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Child vomiting all day


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My son woke up and vomited last night's dinner. And then he vomited several more times. He refused all food and drink all day and just sat or lay on the couch. He slept for acouple of hours this afternoon. when he woke up he drank about half a cup of water. Ten minutes later I gave him another half a cup of water. He vomited several times a minute later. So he basically has had no food or water since yesterday. All the vomit at this point is clear liquid. I think he would be vomiting more if he had anything left in him. He has no fever. The rest of us are not sick. He might have eaten some unwashed dill or something he found on the ground in the last couple of days.

I am worried. Should I give him a teaspoon of water at a time? Ginger tea? Chamomile? Should I just leave him alone and wait till he gets water? He is 10 but a thin little boy.

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The advice I've always heard is to not give him anything by mouth while he's still vomiting like that (of course, there's never any indication given of how to tell when he's done vomiting if you don't give him anything by mouth), but dehydration is always a concern. If you have any rehydration crystals, I'd mix them with water according to package directions and try to give it to him a teaspoon at a time. If you don't have any and can't get to the store, there are recipes online.


I'd call a doctor, possibly tonight and definitely if he isn't better by morning, and get him in to see one if possible, especially if he can't keep down a teaspoon of rehydrating fluid at a time.


Hugs and prayers headed your way. I know it's hard when your child is sick and you aren't totally sure how best to help.

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This virus just went through our house. The kids vomited for 24 hours straight and slept a lot. Adults and baby fared a bit better. Water was the only thing they wanted, and it took a week for appetites to come back.


Be prepared, the second person didn't get hit until a week after the first, then every day a new person got sick until everyone had gone through it.

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Sounds like the local virus. No fever or low fever. Lots of puking. 24 hours solid. Just give a teaspoon of water at a time if he can keep it down. Know it won't last but a day. And, probably viral based on what I have been seeing. Does not have to have a fever.

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teaspoons of water or get him to suck on ice chips/ice cubes. With a child that age I wouldn't worry about using rehydrating solution unless it continued for longer than 24h. Just plain water or perhaps a sip of ginger ale.

gravol comes in suppository form btw if someone can't keep it down ;)   I think you guys call it dramamine in the US...

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Ds1 had that virus years ago. No fever, just non-stop vomiting. The doc had us take him to the ER as he couldn't hold even a spoonful of liquid down. Turned out he was quite dehydrated from the vomiting. They knew he was in pretty bad shape when they put the IV in and he didn't even flinch. But he was all better once he was rehydrated.


A couple days later ds2 came down with it but not nearly as severely though it did take at least a week before he was well. Then dh and I got it but it went through us pretty quickly.


(((hugs))) I hope your ds is better soon!

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