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Did you have a baby AFTER any type of cervical surgery?


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My OB described my cervix as being similar to a LEEP cervix. Apparently a LEEP is a cervical surgical procedure. It tends to leave a band of scar tissue. I've had eight MacDonald cerclages and then proceeded worth normal dilation. This time due to cervical damage from the surgeries and tearing through a cerclage they opted to do a Shrodikar cerclage, higher, different tape.


It created the same band of scar tissue and isn't allowing normal dilation.


So I'm curious, If you've dealt with cervical surgeries what was your next birth like? From what I understand many women go onto have a cesection due to failure to progress. Cervical massage is supposed to work well but it's not widely done.

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I had a LEEP before I had kids.  I both twins and my singleton just fine; no caesarian necessary.  Are they sure it's going to be a problem, or just assuming?


It sounds like the EPO and cervical massage would at least be good to talk about beforehand - are you going to have a doula or midwife or someone else there that knows how to do it?

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I had a LEEP and ended up with a c-section due to failure to progress. I was past my due date and my labor started naturally but then stalled out. Interestingly I never connected the two events until I read your post. I had a healthy baby and c-section recovery went well so I can't complain too much.

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What about evening primrose to soften the cervix? I would definitely go with the cervix massage. Not the most pleasant but it would probably work.

Please don't apply anything to your cervix unless you are certain you are strep b negative. My crazy attempt with EPO applied to the cervix (to keep from being induced) resulted in a horrible infection that almost took DS's life and resulted in an emergency section.

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I had four babies after a colposcopy and a LEEP.  They were all vaginal deliveries. The LEEP did not affect my pregnancies as far as I know, but I have had about four miscarriages in between the various pregnancies.  


Two had to be induced, and two were precipitous (very fast, one was 40 minutes of labor, the other was about 2-1/2 to 3 hours.)

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I had dysplasia removed after my third. A few nickel and dime sized. The scar tissue was tight enough that I couldn't quite dilate to 10. Just slightly less, but I had no problem delivering anyways and it didn't cause any extra post partum issues either.

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