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Last Hobbit movie around the corner; a question about watching order.


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Without seeing the last Hobbit movie, it's hard to say for sure.   I think so far The Hobbit is seeming less intense than LOTR, but The Five Armies could completely change that.


There was something wonderful about knowing LOTR inside and out, and then settling in to watch the first hobbit movie and seeing our beloved Frodo in the Shire.   


I can't decide one way or the other. 

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My suggestion is to watch LOTR first and throw The Hobbit into the trash can as forcefully as you can, then set the can on fire.



(If you must though, watch LOTR first. If The Hobbit is too unbearable, at least you won't have soured the whole experience.)



(Sorry if you liked The Hobbit. As you can likely tell, I am a huge Tolkien fan who is sorely disappointed, after loving the LOTR films.)

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Haha! Yes, I understand where you're coming from. If I didn't have such a crush on Martin Freeman...


Anyway, my initial thought was to do LOTR first. I think the magic of seeing Galadriel, especially, would be lost by seeing her first in Rivendell (as we do in the hobbit films). Also, now that I am thinking on it more, the conversations between Galadriel, Gandalf and Elrond that occur in the hobbit film would likely be harder to comprehend without knowing the LOTR first.


I know they made changes from the book to the films. In the LOTR, the only change that truly bothered me was what they did to Faramir (I believe he was MUCH nobler and firm of character in the book). I was willing to go with the other changes.


The Hobbit does bother me, though. All the extra elf drama. The implied romance between Kili and the gal from Lost (well, the fact that she's even in there to begin with!). Above all, I have been disappointed by the recycled music and phrases ("Run, you fools!" is great the first time but suffers with repetition).


But still, Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage, and the new guy on board to play Bard... These guys keep me looking forward to the Battle of Five Armies!

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Do you think it would be better to watch the three LOTR movies first, or the three Hobbit films?


I have a child who is finally old enough to see them. We've read both books. How would you do it?


The Hobbit happens before LOTR and sets the foundation for Middle Earth and all that. If you haven't seen the Hobbit, LOTR will make less sense.


FTR, I have read LOTR over 20 times. I cannot bear the movies. :-(


The Hobbit movies don't bother me. My only expectation for them was that Bilbo would find the Ring, bring it home, and hide it. As long as that happens, I don't mind all the extras. They *could* have happened. :-)

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The LOTR trilogy are my all-time favorite movies. I haven't enjoyed the Hobbit movies nearly as much. Dh read The Hobbit with each child before they watched LOTR, so I think you're fine to begin with LOTR. I have the extended blu-ray editions of LOTR, and I love to watch them. I don't know that I'll be purchasing the other movies. 

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I'd watch them in the order written. I'd do it just for the payoff of Bilbo's story in LOTR. The scenes where he canNOT give up the ring. The scene where he snarls at Gandalf. The scenes where Gandalf calls him old friend. The scenes where he's having his birthday and disappears. The scenes where he stays with the elves. The scenes where he finally sails away. They did NOT have the same impact on me as a person who hasn't read the books (I've tried and usually love fantasy, but just don't love these. I'm so sorry. Shame on me). But after watching some of the hobbit, I can't wait to rewatch the LOTRs and let those scenes touch my heart.


When you know Bilbo as a beloved character and then see him again old and thin like butter stretched too thin on toast and see what the ring has done to him and watch Gandalf so concerned about his old friend, it is much more meaningful. To me, those scenes alone scream for context and background. Without it, the movie loses a richness.


So, Hobbit first. LOTR second.

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Usually I am in the camp that more Middle Earth is always a good thing.  There are some things in the Hobbit movies so far that I loved, but more that I just thought ridiculous.  That having been said, I still have a compulsion to watch them through to the last one.

The LOTR movies are sublime, even though what they did to Faramir was awful and making Gimli comic relief kind of pissed me off.  I own, love and watch the blu ray extended editions at least once a year.  Sometimes I just like them on in the background for the soundtrack and the familiarity.

If you wanted to get technical, the Hobbit clearly comes first, but I just don't love it enough to care.


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