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Science curriculum that has supply kit available?

Wabi Sabi

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I'm looking  for a lower to mid elementary level secular science curriculum that has a supply kit available. If the past three years of homeschooling has taught me anything, it's that I need open and go programs and all supplies at the ready if science is going to get done.  Too many times we've stalled and stopped because I just never found that darn 2 liter, piece of string, a cup of potting soil and a mesh onion bag, LOL. 

Suggestions? I do have a copy of RSO Life by Pandia Press and I think that someone does sell a supply kit for it, but my oldest found it too "workbooky" for his tastes. Anything else? 

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Considering that Apologia's kits are 3rd party I would imagine that you could get a kit for anything you liked if you just googled it. I would pick something and search for the kit elsewhere. Someone will be willing to take your money.

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I've loved Science in A Nutshell kits (used them for MBTP, but this year looking to do them on their own.)  Most are grades 3-6, though, and I also need to include an 8th grader this year (for unit on the human body)....I wish they offered kits for a little older kids!!

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Nancy Larson Science is totally open and go. It's one reason why I am considering it very seriously.


I was going to suggest Nancy Larson Science too. Everything you need is included in one big box so there is no hunting for that special piece of string that you need for today's lesson ;) . With that said, it is very scripted, which some people don't seem to mind (or even appreciate as there is no guessing as to what you have to say) while it may bother some other people. 

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Nancy larson wrote Saxon K-3 Math and Saxon K-Intervention Phonics, too. These should give you an idea of just how scripted it is. But FLL and OPGTR and WWE are also scripted. It depends on your level of need. The script is there if you forget or don't know what to say. Use it as a guide.


I digress...this is about science.


HomeScience Tools sells many kits for varied curriulum. Creation Sensation sells almost complete kits for almost all the Apologia Elem. books.



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