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Can someone explain farsighted to me?


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We took my 17 year old for a vision test. The dr. said that she has 20/20 vision but that she is farsighted.The best I can understand that means that she can see but things are blurry both near and far. Of course, she needs glasses but that's about the only thing that the dr. said that we understood. She said that she was at step 2 out of four. I have no idea what that means. Here is a link to a wiki article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperopia. Maybe someone else can make better sense of this than I can.

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I always thought farsighted meant you can clearly see things that are far away (but your vision of things nearby might need correction).


And, conversely, my understanding of nearsighted is that you can clearly see things that are near, but not things that are far away.

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I always thought farsighted meant you can clearly see things that are far away (but your vision of things nearby might need correction).


And, conversely, my understanding of nearsighted is that you can clearly see things that are near, but not things that are far away.


That's what I thought too. But it sounds like she threw a bunch of technical stuff in there that just made things more confusing. Like how can she have both 20/20 vision and also be farsighted? And how can things be blurry both close-up and far away?

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20/20 vision means she can see clearly from 20 feet away what people with normal sight can see from 20 feet away. I am nearsighted, my uncorrected vision is about 20/200 meaning I can only see clearly at 20 feet what people with normal vision could see clearly as far as 200 feet away (I.e. The really, really big letter E at the top of the chart...)


A farsighted person can have no trouble seeing even the small letters on the chart from 20 feet away, so their vision can be stated as 20/20. But really close up things may be blurry, like the letters in a book in front of their face.

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I think pure far sightedness means you can see things faraway but not close-up;  so, you would need reading glasses.


Well, supposedly she can see things close up better than far away but both tends to be slightly blurry. She also suffers from headaches so she will be getting glasses soon. I just wanted try and get a better understanding of things before we go back in.

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Farsighted (long sighted) means she can see distant objects well but need glasses for clearer view of things that are near. Sounds like your daughter is mildly farsighted though. I'll get glasses made for driving just in case.

A farsighted person uses glasses to read. Most farsighted persons do not need glasses to drive.

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