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Talk to me, TOG users...Page Protectors...


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or no page protectors? These are the questions that haunt me! I just now got my TOG in the mail from across the Pacific Ocean. :party:


I've been thinking that I was NOT going to use page protectors, and I have read Tapestry's website regarding the pp's, but before I actually take these jewels out of the wrap, I thought I should ask for your input. Thank you in advance! ;)

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I opt for no page protectors which is amazing because I am a organizer/notebook junky and am totally the type to hop on a page protector bandwagon. If I write on my pages I do it in pencil and I also make good use of post-it notes. At any given time I have this week and next week in my planning binder and they seem to stay in very good condition without the page protectors.

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I did hop on the page protector train and I'm getting off. I made the mistake of buying heavyweight page protectors and Year 1 is in three 4" binders- huge, heavy and cumbersome. I'd rather have four 2" binders without page protectors for each year.


:( Now to go back and undo over 400 protected pages, lol. Maybe when I get bored...

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I am a nut, I know. I have a "working TOG binder" which includes two weeks at a time. I put the reading assignment charts and the student activities pages in protectors but not the teacher notes, since I hold on to those mostly. I am just paranoid about grimy hands getting on my TOG! So, I do two weeks at a time in protectors then transfer them to the big binders. I tried doing it all at once and it took me 4 hours just to do one unit~!

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I went with no page protectors - and I have a two year old.


I also have a working teacher binder which always has six weeks of TOG in it before I transfer the old TOG to the big TOG binder and get the new TOG out of a binder.


I've had no problems transferring weeks and (thankfully) no problems with spills on the binder, either. I had two incidents of the two year old scribbling on a page of TOG - thankfully one of those incidents was in pencil.

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I find binders in general cumbersome enough, why in the world would I add to it by using page protectors?


My youngest is in first grade. I have two more trips through the cycle. I can't imagine that a twelve-year-old year plan is really going to have a lot of resale value by then, anyway.


Call me reckless, but I have notes (in pen) all over my pages. I have one page that is partially ripped out, but I fixed it with those binder-hole reinforcement thingies (their official name, I'm sure). I don't have any spills, but if it happens, it happens. It would take me less time to deal with the spill than to put all the pages of four year plans into page protectors. And I haven't put a pencil to this, but considering cost of the page protectors and binders, I can't help but wonder if it would be cheaper to buy a new unit in the event one got ruined than it would to buy page protectors for four year plans.


A lot of dear people love their page protectors, and to them I say to use your page protectors in the best of health, but they're not for me. :)

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I did some quick calculating.


based on a quick glance at Year 2, each week averages around 50 pages, so each year plan is about 1800 pages. Economy weight pages protectors at Staples are 10.99 per 200. That comes to 99 dollars. And you'll need extra binders. I probably spent 20 dollars for the four binders I have my year plan in. I'm guessing that would double with page protectors. So, $120 extra dollars per year plan.


Now, I'm sure you could watch sales or go to Sam's or something to save on the binders and page protectors. Even if you manage to cut that in half, you can buy a new unit for $60.

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I page protect ONLY the yellow-bordered reading assignment sheets for each week (so 2 PP per wk). I write on those with Sharpies or erasable markers to indicate what I want to get from the library, what I want to use, what we actually DID use, other suggestions (from here or the TOG forum), etc.


I left all of Yr1's in PP and hope to do the same for Yr2 - it makes it easy to flip to the page quickly, and next go-around, I'll be able to see what we did.


Remember, though, that page-protecting (or not) is not an essential of the "faith!" :D

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Adler, Bauer, and MANY others (:D) recommend that readers should write in their books. It's the only way to begin to own the material. Before I began writing in my books, I "owned" what the printer had produced. When I began to write in my books, I began to "own" what the author had produced.




My advice? Do what you gotta do in order to move in the direction of "owning" TOG. If you don't mind writing, scribbling, arguing, commenting, musing, planning, etc. directly on the page then go, go, go! If the notion of writing on the page (for a WIDE range of reasons) bothers you, then I would heartily recommend that you get thyself to Office Depot for those plastic-y protect-y thing-ies!!!!! :D:D:D


What ever it takes, eh?


Sheesh - if you REALLY can't take it, take the whole thing to Office Depot, have them copy it - all of it - in B&W for a few bucks and put your original in a glass case. :001_smile: ...and then write ALLLLLLLL over the copies! Go, go, go!


....but write somewhere ... on something!!!!


Have fun! Owning the ideas is the important thing to me. Paper is cheap.





Enjoy your little people

Enjoy your journey

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I page protect.


The paper that TOG comes in is very flimsy, IMHO. Even if I did not want to write on my units, I would have trouble with the holes tearing. I'd rather page protect than put hole protectors on all of the pages.


I plan to use this for a long time, and I like to write on things. I may write something different the next go around, so I need it to be erasable. Pencil will probably not cut it for me.


I'm sure I could spend less money buying a new one, rather than purchasing binders and page protectors, but I do want to use the resources I have. Plus, I like everything to look neat and shiny.

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I take out 2 weeks at a time and put them into a separate "working" binder. The Overview and SAPs go into page protectors. I do that so I can use a dry erase marker to check off what I want them to read and which activities I want them to do. Saves me from having to print out so much. I do give my D students their own copies of the accountability and thinking questions.



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No page protectors here. I can't justify the time it would take to do that, not to mention the cost. Plus, I scribble all over mine. I have to - I write in alternate titles or authors that are available from the library, or some extras I want to add that I'll need to remember, such as art supplies.


I also would like to say (on record :)) that I've decided that the whole idea of putting each unit into one large binder is just....wrong. I also don't like the other option of moving a few weeks' worth at a time out, either, because there is more risk of ripping the holes that way, not to mention the work of moving it all in and out repeatedly.


Nope. I think there is a better way. I'm starting to think that breaking each unit down into half, maybe 4-5 weeks at a time would be better. They would work fine in a smaller binder, but what would be even better would be to have them bound. Then I could just have a little book I could carry around with me always, and flip it open to make copies.


There have been so many times I have to go out and want to take my TOG with me to read, but I don't want to take any size binder with me. It's even hard to read in bed because of the binder situation. I want something sturdy (that pages aren't going to accidentally rip out of), flexible, that I can fold back while I'm reading, and portable. I'm thinking that having a few weeks' worth bound with a soft cover would do the trick.

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I like them, but to cut down on bulk I have only been using them on the schedule pages lately. I do a lot of book substitutions/additions, and I like being able to cross out what I am using. I have a whole color coded system to show what books I have and want to buy too. It just wouldn't work without page protectors.



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Just because we page protect doesn't mean we don't "own" the curriculum :lol: I write on my page protectors, I even take some pages out, use a highlighter, then put them back in. I don't do this to preserve resale value either, I just prefer it. I have spent around $160 extra for 3 year plans, I have page protectors for years to come because Costco had them on sale last year for $6.99 for 200 and I stocked up. :D

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I did hop on the page protector train and I'm getting off. I made the mistake of buying heavyweight page protectors and Year 1 is in three 4" binders- huge, heavy and cumbersome. I'd rather have four 2" binders without page protectors for each year.


:( Now to go back and undo over 400 protected pages, lol. Maybe when I get bored...



I put one unit in page protectors, got the binders from Costco, sat for hours filling this binder and....I HATE IT!! The binders don't close tightly enough and all the pages start coming out.


What was I thinking? These HUGE binders are going to take up all of my new bookshelves.


So, you have just given me permission to ditch the whole idea and go back to my 2'' binder.:hurray:



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I don't use page protectors, but I do use a excel spreadsheet from with the booklist for the Unit broken down by week in it.... that way I can have the list right on my desktop when I am putting the next 2 weeks worth of books on hold from the library web catalog. I do substitute book occasionally, and like to have all my notes in the computer where I can find them again.... When the year is done, I'll print off the spreadsheet and include it in the TOG binder for future reference.



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All of you dear ladies have wonderful ideas, and great reasons why you use or do not use page protectors. Thank you ~ it does help to get different views. ;) I've decided to not use the page protectors, except perhaps for a few items. To tell you the truth, I think I'm kind of a dork when it comes to putting paper in the protectors - I end up wrinkling up the page and then it doesn't look good anyways! LOL :lol: I end up taking too long sticking the thing in there.


As far as the binder...well...I haven't had much of a chance to bond with my TOP yet (so once I get further into this, I certainly may change my mind), but one thing I do know is that I like the 1 1/2'' size 3 ring binders. And my mind thinks more in terms of months at a time, so I may put 4 week's worth in my working binder. Hmmm. Well, maybe I'll let you know later what happens! I will do more searches (as I already have :tongue_smilie:) on how you ladies organize your stuff. I love to be organized! Thank you all again so much. If you have anymore thoughts, please share...and I'm sure I will have more questions.

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I don't use page protectors, but I do use a excel spreadsheet from with the booklist for the Unit broken down by week in it.... that way I can have the list right on my desktop when I am putting the next 2 weeks worth of books on hold from the library web catalog. I do substitute book occasionally, and like to have all my notes in the computer where I can find them again.... When the year is done, I'll print off the spreadsheet and include it in the TOG binder for future reference. :D


Let me ask you about this. Do you mean you have a list of books, separated by weeks, so you can glance at the list and see which ones you will use week to week (not unit by unit)? I was wanting to make one of these for myself, so it's all in one place, listed by what will be used next - by week? I'm a "at a glance" kind of a girl. ;)

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