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Exercise Thread ~ 7/13 - 7/19


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About to soon do 4 Miles of Leslie.

Tip/reminder for me today. I'm a horribly fast eater and I need to seriously slow down.

Gobbling your food doesnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t give your stomach the 20 minutes it needs to signal your brain that itĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s full. Instead of wolfing down a meal mindlessly while youĂ¢â‚¬â„¢re watching TV or catching up on email, turn off the technology and really chew each mouthful mindfully, paying close attention to the flavors and textures.

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Goal this week- MuTu and walk every day. Hike/bike/kayak at least 1 day. Oh, and attempt some t25, not sure how much. Totally skipping the core stuff.


Last week- I did 6 days of MuTu and I think 3 or 4 walks. We had 1 3.5 hr kayak trip. 

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Next week is a new cycle for me.    Had to get some motivation.   Have you seen this lady?  She is sooooooooo strong and flexible.






That's a video of me.  Oh wait, it's not:)


Today I'm wearing two matching shoes to church but other than ditching the ortho-boot it's a rest day.  I did a lot of physical therapy work yesterday so rest sounds good.

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I can only say (of the video), that will never be me. :D


I ran 8 miles today.  The run was harder than I hoped it would be.  I want to go 10 miles next Sunday, but today I felt like that will be hard to do.  I trying to psych myself up to do my push-ups and pull-ups.  They're supposed to happen today at some point.  

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No official workouts this week. Today was a 5K for the Be the Match bone marrow registry, tomorrow is a 5 mile hike/climb, and I plan on some kayaking later this week. I intend on getting back to my normal routine next week.


Can I just say that that woman had the perfect body! She was so sexy. Not skinny, but still very feminine.

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Forgot to check back on the other thread. I love the gym so far! The plan is to go three days a week.I went on Mon. Wed. and Fri.


I got the higher monthly level for 20.00. This allows me to bring a guest each visit so I take my did who is 15. She loves it too!


I do cardio (treadmill) for thirty minutes then resistance training with the weight machines. I am considering switching to using free weights instead.


Oh and it is Planet Fitness that I joined.

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Cardio Callanetics



Would it be wise to do yoga 5ish days a week for a month or so? I really need to work on my flexibility. Thanks.

Absolutely. I know of many who do plans like that. :) To me, whatever you decide on doing, just be consistent and hopefully enjoy doing it. 

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Finished Mutu and a walk yesterday. 


Getting ready to do Mutu, should have already done it but I'm enjoying my quiet time. 


That lady in the video is crazy strong and flexible. If I read that right she is a pole dancer, I've heard pole dancing makes great exercise. 


fwiw I think nothing but yoga is great. I practiced regularly for about 5 yrs or so and had times when that is all I did. I used to really enjoy it, much like the girl in the video I loved challenging myself to new moves and seeing what I could do (I know that is against the philosophy of yoga and such but I loved the physical aspect of it). My teacher no longer teaches though and there isn't much of an opportunity in my small town and I haven't been able to muster up my previous enthusiasm on my own.


This week is my 15th anniversary, ya! Unfortunately I don't think we will be able to do much I really, really wish that we could get away for a day and go rock climbing or something cool but it looks like we'll only get a few hours if that. I'm thinking maybe we can go skating or something, its blazing hot so an inside activity sounds great to me.


Supposedly dh is starting t25 today. I previewed some of the vids they are going to kill him (and me too). We'll see. 

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This week is my 15th anniversary, ya! Unfortunately I don't think we will be able to do much I really, really wish that we could get away for a day and go rock climbing or something cool but it looks like we'll only get a few hours if that. I'm thinking maybe we can go skating or something, its blazing hot so an inside activity sounds great to me.




Congrats on 15 years!


Walked the dog this morning.  First time in a month- he looked confused.  Did FB core and abs workout and then the first of two required physical therapy workouts.


Tonight I do my second round of PT for the day and stationary biking.


Upside of torn gastro- because I've been sidelined with this injury I've been watching my martial arts class instead of participating.  I knew my technique was off on my side kick, but couldn't quite mentally get the difference.  Suddenly last week during class I "got" it.  I've been secretly practicing; this morning I did it for my son (he's way more advanced than I) and he gave me the stamp of approval.  I can not wait to do it in class:)

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Just got home from my Planet Fitness trip with my friend.  We did 10min each on the: treadmill, elliptical, arc trainer, and stationary bike.  Then we did the 30 min express circuit!


Afterward, we sat around and ate the smoothies I brought (yogurt, strawberries, spinach) and had a nice shower before we left.  Now I can go to bed clean!

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Yesterday eventually turned nice. I took the 6 year old on a 4 milish bike ride, we walked through the woods for quite awhile too. Not vigorous but nice and I'm trying to keep my kids active so I need to make it fun. I ended up going to yoga yesterday evening. I did the wheel though and felt my shoulder twinge. I think I better not do weights with it today. It is not raining or humid or even hot! I'm not sure what happened to the weather but I'm grabbing it for a run. I'm taking kids to the zoo later. Pretty excited it won't be too humid.

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Rest that shoulder Lisa! I haven't done the wheel in ages, that sounds like fun!


momninja (I called you by your previous nickname in the last thread oops!)- So, I bet you feel a lot better now working out to relieve stress instead of the chips. I like to clean when I'm really upset but sometimes something tasty is too tempting. re: MuTu I don't think it will be a good fit for you tbh. Considering what you are doing now this is scaling it way back, working on the very basics, trying first to regain that connection and then building. I think it would drive you nuts.


Snickerdoodle- I feel your pain. I got up at 4:15 to go pee and ran smack into the door on the way, unsurprisingly I couldn't go back to sleep!


tammy- sounds like a wonderful time, color me jealous!


mandylubug- Sounds like your doing awesome, wonderful news about your meds. Those bleachers are nothing to snuff at!


Negin- You're wonderful as always. Walking is so unappreciated!


Yesterday was a good day. I did MuTu in the am, stayed busy all day, including time in the am moving heavy totes. I did t25 in the evening. I did the whole thing! I stuck with the modifiers the whole time. I could have done a higher intensity but I cannot do the higher impact. In the evening I took a short walk. I've been reading Katy says and have been making it a point to walk over more rugged terrain to make it more of a challenge.


Oh, and guess what we're doing for our anniversary?


Dh arranged it with his parents. I'm so excited, it's going to be so much fun.


In other news we might be doing a Warrior Dash next month. Some of the girls I know are doing it and it sounds fun. I'm sure I won't be able to do a lot of it and my time will suck but I've always wanted to do some kind of race and this sounds like fun. Perhaps I should be scared but I feel excited. Dh said he would do it with me and I asked my brother and his wife but it depends on his schedule. 


Today is MuTu and a walk. I plan to do some t25 as well. We bought this for dh you know but I was the one pushing play last night. He did it full tilt but didn't last but 15 minutes. So, I don't know if I will wait for him or not to do it. We'll see. The girls have day camp this week and I just found out yesterday that the class I'm teaching I have to lesson plan (I was told everything would be prepped- yep that would have been helpful info!) so I've got to get in gear.



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Soror, don't worry about calling me KH. I don't even notice. ;) My kids just insisted that I make my username mom ninja cause I have the ability to appear unnoticed. I told them it's a mom power.


Thanks for the honest description of MuTu.



This morning I did JM kickboxing. Followed by Denise Austen stretching. I plan the same for tomorrow.


I got another knee book from the library. I want to compare the other book to it.

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Just got done Tarbell's "Pilates for Runners".  Great pilates DVD.  Good instruction, tough enough to be challenging for sure (I will be growing into this for a while) but plenty of modifications to make it doable.  Doesn't have that "aura of holiness" that a lot of these pilates DVDs tend to have (I don't mind it in yoga DVDs, where I'm trying to relax/stretch more than anything).  Much better than the Suzanne Deason one that I have that is so yoga-musicy that it almost literally puts me to sleep.


Tough after doing the strength work last night!

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Those benefits of walking are real.  And those Leslie workouts are no joke. I have a few and I love them for days when I want to get a burn but don't want any impact.  Good for you!

About to soon do my favorite 5-Mile Leslie Walk - 5-Day Slim Down.

Most of us know this already.




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In a hurry and tomorrow is looking BUSY....


Still up Mutu. Walk done- wonderful weather- I love walking it makes me feel great. Played around on the monkey bars, I can still swing across them. I attempted a few moves and earned cool mom status. Still hoping to do t25 but they may be a pipe dream considering how close bedtime is and the to-do list. Tomorrow is goape.com!!!!!

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Ha, I did t25 and mutu last night. I didn't modify too much on t25 last night, just the impact. I don't think this will be long term just because there is too much jumping but it works for now. It has actually been easier than I thought it would be, so perhaps I'm in better shape than I thought. Getting ready to do MuTu and tree climbing, ziplines and other assorted fun this evening. I seriously doubt I'll have time for a walk unless I'm able to get one while on a break at Day Camp but I didn't get a break yesterday so it seems unlikely. 

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About to do Callanetics Evolution. 





I miss not having a car. Mind you, it's far too hot here for most of the day to get much walking done. When I lived in cities (Portland and NYC), I obviously got so much more walking done. 


Happy Anniversary! Sounds like so much fun :D. 


Thank you, Tammy.There was a time when I thought that they were a too easy and I was a bit bored of them, but now I'm enjoying them once again and finding them very effective. It's what my body needs now. I'm in my mid-40s and due to knee problems, etc. I can never go back to running like I used to or the high-intensity stuff (Jillian Michaels - who has caused me many injuries; Tae Bo, etc.). Here's what someone wrote on the Video Fitness forums and I thought it was encouraging:


After poo poo-ing Leslie for years because I thought I was just soooo much better than that --  -- I've been doing Leslie 3-4 times a weeks for 10 months now and love the results. It trimmed my legs. I recently had a stress test and the doc told me my heart is in great shape and that it was immediately obvious that I workout. Really? From walking with Leslie?  I don't usually do her upper body stuff, but I do carry 1-2 pound weights at all times with her and that has keep my upper body in decent shape.


Judging by that image, a lot of those moves are pilates inspired.  Interesting.


Do you have the ball weights to do with the Leslie videos?  I have them (I don't have her brand, I got mine at Marshalls for just a few dollars).  You'd be surprised by the intensity that is added just by carrying two 1lb balls, especially when you start pushing them up over your head.


I'm sorry your knees are giving you problems.  That stinks.  Have you done any PT?  If not, you might Google PT exercises.  There are lots you can do at home for the cost of an exercise band ($5).  Even if you have no interest in running again, having those knees as strong as possible can only help.  Foam rolling your IT band (muscles on the outside of your thigh) is something that a lot of people find helpful.  Apparently lots of us get that muscle tight and it pulls on the knee and throws things out of whack, causing pain and injury.


Keep walking with Leslie!


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Happy Anniversary! Sounds like so much fun :D. 

Thank you so much!

Thank you, Tammy.There was a time when I thought that they were a too easy and I was a bit bored of them, but now I'm enjoying them once again and finding them very effective. It's what my body needs now. I'm in my mid-40s and due to knee problems, etc. I can never go back to running like I used to or the high-intensity stuff (Jillian Michaels - who has caused me many injuries; Tae Bo, etc.). Here's what someone wrote on the Video Fitness forums and I thought it was encouraging:


After poo poo-ing Leslie for years because I thought I was just soooo much better than that --  -- I've been doing Leslie 3-4 times a weeks for 10 months now and love the results. It trimmed my legs. I recently had a stress test and the doc told me my heart is in great shape and that it was immediately obvious that I workout. Really? From walking with Leslie?  I don't usually do her upper body stuff, but I do carry 1-2 pound weights at all times with her and that has keep my upper body in decent shape.


Well, the point of official exercise these days is to replace natural movement and that movement was different for different people, not everyone should be doing super high intensity. Jumping a gazillion times or such is not something our bodies would naturally do. 


Anyway, my goal with exercise is to have fun and build my strength, flexibility and endurance. There are a lot of ways of accomplishing those goals and we have to start where we are at. We will never keep with anything that makes us miserable. 


We only get one shot at life, so we shouldn't be doing things we think we *should* do but things we want to do (and hopefully we find a way to make those go together)!

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I definitely agree that everyone should do the exercise that feels right for them.  We're all made differently so it only makes sense that walking or swimming or yoga or whatever will be better suited to different people.  


We only get one shot at life, so we shouldn't be doing things we think we *should* do but things we want to do (and hopefully we find a way to make those go together)!

Soror- I couldn't agree with that more. I was thinking this morning how lucky I was to be out on a beautiful day while it was quiet.  Someday I'll wish I could do that.  I better enjoy it now.
I ran this morning using the cross country course and some paths through the woods and a little bit of golf course.  A pretty convoluted route but I always feel like I work harder on grass than the road so if I'm slower it doesn't matter.  That's what I tell myself anyway. :lol:  I plan on taking the kids to the park today and buying them a cheap $5 pizza.  I will take salad.  Oh for the days when I could eat a third of a pizza, some ice cream and then burn it all off.
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Tuesday a.m.- walked a 1/4 mile, did PT exercises.

p.m. went to PT, then did elliptical and upper body weights.  Afterwards (with my ortho-boot back on) I was able to do Martial Arts class.  It was all judo rolls and throws:)


I am sore this morning. 

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I did both the Callenetics Evolution workouts once. I think I liked the aerobics one better.


They showed up on youtube for a few days and I took the opportunity to try them before they got taken down. It was actually very helpful because I had been thinking of buying them. I didn't buy them, but I am glad I tried them.


I own Callenetics express (?) . It has three short workouts, each for a different body area. And the warmup is the same for all three so you can skip them if need be.  I thought it might come in handy when it is 98 degrees and 90 percent humidity. But so far this has been an appropriate summer for the region. Prob won't happen again  for another 20 years though. I also own Super Callenetics, but I've never been able to try it. It's an hour long, slow and really hard. It's hard to find the gumption, you know?


I did TA yesterday and I am doing it again today while my son is at his 2 hour theater camp thing.  Friday is his last day and then he takes a 2 week break from the camp. I am already dreading having to squeeze in exercising. I can exercise when he is around, but feel weird if he has friends over or whatever.


And I am already falling into my TA inspired boredom, lol. Yesterday I was doing the 'legs' section of Precision Toning and it occurred to me that I am pretty sure those exercises don't do a thing for my legs. It seems to be 15 mins of kicking to the side in different positions. It's either 15 mins of outer hip work or she is really just trying to tire out the larger muscles before moving on to the butt exercises. My legs are tired but that has more to do with the fact that two of the 6 exercises involve sinking down into a deep squat, all the way to my butt on my calves/ankles and then standing up quickly and kicking to the side or attitude etc. So, 2 sets on each side is 100 deep squats. That will get your legs tired, but I am not sure it does much for them. It's sure ain't Bar Method or Ballet Body or Pure Barre.


So, then I think, I should substitute the 15 mins in TA legs for 20 mins of Leah Sarago..... and this is why I never complete anything. 

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Tonight I do my second round of PT for the day and stationary biking.


  I knew my technique was off on my side kick, but couldn't quite mentally get the difference.  Suddenly last week during class I "got" it.  I've been secretly practicing;




In other news we might be doing a Warrior Dash next month...... tree climbing, ziplines and other assorted fun this evening.

With that and the kayaking, I want to come spend my summers with you.



I did not go to MA last night.  I was just feeling run down and let's face it, lazy.



Today:   WO, stretch, roll.   I couldn't even post this until I at least got started.    I am almost done, woot!

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So, lets say I wanted to add some Leslie Sansone to my DVD collection. I have done her 5 mile walk and found it handy during the winter. If it is too cold and and I am burnt out on the NT then she can be fun. But, honestly, I find her stuff to be easy. I liked the 5 mile one because I felt worked out when I was finished. It had little jogging bits and sometimes I reverse them and jog for 3/4 of the mile and walk during her little 'boosts' etc. I know walking even just a couple miles is good for me, but I like to feel a bit sweaty and breathless when I workout.


So when I look on Amazon I am somewhat overwhelmed with all her videos. Are there any that are considered more challenging than others?

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I ran this morning using the cross country course and some paths through the woods and a little bit of golf course.  A pretty convoluted route but I always feel like I work harder on grass than the road so if I'm slower it doesn't matter.


You ARE working harder on grass and trails.  It's a fact. All of your stabilizer muscles, from your sternum to your feet, are firing on every step and in different directions.  Trail and grass running is great training for those muscles, as well as being easier on your joints!


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So, lets say I wanted to add some Leslie Sansone to my DVD collection. I have done her 5 mile walk and found it handy during the winter. If it is too cold and and I am burnt out on the NT then she can be fun. But, honestly, I find her stuff to be easy. I liked the 5 mile one because I felt worked out when I was finished. It had little jogging bits and sometimes I reverse them and jog for 3/4 of the mile and walk during her little 'boosts' etc. I know walking even just a couple miles is good for me, but I like to feel a bit sweaty and breathless when I workout.


So when I look on Amazon I am somewhat overwhelmed with all her videos. Are there any that are considered more challenging than others?


I think her 5 mile with the boosts is more challenging than the 2/3 mile set.  I haven't tried the others.  What I would do is put on some ankle weights and carry the round weighted balls.  Really makes a difference.  Also, when she does the knee lifts and kicks, reallllly focus on originating that movement from your core.  It won't do much for your heartrate, but your abs will be tired the next day.

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