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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning

- volunteer at Deer Widows sale at dd1's school 9-3 (I'm hoping to find a walk behind toy for dd2 while I'm there).- found Juli's toy and done

- get a pizza for dinner- done

- tidy house- round 1 done

- fold clothes

- have dd1 clean her room- she's done about 1/2 of it

- dishes (won't be many but is rather just get them done)- done

- bedtime routine

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A wild game of Carcassone is scheduled with the DH over coffee. ;)


Drywall going up in our dining room followed by mudding.

Hoping my Costco rewards check comes today as I am planning the kid's Christmas gift lists.

Snow planned for the afternoon so I think we'll settle in then for a movie!

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Good morning!


clean out rented stock trailer and return DONE

take tire off of our trailer and get repaired

put together quick shelter for new calves DONE

unload hay and get it under cover

take trash to front DONE

feed store to pick up chicken waterers and feeders DONE

Tractor Supply to pick up small pig feeder and flannel shirts (got shirts but they still didn't have the small feeders)

Walmart to use gift cards to get hats and gloves

post office

order ds Muckboots with gift card

straighten house DONE

get out flannel sheets and winter comforters

laundry DONE

make menu and thaw meat for the next week

lite school DONE




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Snow expected to start at noon so I need to run errands before then. 17 degrees is bad enough- adding snow just makes me want to be home under a quilt. 


mail packages to family - have to finish boxing and addressing them first

get new phone for dd- she goes back to school tomorrow so it has to be done today

pick up window insulation kit

return library book

make meatloaf for dd to take back for her dinners this week - (her request, I would never request meatloaf!)

clean kitchen and empty fridge. Leftovers have accumulated and whatever is left after foraging for lunch is going in the trash

hand sew binding on quilt

work on this week's math lessons for the kids I tutor


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Wash at least 2 loads laundry TOMORROW

Clean kitchen DONE

Look online for baby shoes, winter boots for DD and me, baby gates DONE



DS1 - tae quan do DONE

DD&DS2 - reading DONE

DD - typing, math DONE


Kid baths TOMORROW

Maybe go to the park? Depending on weather TOO COLD :(

Brunch - pancakes, bacon and eggs DONE

Dinner - meatloaf, cheesy broccoli and mashed potatoes DONE

Bedtime routine DONE

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Happy Saturday everyone!

Errands this morning.  AutoZone to pick up a part, Walmart for gift for a birthday party this afternoon, Michaels for yarn to finish a project and went a little overboard becuase there was a yarn SALE!  Came home to realize I had forgotten rabbit food and ran back out.

Now trying to relax a few minutes before birthday party I'd rather not go to now.


Really hoping to just hang out with my girls and knit when we get home.


Leftovers for supper, have a meatloaf, turkey soup and a Reuben casserole.


Woodstove up and running, so wondeful to be warm and toasty!

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Booyah!  i got all the trash in this house emptied and taken out and liners replaced.  

And I got the kitchen all cleaned.

All before 11 am.  (normal human care and pet care were also taken care of as usual)


This is huge for me - to be able to follow a simple task like that all the way through to the end and not be in pain the entire time.  I'm going to rest a bit now.  But I'm on fire!  

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OK  - 

went to the grocery store for the first time.

made dinner for dh

picked dd up from the Y

got dh off to work

did not much of anything for a few hours - except I did go through half of the refrigerator 

went on errands again - all in search of compost bags.  Most of the time I love being in a small town but sometimes, grrrr!  Drug store - out of bags.   Got a rain check but this doesn't help me for right now.  Went to grocery store again.  They don't carry them.  Went to only other store in the town that carries bags - phew!  They carry them!  

dropped dd off at volunteering gig #2

Ds has taken out his garbage and swiffered his floor

Dealt with compost


Next:  clean kitchen again.  and continue to go through the refrigerator

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Completed everything on my list except math prep and that's ok since I don't tutor until Tuesday.  Snow started much later than expected but that's ok- I'm snuggled under my newly finished quilt and we're watching our favorite college team play. 


Rewarding myself with a handful of Hershey's kisses. 

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Good morning!


clean out rented stock trailer and return DONE

take tire off of our trailer and get repaired

put together quick shelter for new calves DONE

unload hay and get it under cover

take trash to front DONE

feed store to pick up chicken waterers and feeders DONE

Tractor Supply to pick up small pig feeder and flannel shirts (got shirts but they still didn't have the small feeders)

Walmart to use gift cards to get hats and gloves

post office

order ds Muckboots with gift card

straighten house DONE

get out flannel sheets and winter comforters

laundry DONE

make menu and thaw meat for the next week

lite school DONE



I got some things done, but there is still a lot left.  Mil and fil came by this afternoon to visit and stayed for several hours.  They helped us non-stop the last three years with Hannah having cancer and then Steven having cancer.  At times, mil lived with us and fil would come over every day.  Now that Steven's gone and Hannah's off treatment, they don't have anything to do and so they are very lonely.  Mil comes over once a week or so and fil comes over every other week.  Things that didn't get done will move to Sunday and Monday.

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