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What are your favorite blogs?

Excelsior! Academy

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Mr. Money mustache-- early retirement and fiscal responsibility   www.mrmoneymustache.com

Prudent homemaker-- sweet family focusing on being financially... prudent   www.theprudenthomemakerblog.blogspot.com

Engrish -- probably politically incorrect but some things are just sooo funny (not really a blog but daily pics)   www.engrish.com

Patrick Rothfuss -- I've eagerly awaited news for the release of his third novel in a trilogy for too long. Still waiting...   www.patrickrothfuss.com

Do you have any?


ETA -- I thought websites may be helpful.  :001_smile:

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Catster and catladyland are probably my favourite cat blogs.


I probably read Penelope Trunk more than any other unschooly writer right now because she's so prolific and the old timers aren't. Pat Farenga always makes me jump up and click as does Rebecca Rupp, but I don't think Linda Dobson has updated her blog since Ken died and if Helen Hegener is writing about homeschooling anywhere on the net, please, PLEASE tell me where!


Zen Habits is probably my favourite minimalism blog.


Legacy of Home was my favourite housekeeping blog but Mrs. White can't afford internet access any more so now she's my favourite housekeeping author to ILL and Brocante Home and A Slob Comes Clean are two different housekeeping blogs I like when I'm in two different sorts of moods.


From Sandbox to Socrates and Scleratus Academy are some of my favourite WTM peeps' blogs but there are others I like that just aren't as prolific.

I wasn't a big slashdot or ars technica reader before I started using an RSS reader that had them as "example feeds" but now that it's so easy I have no desire whatsoever to delete either of them.


hth; were you interested in homeschooling blogs or just blogs in general?



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Nearly all the blogs I follow have stopped blogging :crying:    I appreciate the recommendations, too, as I enjoy reading them and occasionally participating.   Here's a few holdouts from my feed:

p.s. you don't say if you want religious or not so I'm just adding them:


http://gretchenjoanna.com/ - retired homeschooling mama, empty nester, grandma.  I enjoy her writing style and look at everyday life.  She esp. likes gardening and cooking.


http://www.patheos.com/blogs/thecrescat/  Catholic blogger... irreverent at times,  not for the easily offended.  She makes me laugh and nod my head at the same time.


http://kindredthreads.blogspot.com/  Kindred Threads is a blog by a yarn enthusiast (weaving ,knitting, crocheting, etc).  She shares lovely photos of her monthly yarn get-togethers.  I wish I lived nearby.





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Do you have any?



Not really.  Most of the blogs I used to follow I no longer choose to or are not as active as they once were.  I have really been enjoying Cinema Sins and Honest Trailer youtube videos lately.  Cinema Sins can be a bit crude at times, which I don't care for, but it is still pretty funny!





hth; were you interested in homeschooling blogs or just blogs in general?






p.s. you don't say if you want religious or not so I'm just adding them:



Religious is fine. 

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You may appreciate mrmoneymustache.com as well, if you read bogleheads and ERE.  He reached FIRE about 35 y/o or so, and now works just doing whatever he wants. 


I found him after someone linked him through ERE (which was a little too extreme for me at the time). 

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