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Cat toys or I need a chuckle


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I have been sitting on my bed reading through the political cartoons and information from yesterday's shootings in Paris and having a good cry.


Suddenly something dropped on the bed, startling me. My lovely one-year-old girl kitty, Pyxis, had flung her shaving brush up on the bed so I could throw it for her. Yes, she has her own shaving brush (two in fact) that she carries everywhere and that keeps her occupied for hours. She stole all of the guys' brushes until we got her her own clean one and popped the head out of the handle for her. I had a moment of panic during Christmas brunch when she threw the the brush up in the air and it landed in the middle of the champagne glasses and good china.


What weird things do your cats play with? Or what weird habits do they have?


Pyxis's brother, Pavo, loves those stick toys with the long furry boa at the end. He carries the stick everywhere as well only that is less convenient than a shaving brush. You can hear him coming down the hall in the middle of the night as the stick hits the wall.They are a couple of feet long and he sounds like Blind Pew in the Muppet Treasure Island movie. It's disconcerting when he brings it to me in the middle of the night and drags it across my face while I am asleep.


Pavo and Pyxis replaced our beloved curmudgeon, Cowboy Bob, who had an obsession with Beanie Babies. Our kids didn't care for them and so they put those that were given to them as gifts in a big basket for the cat. He would cry and carry them around like a kill. When we were gone for any length of time, there would be a trail of Beanie Babies lined up on the way to the garage door.



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My cat growing up loved to play with my guinea pigs and rabbits. He would chase the small rabbit and most of the piggies but the large rabbit and one of the guinea pigs liked to chase him. Watching a cat run from a rabbit is always funny!


This same cat liked to sleep in doll beds and stuffed animal bins. Silly guy.



On a completely un-cat-related note, if you need a deep, irreverent, tear inducing laugh google the words "farting preacher".

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One of our (now deceased) cats used to just help himself to the boy's toy box.  He was really cute with his front feet on the side of the box and his head looking down in there pondering his options.  He loved farm animals and little green army men.  One time he was wrestling with a large stuffed snake on our stairs.  Another time he came walking into the kitchen carrying one of those small American flags they give out on the 4th of July.


We haven't had another cat like him.  Most of ours prefer playing with the live mice they can catch in the great outdoors.  Another likes regular old (small) balls.  He was a quirky individual who tended to like to sit in my lap when he wasn't playing.  I still miss him (Fric).

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I have been sitting on my bed reading through the political cartoons and information from yesterday's shootings in Paris and having a good cry.


Suddenly something dropped on the bed, startling me. My lovely one-year-old girl kitty, Pyxis, had flung her shaving brush up on the bed so I could throw it for her. Yes, she has her own shaving brush (two in fact) that she carries everywhere and that keeps her occupied for hours. She stole all of the guys' brushes until we got her her own clean one and popped the head out of the handle for her. I had a moment of panic during Christmas brunch when she threw the the brush up in the air and it landed in the middle of the champagne glasses and good china.


What weird things do your cats play with? Or what weird habits do they have?


Pyxis's brother, Pavo, loves those stick toys with the long furry boa at the end. He carries the stick everywhere as well only that is less convenient than a shaving brush. You can hear him coming down the hall in the middle of the night as the stick hits the wall.They are a couple of feet long and he sounds like Blind Pew in the Muppet Treasure Island movie. It's disconcerting when he brings it to me in the middle of the night and drags it across my face while I am asleep.


Pavo and Pyxis replaced our beloved curmudgeon, Cowboy Bob, who had an obsession with Beanie Babies. Our kids didn't care for them and so they put those that were given to them as gifts in a big basket for the cat. He would cry and carry them around like a kill. When we were gone for any length of time, there would be a trail of Beanie Babies lined up on the way to the garage door.


One of our kittens loves my blush brush. I keep meaning to get him one of her own, but I need to find a cheap one, KWIM? The same kitten takes the stick w/the string on it and carries it around by the stick. He gets the stick and string between his legs and runs through the house with them dragging behind him. Again, this same kitten, loves to play with water. He tries to catch a stream of running water, walks around in the bathtub after someone finishes w/a shower and tries to get the water/ice dispenser on the refrigerator to work. Thankfully, he's just a little bit too short to reach it! 


Our cat that died last year used to get a specific stuffed animal out anytime that we were gone overnight. We would find it in his bed when we returned. 

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Mine steals the blush brush out of my makeup drawer, which he opens himself. My kids had a stuffed turkey leg in their toy kitchen he has taken over. And for some reason he opens their workboxes and steals the Ziploc baggie that is full of stamps and an ink pad.

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When we were fostering six kittens in one of our bathrooms for the Humane Society, our older female cat took up mothering a "kitten", which was a kitten sized Curious George stuffie belonging to my little dd.  Gradually the cat stole more and more stuffies which were about kitten sized.  She carried them in her mouth and put them in baskets.  Sometimes she threw them in the air, which I don't think was very maternal.  She slowed down the stuffie mothering after the kittens were gone.


She also chews on the fake Christmas tree.

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When we were fostering six kittens in one of our bathrooms for the Humane Society, our older female cat took up mothering a "kitten", which was a kitten sized Curious George stuffie belonging to my little dd.  Gradually the cat stole more and more stuffies which were about kitten sized.  She carried them in her mouth and put them in baskets.  Sometimes she threw them in the air, which I don't think was very maternal.  She slowed down the stuffie mothering after the kittens were gone.


She also chews on the fake Christmas tree.

Our dog Libby has a bear puppy and a beaver puppy and a manatee puppy and a gorilla puppy.  She had a puppy puppy at one time but her brother Rocky chewed the face off of that one.  She mothers them - licking them all over and carrying them around in her mouth.  But she can be a bit rough on them too.  She's probably telling them to "move, darn it!"  

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Our cat used to hunt for polly pocket clothes in my daughter's closet and carry them around.  (You know, the rubbery ones....)  I mean, you could throw her in the middle of a pile of toys, and she would come out with clothing.  Her newest habit is that she likes to take pony tail holders and drop them in the toilet and then fish them out again.  We have had to keep our lids closed to keep her out.  Now, she takes them to her water fountain and plays with them there.  It is weird.  She doesn't like cat toys much, just doll clothes and hair elastics.

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I had a cat that loved dental floss. You couldn't throw it away in the bathroom trash because he would go in and find it. 


Our dog (not a cat) but still good for a chuckle is obsessed with gloves, mittens and socks. Socks to the point that it is hard to put them on around her. She thinks you are trying to play with her so she frantically tries to lick and grab the sock you are trying to put on your foot. The gloves has been fun the past couple of days with all the snow stuff drying in the basement. About every ten minutes I hear one of the kids yell "Roxy! Drop it!" 

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One of my cats loves those rubbery Polly Pocket clothes.  We find them all over the house and poor Polly Pocket can never find anything to wear. The cat would dig in toy bins looking for the clothes.  Another one of my cats loves pipe cleaners (sometimes called chenilles) and twist ties.  Feathers are also a favorite. Nothing with feathers is safe here!

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