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Who's going to tackle Monday with Me?

Jean in Newcastle

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up at dawn. process twins and go for a pram walk.


 milk cow


 2 loads of laundry washed hung out dried and partially folded


 one of those days where I am running around tidying in a aimless way that doesn't seem to accomplish much.


Vacuum whole house


double batch of Worcestershire sauce made and bottled


Still toilet training twins - boy  they are slow to catch on. I am thinking it is because they were left in nappies for too many years. in desperation  I have taught them stand up weeing in the grass.


Mulched some more of my flower garden and planted a flat of Cosmos seedlings. pinched some water form the water tank to water the seedlings in and fill the frog pond. It is starting to get very dry.


made leftover roast in gravy with mashed potatoes and vegetables for tea. had rot teeth for desert ( raspberry cheesecake - way too sweet hence the mane DH gave it)


went for a 4 km walk



This evening I will:

continue to make lesson plans for the tern ( part time  teaching Primary School starting on Friday),


hang last load of laundry ( nappies and training pants)


 tidy the kitchen


 and sneak in a few games of candy crush - I think I am addicted to that game.






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Good Morning...


No snow here....just heavy rain so far. 


Today is dh birthday...we celebrated all weekend.  



  • tidy the house
  • make sure everything is put away 
  • work on lesson plans for February
  • play with SG 
  • cook dinner
  • school 

Have a good day everyone! 

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I need to tackle Monday.


  • laundry: finished (2 loads)
  • school: finished
  • buy printer paper, let DS run around at the indoor playground, stop at library: done
  • plan menu: done, through Sunday
  • request library books: done
  • tidy books, etc., in living room: done
  • 5 minutes on the Pile of Doom: done



  • kitty litter: done
  • some kitchen clean-up: improved from Unacceptable to Mildly Embarrassing, and that's all I can do for today if I'm also going to make dinner.
  • make dinner: done (Asian salmon salad & rice).

Whew. Thanks for the thread, Jean!

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Good morning everyone!


Battening down the hatches here for the incoming blizzard!


Candles and lanterns out, everything is charged or charging.


Coolers standing by in case we lose power to put food outside in the all natural freezer. ;)


Off to get bloodowork, stop by CVS and meet a kitten we are likely bringing home.


Need to let the woodstove go out so dh can clean the bottom part of the pipe, it's starting to build up in there.


Septic/plumbing emergency stable for now, thank God


Stay safe fellow New Englanders!

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Good morning

- dishes- done

- tidy house- round 1 done

- try to find dd1 a formal dress for school on Thursday on the cheap- I've posted a plea on facebook

- laundry- not enough for a load

- call school to pick up dd1- done

- call in dh's meds (one needs a new refill)- done

- transfer money- done

- get money, dh's meds, stop at library to pick up holds and return others, drop off money and sinus meds to dh's work- done

- find dd1's Girl Scout stuff- I found it and it was where it belongs :)

- get dd1 from school- done

- dd1 play practice- done

- dd1 Girl Scouts - done

- dinner- done

- baths- done

- bedtime routine

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Yawn!  It started snowing not too long ago and is supposed to snow for the rest of the day and part of tomorrow too.  But there are 10 different forecasts that say 7 different things so who knows how much we'll actually suppose to get.  I wouldn't mind being snowed in tomorrow.  If the public schools get out dh doesn't have to work so that is always nice.


- get school done

- clean out the carseat my youngest will be using from now on

- deep clean kitchen

- quick clean downstairs

- have dh take all the various containers holding trash to the dumpster

- kung fu for ds if snow isn't too bad

- put books on hold at library

- call hospital and give them new insurance information

- read for 1 hour

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Good morning! I picked dd1 up from practice this morning and I am still waiting for my paper :toetap05:  I have to repair the house from being gone this weekend. It never makes sense to me, that if we are super busy, the house gets worse. Even when we are not home.


To do:

school for all

motivated moms

extra picking up

extra laundry

go through mail

pay a few bills

school administration

sports administration (mostly done-dd1 has some college things to do)

dd1 driver's ed this afternoon

PM practice/aikido (errands during practice)


Have a great day, everyone!


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Melissa in Australia - I don't know how you get so much done!  You are amazing!


I wish we were in the path of a big snow storm!  I love snow!  But we are just getting a little slushy rain. (we are no longer in HI - we are near DC now) We may get a couple inches tonight... and it's probably a good thing we don't live a little more north, as we don't have a wood stove here and we would be very cold if the power went out!






furnace guy to check out our system

Restore truck to pick up closet doors - checked calendar - whoops - that's tomorrow

garbage out

post up Hannah's blog


grocery list

go grocery shopping

send valentine package to missionary dd

post up missionary dd's letter to her blog - they had a little snow in Denmark last week!

tidy up





work on dd16's terrible messy room and help her dig out her shoe disaster

order book for ds

one pot baked ziti for dinner


healthy habits

run (or exercise - I am planning to do the 7 min workout after the furnace guy leaves)

water x x x x x x

no sugar day 26

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AP and school nurse are sending dh home to rest and relax! He had a strange headache and went to the nurse. His bp was 122/97 and then 144/91. She said if it had been 100 on bottom, she would have sent him to the hospital. Are they being overly cautious? 


Having his BP taken stresses him a little because of the tightening of the cuff. He has been very stressed at work because they keep piling on paperwork and having time to do it and and have time to actually teach anything. It seems the special education director for the county creates her own paperwork to be done in addition to the state and federal stuff. 





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Amy, I have high blood pressure and your Dh should probably go see the dr. Your blood pressure isn't constant all day long, so if you do get a high reading, plus a headache, you should check it out. 144/91 is technically borderline, but a check up would be a good idea.


Also a home monitor is not very expensive and can mitigate some "white coat" syndrome or identify when the bp is spiking.

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Shower/ready for the day

Drop off some stuff at SIL's 

Attempt to get the truck washed, too long of line though

Return library books

Balance checking account



In process:



Need to do:

Menu plan the week

Gather info for state homeschool conference


clean off counter (is anyone surprised that this is always on my list)

Put corner by desk back in order (moved everything out of the way to move the phoneline)

Fold load of whites

Put load of darks in wash


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Busy day here...everything on my list accomplished. 


Amy, hope you guys figure out your dh blood pressure problems.  Stress is an evil thing and hopefully he can get it under control.


Lizzie and everyone under bad weather conditions...stay safe and hope your power doesn't go out and you're all toasty warm in your homes.  


Have a great evening!


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I took it after he got a nap this afternoon, and it was down to 125/79. I did treat the headache with ibuprofen, so maybe some of it was the pain. We are going to take it daily and see if there are any concerning patterns as well as lay off the caffeine and try to boost potassium/lower salt. I think I've got some magnesium tablets he could take, too. 



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clean kitchen - 80% done

laundry - did about 4 loads

exercise - done

cooking dinner - done

school - done

give ds haircut - done

garbage - done

chiropractor? - didn't happen

get allergy shot for me - maybe when dh comes home.  I just can't handle giving myself shots tonight - they hurt more when you give them to yourself.

have ds make sure he has clothes ready for his job training on Tuesday. - done


Just got back from Starbucks where dd and I had fun with Tess in the Burbs and her dd  :)

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