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Talk to me about One Note.

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I use it pretty much how I use a paper planner, just jotting stuff on different notes in OneNote rather than on different pages in a planner as I find things.


Here's how my homeschool folder is set up. I use this for gathering links, info, documents, etc. 

I take these and make other notes with the whole unit in there. Just like putting it on paper but we can click links, look at pictures, etc.  We also have a Chromecast so I put the unit stuff in OneNote while I'm on my computer in the morning and then we sit on the couch during the day and I use my iPad or phone to pull up the Note in OneNote on my mobile device and project it to the TV so they can all see.   This works great for science and history especially. We watch videos and look at lots of pictures that go along with whatever we are doing. 



Here's what I use to plan each day. This is just for my reference.





Here's what my kids see each day. When they check something off, I see it immediately.



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Going to piggyback on this thread. . .


So if I were to start using OneNote, it could be accessed across multiple devices, including tablets? If I wanted to set up, say, a daily schedule for my daughter, I could have one spot where she could click a link to watch a video, write a Word document, and work on a PDF of math problems? And does OneNote for tablets have the capability to write directly on the screen with a stylus, just like Notability does? I am very intrigued.

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I just downloaded the app. Sewingmom, when your boys check off their list is that the same list that shows up on your device?


Yes, and it shows up right away and without anyone having to click a sync button or anything.  Computer, iPad, and Android phone.  That's why I love it.  It even shows up for my husband to see at work lol... not that he ever looks but he could if he was so inclined :)

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Going to piggyback on this thread. . .


So if I were to start using OneNote, it could be accessed across multiple devices, including tablets? If I wanted to set up, say, a daily schedule for my daughter, I could have one spot where she could click a link to watch a video, write a Word document, and work on a PDF of math problems? And does OneNote for tablets have the capability to write directly on the screen with a stylus, just like Notability does? I am very intrigued.


Yes, you can access on multiple devices including tablets.  


You can write directly on the screen with a stylus but I'm not sure about writing directly on a PDF, I need to go and try that on my tablet.  


For the Word doc, you can either work directly in OneNote (less formatting features than Word but definitely plenty for general purposes) or you can click the document and it will open Word.


You can put voice and video notes right in OneNote. The only thing I haven't figured out how to do is actually embed a Youtube video into a note so the kids can watch it right from there. I just put a link and it opens in their browser.  I'm guessing it's possible, but it's not intuitive and I haven't taken the time to figure it out since they can just as easily click.  Hopefully someone else can answer that.

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Yes, you can access on multiple devices including tablets.


You can write directly on the screen with a stylus but I'm not sure about writing directly on a PDF, I need to go and try that on my tablet.


For the Word doc, you can either work directly in OneNote (less formatting features than Word but definitely plenty for general purposes) or you can click the document and it will open Word.


You can put voice and video notes right in OneNote. The only thing I haven't figured out how to do is actually embed a Youtube video into a note so the kids can watch it right from there. I just put a link and it opens in their browser. I'm guessing it's possible, but it's not intuitive and I haven't taken the time to figure it out since they can just as easily click. Hopefully someone else can answer that.


Thank you for answering these questions!!

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Yes, you can access on multiple devices including tablets.


You can write directly on the screen with a stylus but I'm not sure about writing directly on a PDF, I need to go and try that on my tablet.


For the Word doc, you can either work directly in OneNote (less formatting features than Word but definitely plenty for general purposes) or you can click the document and it will open Word.


You can put voice and video notes right in OneNote. The only thing I haven't figured out how to do is actually embed a Youtube video into a note so the kids can watch it right from there. I just put a link and it opens in their browser. I'm guessing it's possible, but it's not intuitive and I haven't taken the time to figure it out since they can just as easily click. Hopefully someone else can answer that.

Thank you! I just may need to try this!

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I am still trying to figure out how to orient myself in OneNote on a Mac. What I've done is put all subjects as a tab file at the top. Along the right, within individual tab files, I created one page as a 36 week overview for that subject so I can fit everything I want to do within a specific time frame. My goal is to plan an entire year for a single subject. I also made a weekly plan that I put at the top of my 36 week overview. It's a work in progress.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I never seem to do a good job explaining this. Maybe I use the wrong terminology?


This is his routine, on Monday he looks at the schedule and wants to start with History. So he clicks on the History link to take him to the History tab and that tells him what lesson he's on and if there is any extra reading or anything else in the plan for the day. Then he goes back to the Monday schedule to open the curriculum's PDF. I have it set to open where he left off. He does the work and checks it off in both the history tab (he sometimes forgets this one) and on Monday's schedule. Rinse and repeat for each subject listed on Monday. Then rinse and repeat for Tuesday and the rest of the week. Once the weekend comes around, I uncheck everything on the schedule for the week and we reuse the schedule. 


I don't have to touch the rotating schedule except to uncheck and possibly adjust days per week if it looks like he needs it, it is really just to tell him what subjects he has to do that day. Everything is planned out for the year in the subject tabs and that is where he goes to refer to the details of what is in the lesson plan for the day. 


Could you please explain how you do this? I've put links to our PDFs that are stored in Google Drive into my OneNote planner but it just goes to the beginning of the document. If there is a better way (doesn't have to involve GDrive), especially a way to go straight to a certain page, I would love to know the process. Thank you!

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I never seem to do a good job explaining this. Maybe I use the wrong terminology?

. Rinse and repeat for each subject listed on Monday. Then rinse and repeat for Tuesday and the rest of the week. Once the weekend comes around, I uncheck everything on the schedule for the week and we reuse the schedule. 


I don't have to touch the rotating schedule except to uncheck and possibly adjust days per week if it looks like he needs it, it is really just to tell him what subjects he has to do that day. Everything is planned out for the year in the subject tabs and that is where he goes to refer to the details of what is in the lesson plan for the day. 

Do you keep copies of what he did before you uncheck it?

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ok just trying to make sense of it.  :)  I am having trouble deciding how I want to setup my one note.  I know I want the schedule tab but also have all the yearly plans in each subject for that subject tab.  So for ex:  Tabs would be--Weekly schedule, math, history, english....In each subject tab would have the syllabus and schedule for that subject.  So History would have the syllabus and the yearly schedule that I would need to move to the weekly schedule.  is that too cumbersome?  Am I overthinking this?

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I am hoping I do not have to do that LOL!!

Meaning move to the weekly tabs.  ;)    So basically he would just look at the weekly schedule to tell him where to go and then check it off at the weekly tab?     Some folks do the weekly and daily tabs.  I find that cumbersome.  Why both?  I do not think you did both....only the weekly which you state you uncheck for the next week.  I like that!!!!

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Are you the one that have those shots in Google Drive?  Trying to figure out who the arthor is for the google drive docs I have in my bookmarks.    I know I am a bit confused.  


Now looking at the Geography schedule....Its a weekly schedule.  In the google drive docs somebody did a daily schedule in the subjects tab.  Not sure who did that.  

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Wow, this sounds great.  I feel like a luddite (and I'm usually really good with new technology).  I have this feeling like I want dd to start figuring it out, and then explain it to me, lol...


Of course, I haven't even looked at OneNote except to hear that it exists.  PlumCrazy's schedule looks so beautiful, though, I may have to copy.  I did a very similar thing this year, but I printed the weekly schedule and dd went to a hard-copy notebook to see what to do next instead of a tab.  This could save paper (and ink!) if I could figure it out!


I don't think I have OneNote on my computer, but I could swear one or two of my kids have said they've used it.  Is it a free download, or does it come loaded on some computers (like I'm wondering if it came w/ our Windows tablet... I should just ask the kids, they're sleeping really late today...)

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It's a free download.


This is how I set up OneNote for scheduling schoolwork.


One notebook for the school year.

Tabs across the top read: Attendance, Weekly Schedule, Science, Literature, Fine Arts, Geography, Trips, and Early Learning.  There are also two sets of tabs, one labeled for each of the two older children.


Under the Attendance tab is simply a calendar where I check off days (required in my state).

Under the Weekly Schedule tab, I have a page for each week of the school year.  On each page is a basic template with Monday to Friday listed across the top.  Under each day are three lists, one for DD, one for DS1, and one for Family.  DD's list has her independent subjects listed, DS1's has his, and Family has group subjects for each day.  Each subject is just the title of that subject -- Math, Science, etc. -- and each subject has a checkbox next to it.  At the end of the week, I drag that week's schedule to the bottom of the list.  The list just has titles, no details.


Most of our subjects are simply "do the next thing" -- it's pretty obvious that we're going to do the next Latin lesson, or the next typing lesson, or whatever, so for the subjects that have more detailed plans, those are in their appropriate tabs.  Group subjects like science, family literature, etc. are listed in their individual tabs as detailed above.  Math, history, literature, etc. that have more detailed plans are under their own respective tabs under each of the older children's groups of tabs.  Yes, this means that if we do a science lesson, I do check it off twice, once under the science tab and once under the weekly schedule tab, but without making the entire thing cumbersome, I didn't see a way around that.  Life Happens, so I don't like to plan things in too much detail, like not "Monday, we'll do X, and Tuesday we'll do Y;" I have tried that before, and it really just doesn't work for me.  I also like the uncluttered look of the main page with the weekly schedule because it's easy to see at a glance what still needs to be done each day (since we vary in our order of subjects, depending on mood and availability of Mom).  It is enough for me to know that the next time we do science, whether that is Wednesday as expected or not until Thursday because everything else ended up taking too long on Wednesday and so science didn't happen, we will do X plans.


I made a writing tab for DD because I want a place to store her WWS1 assignments.  I used to use Word and Dropbox, but if she can do them in OneNote, it'll be one less step and will be more organized.  The pages and subpages are really helpful.


If you want screenshots or more detail, PM me; I just don't want to put them publicly because they have my children's names on them.  Also, I have not delved into grades or that sort of thing yet because it's not important at this stage.  I make the children correct anything they get wrong on math or whatever anyway.

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