good sign....


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if I feel the need to pray for help in knowing what clothes to wear for the day.  I just felt the need to make this observation to someone somewhere.  I'm currently suffering from decision overload.  Too much to do, too little time, etc. etc.   

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I am having a similar issue, and it's definitely a bad sign.


A sign that I'm growing out of some favorite items and a that I desperately need to clean out and reorganize my closet. Sadly, it's been hard lately to make time for either of those things.


Hope you feel better soon.


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if I feel the need to pray for help in knowing what clothes to wear for the day.  I just felt the need to make this observation to someone somewhere.  I'm currently suffering from decision overload.  Too much to do, too little time, etc. etc.   



DD is taking a dual enrolled sociology class.  She has learned that for every 10% increase in the number of choices we have, there is a 2% decrease in the number of people who decide.  So yes, some people just don't make a decision at all.  Because, she learned, that the more choices we have, the harder it is to make a choice.  People don't actually like having a billion things to choose from.


All to say, I hear ya!

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DD is taking a dual enrolled sociology class.  She has learned that for every 10% increase in the number of choices we have, there is a 2% decrease in the number of people who decide.  So yes, some people just don't make a decision at all.  Because, she learned, that the more choices we have, the harder it is to make a choice.  People don't actually like having a billion things to choose from.


All to say, I hear ya!

So, when the number of choices I have to make in a day increases too much I may not be able to handle the choice of what to wear and I'll end up wearing PJs all day?  That's what I'm thinking.  :D 


For the curious, I did finally get dressed and I think it only took me a half hour to figure out what to wear.  Not that I spent all that time going through clothes.  Instead I just left the room and did other things until I had a eureka moment and knew what I wanted to wear that would also suit the day.  I'd rather be in PJs on the couch though, and I have to go out tonight.   :glare: 

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DD is taking a dual enrolled sociology class. She has learned that for every 10% increase in the number of choices we have, there is a 2% decrease in the number of people who decide. So yes, some people just don't make a decision at all. Because, she learned, that the more choices we have, the harder it is to make a choice. People don't actually like having a billion things to choose from.


All to say, I hear ya!

I had read an article that encouraged people who wanted to lose weight to limit their food choices. IOW...have eggs for breakfast, a salad for lunch, chicken for dinner. They did say to change before you got into a rut, but keep the change for a while.

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if I feel the need to pray for help in knowing what clothes to wear for the day. I just felt the need to make this observation to someone somewhere. I'm currently suffering from decision overload. Too much to do, too little time, etc. etc.

I know that feeling. Hugs.


I used to love when we got fruit and vege boxes because I didn't have to think about what to buy and it limited the number of meal choices available.

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