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The Man Cold has hit our home


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The day before we are to leave for an all day hike in the mountains... DS gets a man cold and yes, he is actually acting like a man with this cold this time. When they hit puberty, the hormones must automatically change how they react to sniffles.


Not sure if we will hike tomorrow. He is actually running a low grade fever of 100. All my hiking in the leaves dreams...sigh

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:svengo: Here have some <virtual chocolate>. I was in your shoes only a few weeks ago. I am now currently suffering with a woman cold (you know,the one where we are sicker, but still cooking, cleaning and child rearing :laugh: ).


That is horrible! I hope you feel better soon! 

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Funny I have the opposite DH. When he's sick he denies it and calls it allergies, spreads around the infection, then we all get sick for a week while DH is better in a day! So annoying that I recover so much slower.


hahaha DH will do that sometimes. I think it depends on if he NEEDS to work. If he can't afford to stay home and have a man cold he pushes through..if he has plenty of sick days he milks it for all it's worth!

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I made the mistake of using this term in reference to my resident man yesterday. I had forgotten that men do not *know* what a Man Cold is and he was curious about the term. What was I to say? The term fits here, no question. But I think he figured out the gist without an explanation from me.

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My boys would get man colds... my hubby does not.  He'll work through his "non-colds."  I'm not sure how the genetics work to have that happen.


We've both had ours for the season - well, he's finishing his.  Hopefully that will give us immunity for another year.  I have to admit guilt that I usually bring the bugs in via school.


The trash cans are a great idea!  I gave everyone their personal tissue box to carry around with them to help keep shirt sleeves and hands clean.  One would think I'd have been smart enough to include a trash can or bag.  Hindsight!

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Come on, guys. If a man gets a bad cold, he's got a "man cold", and is a big baby, whiny, etc. If his cold isn't so bad, then he's willfully spreading it around to other people so he can recover quickly and go about his merry way. Seems a little bit of gratuitous man hating.

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Come on, guys. If a man gets a bad cold, he's got a "man cold", and is a big baby, whiny, etc. If his cold isn't so bad, then he's willfully spreading it around to other people so he can recover quickly and go about his merry way. Seems a little bit of gratuitous man hating.


Not man hating, man JESTING! Just like men can use the good ole "ohhh it must be THAT time of month for you! Chocolate?!" phrase. All in jest!

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Not man hating, man JESTING! Just like men can use the good ole "ohhh it must be THAT time of month for you! Chocolate?!" phrase. All in jest!


Fair enough! Although I've yet to meet a woman who gets a smile on her face at the "time of the month" barb. ;)


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