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Just verbally attacked. I am shaking


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I worked in a law firm while still in law school for about a year.  It was run by an incredibly abusive attorney.  I never worked directly for her while a student.  I accepted a job for after I passed the bar at the same law firm to work under a different attorney.  When I came back to work I found out this woman had taken me as her new associate.  I lasted 24 hours.  I walked in the next day, handed by resignation to her secretary, asked for 30 minutes to get out of the building and never looked back.  The abuse of everyone in the office that I witnessed was SO terrible that I had anxiety issues about work for years after.  Dealing with abuse whether short term or long term is distressing.

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Maybe I am not so tough after all.


I'd rather be a real human than tough.  Tough it overrated.  I hope dinner went well and time is starting to heal as it should.  FWIW, it sounds like your reaction to her and afterward was right on target for being human.   :grouphug:

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I am doing okay, thank you for asking Angie. I woke up at 4 and couldn't really get back to sleep, but otherwise I am okay Still shaken up to be honest. 

For those of you who remember, my ex business partner was and is continuing to be abusive. Both of these people are similar in personality. I feel there's a lesson to be learned here for me--why else would these two similar people come into my life? last night I had a small epiphany. Maybe this should make me look inwards at my own ego issues, my own sense of control and sense that "I am right" about things. 


Maybe the lesson is that I need more humility.

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While I'm all for learning all kinds of lessons from things (I tell my dc that God is the ultimate multi-tasker!), I don't think it's proper, acceptable or at all nice to verbally attack someone. I am not asking for more details, but this sounds like it was in a public or semi-public setting. Not good!


So, while you reflect on what you should learn from this, I just can't condone verbal attacks! (Not saying anyone does condone them, but ykwim!)



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I am doing okay, thank you for asking Angie. I woke up at 4 and couldn't really get back to sleep, but otherwise I am okay Still shaken up to be honest. 

For those of you who remember, my ex business partner was and is continuing to be abusive. Both of these people are similar in personality. I feel there's a lesson to be learned here for me--why else would these two similar people come into my life? last night I had a small epiphany. Maybe this should make me look inwards at my own ego issues, my own sense of control and sense that "I am right" about things. 


Maybe the lesson is that I need more humility.


Or maybe the lesson is simply that some people are jerks. I don't think the fact you've had to deal with two recently means you must have some deficiency that needs to be addressed.


I used to be a senior customer service rep, and I was one of the people calls were transferred to when customers demanded to speak to a manager. I've heard more than my share of "hot" phone calls (it's really no wonder I detest and avoid phones so much now!) and was usually able to keep my cool, resolve the problem, and get customers to calm down by the time they hung up. Sometimes they even apologized for being nasty. But the time I was screamed at, verbally attacked, and called horrible names while trying to explain our company policy, my reaction was much the same as yours. After the call I had to take a walk because I was shaking and crying and had to get that under control before I could return to the phone. My boss was sympathetic and helped me shake it off, and the VP later came to tell me personally that I was not expected to tolerate verbal abuse just because I was in customer service. Even when you are used to dealing with rude people, verbal attacks are not easy to handle or blow off.

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I am doing okay, thank you for asking Angie. I woke up at 4 and couldn't really get back to sleep, but otherwise I am okay Still shaken up to be honest. 

For those of you who remember, my ex business partner was and is continuing to be abusive. Both of these people are similar in personality. I feel there's a lesson to be learned here for me--why else would these two similar people come into my life? last night I had a small epiphany. Maybe this should make me look inwards at my own ego issues, my own sense of control and sense that "I am right" about things. 


Maybe the lesson is that I need more humility.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

Or maybe the lesson is that you are allowing your ex partner too much leeway and you need to "walk away" (do whatever is neccesary to break all contact and stop his abuse) the way you did with the crazy lady.


Either way I'm sorry you are dealing with this.

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