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Exercise Thread ~ 9/7 - 9/13


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I'm still babying my hamstring, so today I did a upperbody kettlebell workout. I warmed up with 10x10 kettlebell swings (I kept it light), then  it was a ladder workout going 1 to 5, starting on the right side I did 1 push-up, 1 pull-up, 1 clean and press, 1 one arm row, then 5 one arm swings, then did the same routine on the left side.  It was a nice little workout.  I followed it up with a 30 minute Kundalini core practice.  Then this afternoon I did the most amazing Hatha yoga practice for my IT band.  It was by Jason Crandel on YogaGlo.  My legs feel so happy.  I plan on doing yoga (avoiding the hamstrings) and upperbody work all week.  It my hamstring isn't sore next week I may try a short run.  


I've been really bummed about my hamstring.  This injury has blown multiple goals.  I had planned a fall half marathon, which is now out.  I had hoped to reach 1,000 miles of running by the end of the year, which now will not happen, and if the half went well I was going to consider a full marathon for next year (I'll be 45), but now it's looking like my body can not handle the high milage.  


I let myself mope for a few days, but now I'm trying to work on new goals, ones that don't involve my legs.  I'm going to work on upperbody and overall strength, adding more kettlebell as my hamstring improves.  I want to get back to my handstand practice and improve my core.  I'm trying to stay upbeat, but it's hard.  I know you guys understand, which is why I'm whining here.  :)  

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Negin~I needed to laugh and roll my eyes  :laugh:

Kim, I'm really sorry about your hamstring.  When my mileage goes too high my SI joints scream to let me know.  I hope it heals up quickly!


Yesterday was a rest day.  I went running this morning.  This week starts one of our co-ops and I have a million thing sto do for my dad.  Looking at the schedule something is going to have to give...exercise, cooking, cleaning....hmmm,I hope I don't default to skipping the exercise.

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I'm trying to stay upbeat, but it's hard.  I know you guys understand, which is why I'm whining here.


:grouphug: :grouphug:


Looking at the schedule something is going to have to give...exercise, cooking, cleaning.



I vote cleaning.  Give up some of the cleaning.   An hour/90 min of cleaning missed here and there isn't going to be the thing that prevents you from being featured on Better Homes and Gardens.



WO, stretch, roll. 

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Jackie Warner: Crunch Free X-treme Abs



Negin~I needed to laugh and roll my eyes  :laugh:


Looking at the schedule something is going to have to give...exercise, cooking, cleaning....hmmm,I hope I don't default to skipping the exercise.

Laugh any time :D! 


I agree with Snickerdoodle. I would cut back on the cleaning, until, of course, it becomes unmanageable. Cleaning often counts as exercise. You're moving. I just think that the home doesn't have to be perfect, but then again, I don't like it to be gross either. Cooking can be a giant pain also when it comes to how much time it all takes. I'm very slow with regards to food prep. Cooking always takes me much longer than the recipes claim. I must have some problem or something  :huh:. Sometimes I let that one go and we order pizza, or get gyros or whatever. It's really hard to maintain a balance. I often wish that I could clone myself and get everything done. 

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Hey everyone!


I did 45 mins of Tracy Anderson yesterday and today. I am supposed to do 60 mins, but things have been like that these past couple days.  DS1 started public high school and we are all adjusting. The good thing is that I only have ds2 around to teach during the day. I know I can get 60 mins in, if I just get a little bit better at managing my schedule.  Well, some days. I have a few days that I flat out know are just unworkable for exercise.



Kim, you are not complaining. Getting injured is a big disappointment. Feel free to whine a bit, we will understand. And sometimes if you have a space to whine to sympathetic ears, it makes it a little bit easier to maintain a positive mindset the rest of the time.


And I always vote less cleaning. We spend so much time taking care of everyone else, but it really is important to get a bit of time where you can focus on what you need. I will take exercise and a slightly more dirty floor any day. In years to come, you will have time to do both, but the time you spend on exercise now, will pay off much more in the long run.

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Monday- martial arts

Tuesday- 3 mile run

Wednesday- supposed to be a rest day with a core workout from fitness blender, but if I can squeeze in a martial arts class I will.


Amen to all of you that mentioned crazy schedules! School and co-op starting is always a jolt and throw in my 18 yo dd's broken jaw with all her extra doctor visits.... Argh. I have definitely let the cleaning slide. I am in re-group mode- and purge the house and family life of anything extraneous mode.

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  Looking at the schedule something is going to have to give...exercise, cooking, cleaning....hmmm,I hope I don't default to skipping the exercise.


This is why I've started getting up at 5. I have never ever in my life gotten up that early unless I had to be somewhere. I get up at 5 so I have extra time in the morning for working out, getting ready, and getting a bit of cleaning/laundry done.  I still don't get everything done. 



Easy yoga day. 

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60 minute vinyasa flow with a core focus.  


I've decided I'm going to do a fall cleanse, Ayurvadic style.  That means a diet mostly of kitchari (mung beans, rice, veggies) along with some fresh fruit, nuts, and oatmeal (for breakfast).  It means cutting out coffee (this may kill me) and wine, as well as sweets and lots of other stuff.  I've been wanting to do this and this week, starting Friday, is the best time for me.  This up coming week my schedule is slightly less crazy, plus I can't run (no worry about unsheduled potty stops!).  I'm doing it vegan, using coconut oil instead of Ghee.  I'm skipping some parts of the Ayurvadic cleanse and modifying others.  


I've never done this before, so I'm a bit apprehensive.  The original goal is 7 days, but I'll let myself bail out at 5 if it's not going well.


I want to see how I do when I get rid of all those foods (no wheat gluten, no dairy, no meat), and I want to see if I can reset my terrible gut.  My stomach has always had issues, and they seem to be worse, so I thought maybe this would help.  


Anyone here do this?  Negin?  I thought maybe you would have. :)  I was going to make a new post on the board, maybe I still will, but since I was so unsure of myself I didn't know if I wanted to. :)

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This is why I've started getting up at 5.



That's a kind of crazy I just can't handle.  But if I did, it would solve a lot of my problems.  :tongue_smilie:


I'm having a hard time now that we are back into the swing of things.    What I need to do is get WO done first...but it's so hard... I just want a cup of coffee...then I get hungry....I can't WO with a full belly so I wait till later...by later my mental state is deteriorated.....LOL




I *did* do my WO today.   At 4pm.   It was rough, but I did it.   :001_unsure:


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I did Ashley turner yoga today and Monday.  I was completely thrown off yesterday and feel like I did well to walk up my hill twice.  (and wandering around a mall for "therapy".)


for walking

Monday I was around 7500

Tuesday I was also over 7500

today - I've walked up that hill twice, and plan on doing one more time for good measure.

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this may be exercise specific, or not.   I've been really irritable the last couple days.  easily set off.  I don't know if it's the reaction to this new yoga practice, or just coincidence.  what makes me wonder is she was talking about how hips are the largest joint, etc. how we store emotions in muscles, etc.  this practice really works more muscle groups than my previous one (I grew a lot with it, now I'm ready to 'step it up'.), so I'm wondering if 'emotion stored in my hips is coming out and making me irritable.  my hips have always been pretty tight.  I have made progress with them prior to starting this particular practice (plan has been to do it at least 2x per week. I have another power yoga 1x per week. then regular practice while I improve physical condition)

any experienced thoughts?


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I have to say that I haven't yet had time to look at SWB's post about photos, copyright, etc. - or to delete all my pictures (what a task!), but I will miss all the photos. Not seeing everyone's profile pics makes these boards rather dry and dull. :(


About to do 3 Miles of Leslie - the very first DVD that I ever purchased. :)



Anyone here do this?  Negin?  I thought maybe you would have. :)  I was going to make a new post on the board, maybe I still will, but since I was so unsure of myself I didn't know if I wanted to. :)

Kim, I did try something similar a few years ago - more my dh than myself. Your plan sounds very good and I need to think about it and may feel motivated to start on this also. Yes, going without caffeine would make it extremely difficult for me also. I can eat relatively healthy, but I enjoy my caffeine. No time for a longer reply now. Hope to get back to you later. 

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Tuesday: rest day because exhaustion (didn't sleep well 2 night in a row, bah) but I read The New Rules of Lifting for Life


Yesterday: 60 min on treadmill while dd was in her online Arabic class


Today: weather looks a little iffy :( Either walking outside while dd has Arabic discussion (90 min if I want) or treadmill/elliptical/Pilates. Very undecided.

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Just a quick check in here, all I've had the energy for as of late is walking, it seems to be what my body needs right now. Even that hasn't been great this week due to my insomnia returning. Curse you body. I'm getting progressively less sleep each night, last night was about 3-4 hrs. I'm hoping this passes soon and I can get back to everything but I'm trying to be patient, I think I've finally learned my lesson that when I try to push I end up on my butt not able to do much of anything, and that just isn't worth it. 

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So, yesterday I got a full 60 mins in of Tracy Anderson. Today I got nuffin'.  I am still learning my new schedule. I SHOULD have made my move at 4pm, but I was beat and there was a lot to do and DH had a MAJOR job interview today so I was distracted. But I will make a note about that time on Thursdays. 


Tomorrow, Friday, it's going to have to be earlier. I leave at 3:15 for after school activites and don't get back until 6 and blah blah blah.


So, earlier it is!

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Joyce Vedral Cougar Workout - only have time for Upper Body this morning. 


Go to your settings and manage attachments.

Thank you, but this wouldn't work for me. Most/all of the images I have included here on these boards, and they've been a LOT, are not attachments per se. They're images with URL's - pinterest, etc. Removing all of those will take a very long time. 

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JM Hard Body level 2. Wow. Had to modify a bit toward the end. Whew. I'm beat. 


I'm now drinking this new (to me smoothie recipe) and it is so yummy.


Watermelon Green Tea Smoothie


1 scoop vanilla protein powder

1 small peach (I used half a frozen peach cut in slices)

1/2 cup watermelon

1/2 cup greek yogurt

1/3 cup green tea

2 fresh mint leaves (didn't have this)

ice cubes (omitted this as my peach slices were frozen)



I added baby spinach even though the recipe doesn't include it


Blend together......so yummy

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Thursday: Physical therapy. Killer session, I sweated buckets. Then MMA in the evening


Friday- 2 mile recovery run. Then hours of furniture moving and book sorting. I need to purge books....


The processed sugar fast is progressing- at least I no longer feel like slaying everyone around me:)

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Thursday: Physical therapy. Killer session, I sweated buckets. Then MMA in the evening


Friday- 2 mile recovery run. Then hours of furniture moving and book sorting. I need to purge books....


The processed sugar fast is progressing- at least I no longer feel like slaying everyone around me:)



This was my day one of my detox, which is a fast of sorts.  There is no caffeine, no wheat gluten, no sugar, no meat, no dairy, and I can't think of what else.  I'm eating oatmeal for breakfast and kitchari for lunch and dinner (it's rice and mung beans with veggies).


I had periods today when I wanted to cry.  I still do.  I can't imagine how I will feel in a couple of days.  My kids better watch out.  :)

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This was my day one of my detox, which is a fast of sorts. There is no caffeine, no wheat gluten, no sugar, no meat, no dairy, and I can't think of what else. I'm eating oatmeal for breakfast and kitchari for lunch and dinner (it's rice and mung beans with veggies).


I had periods today when I wanted to cry. I still do. I can't imagine how I will feel in a couple of days. My kids better watch out. :)


I cannot imagine giving up caffeine and sugar at the same time... Hang in there and remind yourself that you can't trust you emotions for the next few days... And killing is frowned upon.


2 hour open mat- work on hook kicks, basically kicks in general, plus I just realized my knife hand blocks are a bit shoddy and need concentrated retooling. Followed by weight work for my new calf.

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This is why I've started getting up at 5. I have never ever in my life gotten up that early unless I had to be somewhere. I get up at 5 so I have extra time in the morning for working out, getting ready, and getting a bit of cleaning/laundry done. I still don't get everything done.



Easy yoga day.

Funnily, I get up at 5:00. There's lots to fit in the day. Thursday I had to pick my dad up at 7:30 so working out didn't happen. I settled for kettle bell on Friday because I had to have ds somewhere at 7am. I took a chilly run this morning(yep, got up at 5:00). I think it took 2 miles to feel my fingers. I am not a lover of cooler weather. I miss summer already.
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This was my day one of my detox, which is a fast of sorts. There is no caffeine, no wheat gluten, no sugar, no meat, no dairy, and I can't think of what else. I'm eating oatmeal for breakfast and kitchari for lunch and dinner (it's rice and mung beans with veggies).


I had periods today when I wanted to cry. I still do. I can't imagine how I will feel in a couple of days. My kids better watch out. :)

I can't imagine. Wheat, sugar, dairy I wouldn't miss but caffeine? Blasphemy!
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