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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Breakfast. Done

Dishes. Done

Large bread dough batch. Done

Morning school subjects. Done

General tidy in main living areas


Balance Checkbook/update budget

Pay bills

History. Done

Prepare lesson for science group on Thursday

Make dinner

Prepare for crockpot dinner next day

Clean out brooder box

Clean kitchen

Call Grandma

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I woke up 17 minutes before dh's alarm went off. I was so sure it was still the middle of the night because of the light level (or lack thereof). Don't you just hate when that happens?


Up ahead:

--my portion of school w dd (history, chem, APHG, math)

--exercise while she's in Arabic class

--bake baguettes

--call dr for dd19's epipen prescription

--write rubric for history papers

--homework for Saturday (have to read a book)

--emails left from yesterday

--discussion questions for APHG group tomorrow (the kids meet on public school holidays)

--dd ballet 6-8


Fingers are crossed for a day of smooth transitions before and after Arabic!

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Good Morning...


The rain is coming and it's cloudy and dark outside.   I don't have class with ds until 1 today so I'm snuggled up in bed reading this morning.


The list:

vacuum first floor and tidy 

school 1-4 today

laundry--2 small loads

read book for October lit assignment

make a big salad for dinner to go with pasta and meatballs

talk to babies on Skype today


Have a good day everyone...off for more coffee! 


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Creekland--hope things settle down for you and you can get the nap in!




breakfast for everyone and lunch for dh

dropped off dd 


To Do:


pick dd up from school


more school

drop off dd at library

tidy house

find some resources for tutoring sessions

pick up dd


play some family games


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Good morning! It is a regular sort of day here. It is still summer-like here, we are supposed to be in the upper 80s here. The kids are up and working.


To do:

oversee school

pick up dd1 from class

oversee chores


work some in the basement

work in study

quilt a bit, if time

clean kitchen before we leave

pm practice/aikido

leftovers for dinner


Have a great day!

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Good morning everyone!


Morning chores all done


Kitchen was a disaster this morning, everyone is cooking, no one is cleaning and bacon grease was everywhere!


Middle of the night, hour long panic attack to take care of with oldest, no idea what time it happened.  Coffee is good.


School with youngest, we are really enjoying TTC US History (not the HS one)  The BJU textbook is terrible so we switched to supplementing with K12 and TTC.  She likes the BJU because she likes tests and quizzes but she is learning nothing with it.


Take the boyfriend home on the way to class


Outside Logic class with youngest and stop by to see Mom on the way home.


Grill steaks for supper


Continue knitting Christmas presents and coaching youngest on her new circular knitting skills while we watch something on Netflix tonight

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Sweep/Mop downstairs DONE

Dishes DONE




Drink more water!!!

Make more vegetable soup for our diet

Squats DONE




Dd1-math, spelling, writing, history, memory work DONE

Dd2-math, handwriting, phonics, reading DONE

Dd3-pre writing, memory work


Extra curricular-

Dd3-gymnastics DONE


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Lunch is done, and school is happening as I type this. 


One thing to add to my list: Talk dh into a stay in the mountains the first weekend of his fall break.


I've found an affordable location that is rather unique. It's a permanently stationed 5th wheel camper with covered roof and nice deck. The resort has soon good amenities as well.  Wish me luck!







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Located phone.

Called insurance - I am so grateful that every single person I've talked to on our insurance and their insurance has been kind and professional.  They've paid everything I asked for and even more.  


I'm also grateful that my pain levels (only peripherally connected with the car accident) are going down with daily treatment.  I'm going to have to do my PT exercises religiously but then I was supposed to be doing those anyway. ;)

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Well all we've managed to do today from my list is go to the park. We were there for 2 hours and all had a great time. But I'm quite worn out now so I don't think we'll be doing any schoolwork, which is fine by me since they are still so young and quite advanced.  Youngest is napping, other two are relaxing with some shows,  and I think I'll be napping as well.  

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One thing to add to my list: Talk dh into a stay in the mountains the first weekend of his fall break.


I've found an affordable location that is rather unique. It's a permanently stationed 5th wheel camper with covered roof and nice deck. The resort has soon good amenities as well.  Wish me luck!


Good luck!  It sounds terrific - you wouldn't have to do anything at all to convince me.  Hopefully your dh feels the same way.


I scrapped my list right after critter chores.  I showered and went to go let the vampires pull blood for tests that were suggested, then came home, we fixed sandwiches for lunch, then I took a nap.


Now I'm watching ponies eat while hubby is mowing the lawn (should be my job).  The guy is a saint.


The dust bunnies will get to live another day (or week if I opt to go into school the next couple of days) and the cat is working on his 20 hours of sleep so didn't even notice his servant had left for a bit.  He probably thought I'd finally come to my senses with the nap bit.


Still have to contemplate the supper bit, but it's easier with no kids to feed.  I miss the kids though.  (sigh)

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