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I've been thinking of chicken & dumplings almost non-stop since yesterday.  I have certain foods that I want when I have certain complaints.  


Cold = chicken & dumplings.


I just had a big 'ole bowl & I think I'm on the mend already ;).  


What means 'feel better soon' to you?



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My grandfather's vegetable soup. Unfortunately he never wrote down the recipe, and no one in the 15 years he has been gone, has ever been able to replicate it. :(

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Guest inoubliable

My Mawmaw's turkey rice soup. :( She's been gone far too long and no one has even come close to making it taste the way she did. 

I'll say that Mergath makes a kick-ass homemade chicken noodle soup. I had a sinus infection the beginning of June and she was kind enough to make a batch for us. It had peas in it! I'd never had peas in any soup! 

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Just about anything my sister cooks.  :)  The talk about chicken soup has me smelling her homemade chicken noodle.  MMMM and I also love her chicken paprika & spitzles (sp?).  Last week I ate her spaghetti casserole about 4 days in a row.

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My kids always request hungry-jack-style mashed potatoes when they're feeling ill. I *never* make mashed potatoes of any kind -instant or otherwise- for our meals, but somehow when they were very small I discovered they were perfect for under-the-weather-littles who really wanted nothing. Years later, if they are sick enough to put themselves on bed rest or stop eating, they will always, always ask for Hungry Jack once they begin to mend.  


My mother craves eggs cooked just about any way.  I love eggs, but I do NOT want them when I'm under the weather! Haha!


Your replies are fun to read!  Thanks for sharing!

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