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Yogurt maker


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Another crockpot user here, too.  I didn't need another "thing" in the kitchen when something I already had does the trick just fine (more than "just fine," actually).  I make a gallon at a time. There's a thread here that talks about getting thick homemade yogurt. 

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I have the same one and am very happy with it.  Just mix, pour, and walk away.



This is the one I was looking at. I like the idea of mix, pour, and walk away. For my mil it would be perfect. 




I've been using a Yogourmet for more than 10 years and I love it. We eat a lot of yogurt so it's nice to make two liters at a time.

I'll look at that one too. Thanks.






I do not own a crock pot, and after reading how to make yogurt in a crock pot I decided I would rather just have a yogurt maker. 

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I use my crockpot to heat the milk and then I pour the cooled milk into the yogurt maker, but I don't like to make the yogurt in the crockpot because then I have to transfer it to another container since I don't want to store the crock full of yogurt in the fridge. Heating the milk in the crockpot takes longer, but I don't have to watch or stir it at all.

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