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Are these flu mist side effects or actual flu?

Erica in OR

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The kids and I got flu shots Monday afternoon. One kid opted for the nasal mist version. Thursday evening, the one who got the mist said he had a headache and just didn't feel well. He was up a couple of times last night, just being uncomfortable. He had a 100 to 101 fever this morning, headache, body aches, chills once in awhile. Is this a side effect to the vaccine? I see online that they are typical "mild side effects," but I didn't see how long it typically takes for them to happen after the vaccine is given. Or  is this actual flu that I need to worry about the rest of us catching now? Naturally didn't think to call the doctor until after it was too late.


Erica in OR

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The kids and I got flu shots Monday afternoon. One kid opted for the nasal mist version. Thursday evening, the one who got the mist said he had a headache and just didn't feel well. He was up a couple of times last night, just being uncomfortable. He had a 100 to 101 fever this morning, headache, body aches, chills once in awhile. Is this a side effect to the vaccine? I see online that they are typical "mild side effects," but I didn't see how long it typically takes for them to happen after the vaccine is given. Or  is this actual flu that I need to worry about the rest of us catching now? Naturally didn't think to call the doctor until after it was too late.


Erica in OR


According to the cdc:


What side effects are associated with the nasal spray flu vaccine?

In children, side effects can include runny nose, headache, wheezing, vomiting, muscle aches, and fever. In adults, side effects can include runny nose, headache, sore throat, and cough.


It sounds like he is in the realm of normal reaction, but yes, it can be spread, though highly unlikely.

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The kids and I got flu mist this year, and we each had mild flu-ish symptoms a couple days later. It lasted a day or two. Not pleasant, but not terrible. If the rest of you didn't get the flu mist, then you are all at some risk of catching flu from the flu-mist person. This is because it is possible for the flu-mist vaccinated person to transmit the virus to "unvaccinated" people for a week or so, and you are not protected (by the injectable vaccine) until your body has responded to it (a week or two). For this reason, this year, we had my mom and husband, who were getting the injectable vaccines, get theirs 2 weeks before the kids and I got our flu mists. 


From what I have read, the risk of transmission is low, but we were exceptionally careful as my mom has Alzheimer's, so any illness could be catastrophic due to the dementia, and my husband simply can't afford to get sick due to the nature of his work. So, it's unlikely you'll catch the flu, but within the realm of possible, whether or not the flu-misted person actually has the flu or is just having a mild vaccine reaction.



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My kids had that reaction after the flu mist. I was surprised as the nurse hadn't mentioned any details about having a mild version of the flu for a few days. I think it lasted 3-4 days and was gone. I do think it's been worth it. My kids usually get slammed with the flu each year due to their crappy immune systems but we've been fine so far!

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Last year my dd had the flu mist and developed a fever for 1/2 a day a couple days after she got it. No one else got sick from her. I still think it has a possibility of spreading but that's just my own feeling. Hopefully he recovers quickly and no one else get sick. It's hard to know if that's what it is or if he picked up something else. My guess is it's the flu mist.

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It can be transmited to people who are immune compromised so one should stay at home after receiving flu-mist.

Yep. Two immune compromised individuals in my house and we are to stay away from anyone receiving the flu-mist for at least three days. How exactly we are to know if someone outside the family has the mist is beyond me.

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I've heard that more people than usual are getting a mild flu after the flu vaccine this year, for some reason.  I guess that would just be for the mist;  I think the shot contains a killed virus.


The mist is the only way you can get the flu from the vaccine, but it's still possible to come down with the flu even after receiving the killed vaccine (shot). It takes about 2 weeks to give you full immunity, so if you were exposed before getting the shot you could still get the flu. Usually a person who gets the flu even after getting the vaccine, gets a much milder version.


I'm so glad we got our shots early this year. Sometimes we procrastinate, but this year we didn't. People we know (and are around often) got the flu in October. Several more came down with it in November.

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Thanks, all. Today, he was back to normal, so likely it was side effects from the mist.


I also appreciate the tip on doing a time lag between those of us in the family who get the shots versus any who get the mist. It does add to the complexity of getting the whole family done, but could have a benefit. I saw on the CDC site that it's preferred for those 2 through 8 years old to get the mist, with evidence that it may work better than a regular shot. My son gets it simply because he despises any sort of shot.


I'm not sure how to deal with staying home after receiving a flu mist vaccination. I kept him out of school (he shifted to a small classical school this year while the others still homeschool) when he developed the fever, but should one truly avoid all activities for several days after receiving the mist? Genuinely curious to hear the viewpoint of those who are connected with immune-compromised individuals.


Erica in OR

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I'm not sure how to deal with staying home after receiving a flu mist vaccination. I kept him out of school (he shifted to a small classical school this year while the others still homeschool) when he developed the fever, but should one truly avoid all activities for several days after receiving the mist? Genuinely curious to hear the viewpoint of those who are connected with immune-compromised individuals.


Erica in OR


Curious about this too.  We have the mist most years and have never heard anything about this.  It makes perfect sense to keep someone with a fever or who is actively sneezing/coughing home.  I had to look up the official product info and it says ...


Parents/Guardians should be informed by the healthcare provider that FluMist Quadrivalent is an attenuated live virus vaccine and has the potential for transmission to immunocompromised household contacts.


Curious in a otherwise healthy individual how likely this would spread in passing to someone.  And wouldn't anyone exposed to flu ever be a risk too?  My dd got flu when she was 4, and no one else in the house got it.  I'm sure we were all exposed.  She was sleeping in our bed, but our immune systems must have been on top of it that year. 


The highest risk group for spreading is those who are developing the flu but aren't showing symptoms.  My son had a friend over.  His mom called the next day and said his sister was just dx-ed with the flu.  Son's friend came down with it the next day.  Boy developed symptoms 3 days later.  My dd and I followed the next day.  So regardless, I think you need to be extremely diligent during flu season. 


FTR - we've had the flu 3X at this house.  We've never gotten it the years we got the shot.  Although, I'm worried this year given the vax is not a good match for the strains. 

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