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Who else is planning for next year now?

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I've started planning for next year. This was our first year, and I'm finding it so much easier now to know what I want to do. Most will just be a continuation of curriculum we are currently using--just getting the next level. It's all so overwhelming at first but it gets easier.

It definitely gets easier and less overwhelming! Several of my purchases were simply the next level, and that really does make it easier. Not having to reinvent the wheel each year is nice.

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I had extreme insomnia the other night so planned out the younger kids' schooling through 8th grade. It really wasn't too hard. The hard part will be sticking to my plans!

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I am too!  We just sold our home and will live with my in laws for a month or two while finding out next home.  I'm looking forward to buying curriculum when there is no mortgage payment to worry about. :)


We are continuing with some choices in the next level and then revamping some.  I love, love, love planning.  Always have.  It's one of those things where I have to remind myself occasionally to live in the present!

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We're just continuing with math and writing instruction (bumping it up a notch), and probably science, and then very likely unschooling the rest. So yes, I've planned!



GAH! :scared: No unschooling. Rather, interest-led. Ds wants to make sure he hits graduation requirements, though likely in a more creative manner :blink: , and dd says if I unschool her, she won't learn anything. :001_unsure:


Replanning has commenced. <_<

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I have been packing books for our move so I made some selections from stuff already on our shelves. I moved those physically to their own shelves and it was really helpful to see that. I made a time chart of how long I expected to spend each day/week on those things and that really helped me see where I have gaps. It also helped me that for the most part, those gaps are where I need to add fun, individualized stuff!

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Yes I am in planning mode.  Mostly trying to find curriculum that won't involve a lot of planning for next year ;-).  I love planning, but I tend to overplan and I know that won't work with a new baby next year.  At this point I think I am leaning towards sonlight, at least for history, not sure though.


Great reminder about the science kits, I have been a failure at that every year.

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I've started only planning seven weeks at a time with an eighth week set aside for wrapping things up and planning the next seven weeks. We're year rounders, so now there's no big planning involved this late winter/early spring. It's kind of sad - I love to plan, but it's good in that it forces me to focus on NOW and my other hobbies. At one point last year I realized that I never did anything else with my free time but plan! This year I'm working on having my own hobbies (and reading a ton).

I just finished planning the next seven weeks, so I'm good for another couple of months.

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Yes, I also keep winter blahs at bay by planning for next year. This year will be a doozy because my oldest will be 7th grade and I'm trying to envision a transition to a different plane for him. :) On top of that my 7yo will need continued reading practice (something my older two didn't need anymore by 7) and my almost-5yo is reading fluently and is quite bright but with typical poor fine motor skills. :) So I'm probably going to combine the 7 & 5yo a lot and do something more like AO with them. Plus there's a 2yo.


I am only getting an inkling of what all the pieces are and I have no clue how they'll all fit into a week yet, but there's time to noodle that out. :)



Just wondering: what do y'all find makes the next year go smoothly? 


My favorite planning time that has helped is to have all our memory work picked out for the year and the pages in our memory work binder already printed and organized and ready to go. We switch new content and review content each term, and it is always so happy that the next term stack of binder pages is right there, ready to go. I would have never had that ready after Christmas this year. :)  http://www.simplyconvivial.com/2012/memory-work-binders

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I've started only planning seven weeks at a time with an eighth week set aside for wrapping things up and planning the next seven weeks. We're year rounders, so now there's no big planning involved this late winter/early spring. It's kind of sad - I love to plan, but it's good in that it fires me to focus on NOW and my other hobbies. At one point last year I realized that I never did anything else with my free time but plan! This year I'm working on having my own hobbies (and reading a ton).


I just finished planning the next seven weeks, so I'm good for another couple of months.

Sage advice :). I am feeling like a schoolaholic lately. But I think it is just because I am trying to plan high school for the first time.


I think I have my resources chosen now for every subject except an elective. But I haven't made him pick his elective yet!


Now I am thinking about grading and record keeping.

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My favorite planning time that has helped is to have all our memory work picked out for the year and the pages in our memory work binder already printed and organized and ready to go. We switch new content and review content each term, and it is always so happy that the next term stack of binder pages is right there, ready to go. I would have never had that ready after Christmas this year. :)  http://www.simplyconvivial.com/2012/memory-work-binders


This is brilliant!  Memory work is one of the areas I'd really like to improve, and I could do this .... thanks for the link, which I'm following after posting this ...

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Yes, already started, and I have already started filling that "science kit" one of the prior posters mentioned. It's amazing how much freedom it gives you when you know you have six months to pull all that random stuff together. I can actually spend some time looking at thrift stores and garage sales for some of it.  


I am piece mailing a year of American History and I think I have all the books in hand--just have to map it out. It feels good to be ahead there. 


Still need to map out a year of U.S. Geography, but I have a couple good resources in hand.


I still need to fully flush out our science. I have the main text and list of materials for experiments, but I need to decide what other books I will use to supplement and when.


In the meantime, i need to get on board with some things I planned for this year that I did not implement. We just started our artist study last week and I haven't started our composer studies at all. Not that it takes a lot of time--or that I didn't have it mapped out. I just didn't get to it. We just started discussing books for literary elements which I meant to do once a week.  You know what they say about the best laid plans . . . 

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Just wondering: what do y'all find makes the next year go smoothly? 


If I look at the books, read through some of the lesson plans and get a feel for what I need supply-wise, and make a list and buy it before school starts.  =)


I have gotten myself into trouble by assuming we only needed writing utensils for certain curriculum.  Also by delaying buying supplies for art and science.

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DS1 - geometry with AoPS. We started ancient history/lit in January so we will continue with that until finished then move to the next time period. Pretty much the same for the rest- when finished with WWS 1 move to WWS2, vocab w classical roots b to c, mr q bio or physics, continue with Arabic and Latin. That about covers it!


DD - still going to ABA private school and doing great! Working on pre - reading, pre-writing and functional skills at home


DS2- 1st grade - not really sure here. This is the kid that is giving me fits this year. We'll see how much we get through this year and just continue on through.


DS3 - some kind of boxed pre k or k/4 program. This kid is itching for more to do


DS4 - will be 2! He'd probably like to color if he can learn to stop eating everything by the fall!!

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