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Am I Doing Too Much?


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Please take a look at my curriculum for 2nd and 4th grade. I'm trying to fit it all in but I feel like I could combine somewhere or whittle it down somehow. It seems like I am doing more than I need to, but maybe not?


4th Grade:


Reading: CLE alternated with Memoria Press Lit Guides (this year it is Lassie, Heidi, and The Lion/Witch/Wardrobe). I'm doing this because I feel like she needs classic literature in addition to the CLE reading comprehension and CLE is only 1 semester in 4th grade, giving me time to rotate in the Lit guides.

Math: CLE

Composition Writing: Meaningful Composition (since this version of CLE LA doesn't include writing).


2nd Grade:


Reading: CLE

Math: CLE


Both Together:

History: My Fathers World Adventures in U.S. History. We are only using MFW for the history portion

Science: BJU distance learning DVDs - I love this science. I don't want to give it up.

Latin: Getting Started with Latin

Classical Conversations: Doing this mainly for the community, memory work, and oral presentations

Community Bible Study


After talking with some of the other parents at CC, it seems that they are only adding math and language arts to CC, but I just feel like my kids need more background content than just the memorization that they do at CC. Maybe not? I don't know, it just feels like our days are so full and we might soon burn out, but I don't want to miss anything important and I love all of our curricula. We are specifically having a hard time getting to GSWL and the Memoria Press Lit guides, but they are such good materials that I hate to miss out. Am I doing too much or does this seem about right?


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I'm not familiar enough with CLE to comment on if its too much or if it can be whittled down/combined.


But I am familiar with CC, and doing it without any fleshing out at home would not be enough for me or my kiddos. Honestly its what keeps me out of the program (besides the $$). I'd either be doing it on top of basically a full homeschool schedule (and I'd feel personally that it should relate, adding a whole 'nother level of headache) or making my kids do all that memory work as their sole exposure to science/history.


So I guess my advice would be to drop CC?

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It doesn't seem like crazy much to me and you don't seem to have duplicated stuff. How are the kids? Are they happy with the workload? Sometimes if a parent feels like it's hard to fit it in, it's more about the pace they're trying to keep and not as much about the curricula per se. We never did a literature program, we just read great literature and discuss it, so if something has to go, it does seem to me that the Memoria guides should be the thing. You can still read the books as evening read alouds.

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Does the Bible Study take you out of the house another time a week? Do the kids have other extra curricular activities. Everyone is different in the amount of time they can handle outside of the home. The year we did a morning Bible Study that had a homeschool program and a morning co-op was too much for me. I needed a certain amount of days that were "at home" days. I think we also had gymnastics, soccer, cub scouts and piano going on, too.

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I don't think you're doing too much.

We use the Catholic version of CC (Classically Catholic Memory - from what I understand, although we've never used the protestant CC, it is similar). I can't imagine using it as the sole science, religion, or history instruction for past kindergarten - even with my kindergartner we build off the memory lessons with living books in these content areas, though. 

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CC is really our only option for friends/socialization right now, because our only other co-op option meets on a day we are not available. Right now we are simply listening to the memory work CD in the car rather than doing extra work at home. I'm hoping that it grows on us. I must say it is tempting to just not do any other history or latin on top of CC but I'm afraid CC alone is not enough. My kids are enjoying the classroom environment for now.


I may just give up the lit guides and read the books but the lit guides give vocabulary and copywork practice. I think this would be easier for me if I would take the time to read the whole novel before giving it to my daughter to read. We are slowing down because I need to take the time to read the chapter with her so we can discuss it.


I suppose I am wondering if somehow the reading comprehension, history, and composition writing can be combined and still be thorough. Or maybe I could do a loop schedule.


If my schedule seems normal, then I probably just need to stick with it. I honestly was just surprised that some of the other CC parents don't do all that. 

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Does the Bible Study take you out of the house another time a week? Do the kids have other extra curricular activities. Everyone is different in the amount of time they can handle outside of the home. The year we did a morning Bible Study that had a homeschool program and a morning co-op was too much for me. I needed a certain amount of days that were "at home" days. I think we also had gymnastics, soccer, cub scouts and piano going on, too.


Yes, this is us! Community Bible Study is one morning a week, CC is one morning a week, and we have 2 other afternoons for extracurricular lessons (and I think they are important too). Therefore, we are out of the house for several hours a day M-Th. So did you drop the Bible Study? I hate to do that, as it feeds my soul and theirs too, but maybe we could do a less intensive Bible study at home or use the Bible portion of MFW.

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I started out with the lit guide for Heidi for my dd. I found that because of the gigantic size of the dictionary required to find the words in the guide, it took her FOREVER to look up words. I also found that I HAVE to read the book. What I've done to simplify is to (after making sure she can look up words at an age-appropriate level in the dictionary) is to ditch the guide, use Wordly Wise for vocab, and just discuss/narrate the book. My dd doesn't like to write, and so she wasn't filling out the stuff anyway. And sometimes she'll get carried away and read a few chapters, and then all the worksheets are torture. I never had her do them, but we skipped so much that I felt like why bother.

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Yes, this is us! Community Bible Study is one morning a week, CC is one morning a week, and we have 2 other afternoons for extracurricular lessons (and I think they are important too). Therefore, we are out of the house for several hours a day M-Th. So did you drop the Bible Study? I hate to do that, as it feeds my soul and theirs too, but maybe we could do a less intensive Bible study at home or use the Bible portion of MFW.


We have a similar schedule (though with completely different activities). It's one of the many reasons we also school on Saturday. It works better for us when I stack activities together so that a day can just be completely shot and other days can be completely home.

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Yes I dropped the Bible Study. For our family that one was the one that made the most sense to drop for a number of reasons.


I don't think you are doing much academically. But, for you and your family, you may be doing too much other stuff. We all differ in how much we can do and not get frazzled. I'd cut all that out before I cut the reasonable amount of academics you are doing.

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I'm not sure that I would combine that age gap in literature and composition, unless your 2nd grader is very advanced, or your 4th grader needs remedial work. 


We don't actually combine literature and composition. We use CLE 4 for the 4th grader and CLE 2 for the 2nd grader for reading comprehension and I'm only doing the Lit guides and composition curriculum for the 4th grader. Or do you mean you wouldn't look for a way to combine them? I suppose I thought maybe something in our history or other read alouds might suffice for the literature component for the 4th grader, but it sounds like I am not doing too much and maybe just need to rework our schedule for the activities we do out of the house so I'm not feeling so rushed each day.

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I started out with the lit guide for Heidi for my dd. I found that because of the gigantic size of the dictionary required to find the words in the guide, it took her FOREVER to look up words. I also found that I HAVE to read the book. What I've done to simplify is to (after making sure she can look up words at an age-appropriate level in the dictionary) is to ditch the guide, use Wordly Wise for vocab, and just discuss/narrate the book. My dd doesn't like to write, and so she wasn't filling out the stuff anyway. And sometimes she'll get carried away and read a few chapters, and then all the worksheets are torture. I never had her do them, but we skipped so much that I felt like why bother.


My daughter was having a hard time with looking up the words too until I bought her an elementary dictionary. I think going from my "adult" dictionary to a child's one made it much easier for her. I like your idea though. It would probably be easier to do it that way.

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My daughter was having a hard time with looking up the words too until I bought her an elementary dictionary. I think going from my "adult" dictionary to a child's one made it much easier for her. I like your idea though. It would probably be easier to do it that way.

I found that the words were too "big" and archaic to be in an elementary dictionary. Perhaps it was the dictionary I chose.
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You have quite a few things going on outside home. They seem reasonable to me at these ages, but you can't plan school work for home like you will be there all the time.


I would drop the things give you the most trouble. You still have a full schedule without them. I don't think I would try to do both CC and Latin with this age anyway. You could also drop the lit guides, but still read and discuss the books. Also feel free to slow the pace as necessary, especially for science/history. You don't have to do everything every day.

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I think the total subject list looks totally appropriate...the question, I think, is what to do when time gets tight.  Our subject list is similar, but with 9 kids and 6 in school, we simply don't get to it all.  Those other CC parents who only add math and LA may be in a situation like this where they simply can't add any more.


When we can't do everything we planned in a week, the priority list becomes:


1. Bible

2. Math, writing, and reading

3. Grammar

4. Latin

5. History

6. Science

7. Everything else


If we never get past #2, then so be it.  We choose to prioritize a healthy family (sleeping enough) and a vibrant marriage (date nights weekly) over getting everything possible done.

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I would encourage you to enjoy these years that your dc are little, keeping in mind that homeschooling is a marathon, not a sprint. If you are feeling overwhelmed, drop some things. However, if your family is comfortable with the schedule, then don't worry about what other cc families or wtm families are doing.

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I'm trying to fit it all in but I feel like I could combine somewhere or whittle it down somehow. It seems like I am doing more than I need to, but maybe not?


We are specifically having a hard time getting to GSWL and the Memoria Press Lit guides, but they are such good materials that I hate to miss out. Am I doing too much or does this seem about right?


You really don't need to add GSWL at 4th/2nd grades. Wait until they are a little older. GSWL is worth waiting for. You'll get it done & then say, "What next?" And there are a ton of choices & it is better if your kids are a little older when you get to that point.


You said you wanted to include some more classic lit. I would drop the Lit Guides (for a variety of reasons) and instead add 15-30 minutes reading aloud good literature (and rotate in some poetry) to your kids every day instead. 


With so many hours outside the house, something will have to be cut somewhere. If there is anything else you aren't getting to that you really want to, put it in a loop schedule.

I had to do that this year and I have a 30 minute block four times per week that I call "enrichment" where I loop through five things. They see them roughly once per week - which is better than never.

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How is the schedule working for you? How long have you been doing this list?


Honestly, I am tired. We did a similar schedule last year (our first year homeschooling) but without the lit guides and without CC. That extra day of CC and the tiny amount of pressure I'm feeling from it are probably making me a little stressed. The Latin in particular is stressing me out. GSWL is so easy and makes so much sense, but the CC latin just feels so random. I think I will just give up the GSWL and go with the CC Latin for now and take the advice here and drop the lit guides. I'll see if that little bit helps.

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Honestly, I am tired. We did a similar schedule last year (our first year homeschooling) but without the lit guides and without CC. That extra day of CC and the tiny amount of pressure I'm feeling from it are probably making me a little stressed. The Latin in particular is stressing me out. GSWL is so easy and makes so much sense, but the CC latin just feels so random. I think I will just give up the GSWL and go with the CC Latin for now and take the advice here and drop the lit guides. I'll see if that little bit helps.


Ok, ^^^ that tells me that you need to drop something. For *me*, that would be the mornings out. I'd be looking for a Bible study for myself in the evening. For *you*, I'm thinking it would be the CC (but consider the Bible study, as well).


Also, unless you have reason to believe your older dd has some issues with reading comprehension, I'd drop CLE and just do the literature guides.

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The CC Latin is grammar chants, mostly. So, it will seem really random to you until you understand where they are going. Perhaps YOU can do GSWL during your "free time."


CC memorization seems kinda random anyway to some kids. Those kids need the extra history & science programs that many CCers don't do.


If you want CC for the community, then don't stress over the memorization.


And I'll echo MolleenCarie in another way -- 4th grade & 2nd grade are still YOUNG. You don't need to cram everything in now, although I'm sure you think you do. Take some time to have FUN.

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How much time is your work taking you?  I'd expect about 3-4 hours of "work" a day for a 4th grader (including read alouds).  Can you fit in that much "work" when you are doing these other things?  Can you count the time at CC as some of that "work" time?  I understand your struggle - I have a lot of things I like and that we enjoy, but when we are out of the house often it is hard to actually make measurable progress in the curricula we are using.


This year we are home in the mornings quite consistently and this helps a lot.  I am finding that as the kids are getting just that little bit older (my oldest is in 3rd), it is nice to guard our mornings at home to accomplish our regular "work".  







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I would definitely burn out with that schedule for sure.  YOu only need CC, the 3R's and your own home Bible stuff (which at those ages can just be reading from the Golden Children's Bible)


I would add Story of the World to fill out the CC memory work....


SO I guess you could keep the Science but no quzzies or written work or labs .Just videos and book reading.  That would actually be just fine and not overwhelming.


YOu are definitely doing WAY too much.

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I don't think the things you are doing are too much, but it might be the way you are scheduling them.  I would drop CC if it were me, but I find it is expensive, takes me out of the house too much, doesn't fit in a four year rotation, and doesn't offer enough not to supplement.  If you really want to keep it, perhaps MFW with it is a little too intense.  There is a blog, called Creekside Learning, that has lesson plans that go with CC, for example.  You could take the topic you are learning in CC and do supplemental reading 2x a week with topics that correlate or a special project.  You don't have to do a full curriculum to supplement.  Use CC as your spine and supplement.  Just one idea.


How often are you doing everything?  Content subjects don't have to be done every day.  Sometimes, I even skip a subject for a few days that isn't a content subject if we're having a hectic day.  Science can be 2x a week.  History - 2x plus CC.  


The other thing I would personally drop is the reading.  I would just have classic literature that correlates to the history we are studying available for reading each week.  I wouldn't bother with the comprehension guides.  BUT I have a natural reader.  You seem to have some very good reasons for it.


You could drop Latin if you really feel it's too much this year and do it next year when you don't have all the reading you are doing.  But that is a personal decision.


I don't think you are doing too much, but perhaps, you are over scheduling it all.  I think you have some outside activities weighing on you.  You feel it's a lot, so I would recommend you re-evaluate and decide what works best for your family and schedule.

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  • 1 month later...

It doesn't seem like you're doing too much. We're in CC and we supplement with an entire box-set curriculum the charter school assigned to us. I've been thinking about adding MFW Adventures in Jan after my son turns 7; we thought he might be more ready for it then and MFW offers free shipping between Nov - March :)

We've also looked into the BJU distance learning quite a bit and have thought about adding some of those courses as well. I'll have to check out the science!

We just started Pat Knepley art classes today and the kids are highly motivated so I'm going to continue with that as well.

We also do Sing Song Latin when we can fit it in. So, no, I don't think you're doing too much. Just keep an eye on how you and your kiddos are doing stress wise, and cut back when you think necessary. I would think as long as you're nurturing them spiritually and expanding their minds, you can't go wrong with whatever and how much curriculum you're using  ;)

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