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Exercise Thread ~ 6/22 - 6/28


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Negin, I well know that feeling :(


I got another decent night of sleep, only woke up a few times, 2 in a row. I haven't got 2 nights in a row in weeks! So, I'm feeling very optimistic about today. We have a procession at church which will be a long slow walk, about 1.5 hrs. I'll be doing my body weight and kettlebell exercises as well and I'm hoping to go swimming after church as we are going to be a hot mess after walking out in the hot sun in the middle of the day that long. My legs are a bit sore, I'm not doing a ton of reps but have upped the challenge level of the squats I'm doing.

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About to do 3 Miles of Leslie. 


Negin, I well know that feeling :(


I got another decent night of sleep, only woke up a few times, 2 in a row. I haven't got 2 nights in a row in weeks! So, I'm feeling very optimistic about today. 

Thank you, Soror. 

Hope you continue to sleep better also.  :grouphug:


This is me  :lol:.



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Let's talk about sleep.   I think for moms it's a huge consideration in our quest to be fit and healthy, probably even moreso than diet and exercise.


Sat night some loud neighbors woke me up at 2am and I couldn't go back to sleep.  Then,  Sunday, we went on a very challenging hike with friends.     Talk about exhaustion.      I slept hard for 10 hours, lol.


Today WO, stretch and roll.





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Yes, it is hard without sleep. I bet you were dog tired getting up at 2 and then having a long hike.  I can only imagine when I get the chance to sleep without being woke up it will be glorious. I was exhausted myself last night but the baby didn't do as good, from about 3 am on I think she woke me up 3 times until I finally got up at 6. It's been worse though.


We skipped the procession at church, dh thought it would be too much for the kids. We did go swimming and I tried swimming some laps, which was rather pathetic but I did it. I really suck at swimming so I only got 2 done, which beats my previous record of one :) The rest of the hour we were there I just played with the kids and walked/ran around in the pool with the baby. I also did my strength training/kettlebell- I think 3 rounds total, maybe 4 I did them in between various things. We also took a short walk after supper, maybe 20 min.

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Sunday I ran my 1/2 marathon! 13.1, 2hours 19 minutes! Hilly course. Walked a few of the steeper hills. Bonked at mile 7.5...ran to a store for a Gatorade and Kind bar. Lol! I did it on my own because I wanted to get it done before I turn 50 in 2 weeks. Going to buy a sticker for my car and a new t shirt! I deserve it! ðŸ˜ðŸƒ

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Sunday I ran my 1/2 marathon! 13.1, 2hours 19 minutes! Hilly course. Walked a few of the steeper hills. Bonked at mile 7.5...ran to a store for a Gatorade and Kind bar. Lol! I did it on my own because I wanted to get it done before I turn 50 in 2 weeks. Going to buy a sticker for my car and a new t shirt! I deserve it! ðŸ˜ðŸƒ


:hurray:  :thumbup1:  :cheers2: You do deserve it!  

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I did my testing on Saturday in the Boot, or as I think of it, The Boot of Shame.  It was really challenging, far harder physically than any other testing I've done- and a blast.  At one point I had to defend myself from seated position in a chair by kicking with my one good leg as 6 different black belts came at me from various angles holding shields.  I also had to do my Thai Combos substituting moves for the normal kicks. 


I am sore and so thankful to my sensei for giving me the opportunity.


I woke with a small charlie horse in my "good" calf this morning so back on crutches today just to protect it; it's borne the brunt of the past week and the testing.  


And AMEN to what Snickerdoodle said about sleep.

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Sunday I ran my 1/2 marathon! 13.1, 2hours 19 minutes! Hilly course. Walked a few of the steeper hills. Bonked at mile 7.5...ran to a store for a Gatorade and Kind bar. Lol! I did it on my own because I wanted to get it done before I turn 50 in 2 weeks. Going to buy a sticker for my car and a new t shirt! I deserve it! ðŸ˜ðŸƒ


Congratulations.  Amazing time too- especially since you WENT SHOPPING in the middle of the race :hurray:  :hurray:

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2 hour cleaning job last night


I don't know if I'll get in any real exercise over the next few days. We have decided to head to Ohio on Wednesday to see dh's family. I've got to get a lot of cleaning, laundry, and packing done. We're also going to clean the office tomorrow night to swap out with the person who'll do it while we're gone. At least I'll be active. 



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I was in the pool Friday and Saturday, but that just means I mostly stand there while my youngest swims back and forth to me splashing me in the face coming and going. I cannot swim very well at all. I mean it's really bad. I can stay afloat but that's it. No laps from this lady.


Yesterday also nothing. My knee has been bothering me a bit. :glare:  I really need to get started on that book.


Today I did HIIT like a girl and weight functional training. Some moves were harder than others. Overall felt good. Now, if I can just get my knee back to normal.

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I got out my pull-up bands today and I can do pull-ups with both of my bands, I did 3 rounds of 5. I did at least 5 rounds of my other exercises, I lost count. Dh and I did a fairly brisk 30 min walk. I'm slowly feeling better :) It is hard because I want to do everything but I'm trying to be patient. 

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Got in 15 min this morning right after breakfast: hauled all the tomatoes and peppers (container gardening) from the front porch, where they are safe from deer overnight to their morning sun spot (about 5 min of weight lifting --really--some are big) and then walked up and down hills for another 10 min. Moved the plants to their afternoon spot and then back on the porch.


Got to the gym for the first time in forever. Did 20 min on the treadmill so I'd have time in the pool. (I need to get in the pool for therapeutic reasons). Pool closed 15 min earlier than it used to so I only got in 15 min. Still, I broke the barrier and got back to the gym.


I'm also being careful not to sit too long and to intersperse housework with times when I am sitting.

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Woke up late after having a horrible headache for most of the night. Hope to have time to rebound or do a Classical Stretch later today.


I want to read all the posts from yesterday until now, but I'm behind on my morning stuff and will read later. 

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Negin- I'm hope your better soon :(


Laurie- I was just reading an article about sitting, saying how it is the new bad guy, we've focused so much on "exercise"  people think exercise is the be all end all but not if you are sitting most of the day. So, it all helps our ancestors weren't hard core exercisers but did lots of daily activity, so imo your doing great :)


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Negin, I hope your day goes well, and that headache goes away.  


Laurie, good job getting to the gym.  Just going is really the hardest part, and you did it.  


Today was a 5 mile run followed by kettlebell; 3x   5 per side lunges, 10 push-ups, 10 pull-ups, 20 swings.  Now for a good stretch, breakfast, shower, and tackle my wallpaper.  The wallpaper in the room is coming down today.  I doubt it will all get done today, but it will get a good start.  I'll try and post pictures later. :)

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Well, I only managed my strength/kettlebell exercises, too tired from lack of sleep. Dh swam in the morning and was exhausted as well (the baby kept up both of us) so no walk either. She did better last night so I'm hoping for strength/pullups and perhaps a walk or short bike ride, we'll see.

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Favorite area to work?  Um, I just love whole body stuff.  I like yoga and running is my zen.  I could probably do a Forest Gump if I had no responsibilities.


Yesterday I did an hour free yogas class at the parks.  Pretty good and I got to do the wheel which is never included in the Y class I occasionally go to.

I ran this morning.  It was super foggy so I didn't go too fast.  I wanted to have time to react and dive into the ditch if I needed too.  Some drivers are nuts and just don't slow down whether they can see or not.  I also did reverse pull ups.  

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We did about an 8-8.5 mi bike ride yesterday. This trial isn't too difficult only a couple of hills, which we all made it up, last time dd7 and I had to walk up part of 1, but we made it this time. It was a good ride, dh is actually sore today, of course he hauls the trailer with our 4.5 and 1.5 y.o. which adds about 70 lbs. I also did 3 sets of 5 pull-ups and my strengthening and kettlebell exercises. Today is probably going to not much of anything after another really, really rough night of sleep.

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I've got my air cranked down this year to help with the sleep.


Snickerdoodle I would love to know are you doing a particular program or working with someone. I love the bodywork stuff, it is so cool. I'm just working on basics now but I'd love to build up to more.

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waving at everyone :hurray:  for you all because you are doing a great job!


I am still sitting out. I have a weird sore muscle or pulled muscle or something. It is in my left hip? I've never had a sore muscle there and it is driving me nuts! It doesn't hurt when I walk but it does hurt when I stand up. It is especially sore if I have been driving for any length of time. Like I hobble when I get out of the car and just getting off the couch isn't pretty. It also hurts if I cross my left leg over my right leg, so my abductor is involved (I think) and it goes a little into my upper butt area, but mostly my upper hip. Like where my knickers would go across my hip, if I were wearing low cut bikini undies? Anyway, it hurts and it is just staying the same, or recovering verrry slowly. I can't decide.  I have decided that 10 days is enough to make me :willy_nilly: so sometime this weekend I am just going to try a workout and see how it does. Hopefully it won't be a disaster.

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Let's talk about sleep.   I think for moms it's a huge consideration in our quest to be fit and healthy, probably even moreso than diet and exercise.


My dilemma with sleep is this: first of all, I seldom sleep well, other than on vacation, and even that leaves much to be desired. I have a love/hate relationship with it. As an introvert, I need, really, really need lots and lots of time to myself in order to maintain sanity. As a homeschooler, I seldom get enough time to myself and start to lose my mind. So I often sacrifice sleep in order to get time to myself - uninterrupted, blissful time. Otherwise, I would seriously lose my mind. I prefer to exercise alone. Once others are up and about, I'm very unproductive. This is something that I have yet to overcome. It depresses me actually. The fact that I can't seem to do much when others are around. 


Favorite body area to work is.....

Favorite? - Glutes

Most needed? - Abs and Triceps

Most hated? - Push Ups


I didn't get enough sleep either. :crying:  The heat and humidity have arrived. :cursing:   

Another reason I don't get enough sleep. We sleep with the A/C on, but it's still quite hot. 



I am still sitting out. I have a weird sore muscle or pulled muscle or something. It is in my left hip? I've never had a sore muscle there and it is driving me nuts! It doesn't hurt when I walk but it does hurt when I stand up. 


I have pain also. I did something to it before about 2 months ago. I think it was from Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred. I only did it a few times. That's the second time that her DVD has caused me injuries  :cursing:. 

I hope you feel less pain very soon. 

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Red Squirrel, do you think it's your piriformis?  Try a lying down piriformis stretch.    That's all I've got.   Hope you feel better soon and keep posting. 


Mom Ninja, how is the knee band therapy thing you are doing working?    How is your knee?


I just need to do my WO today and I can relax all weekend!!  If I have time I'll stretch too but if not, I'm seriously not going to worry about it until Monday.  



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Squirrel, I was just reading in Oxygen magazine about hip injuries and the stretches and exercises one can do. I'll have to go back and look at it again for you. 


The One Who Makes Me Want a Cookie a.k.a Snickerdoodle, the band doesn't fit. :glare:  Apparently, one size fits most does not include chicken legs. My knee twinges every now and then during the day. Just enough to be annoying but not crippling.


This morning I woke up at 4 and could not get back to sleep. Seems a lot of we are having sleep issues. I thought regular exercise was supposed to help with that. :sneaky2:  I found myself stressing about finances and my ds almost being high school age. Ugh. So I finally got up and went for a run. I haven't been running in a long time. It was hard getting started but then it felt great. It felt really nice. So now that I have exercise endorphins in my bloodstream and it's past the dreaded right before dawn time of day, I feel better.

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the band doesn't fit.


OMG, that sucks.


I found myself stressing about finances and my ds almost being high school age.


Holy cow.  That is totally me.    Exactly. 


I still haven't found anywhere local that sells the balanced bite bars.   I did try a coconut Quest bar and I loved it.   It had the consistency of a dense brownie but lightly coconut flavored.   It just hit the oooeey gooeey spot.   Now back to sauteed dandelion greens.  free-sad-smileys-308.gif

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Sleep was exceedingly bad last night, likely no workout today but will be swimming tonight with the kids.


Snickerdoodle I've been making coconut oil fudge with carob, honey and coco oil, topped with celtic salt and coconut flakes when I feel like a treat, it's heavenly.


KH- hopefully your energy is sustained through the day!


Negin- I don't know that I'd be able to brave the water with jellyfish, ouch!

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I had never heard of piriformis, lol. It def is part of the problem. I think whatever is being cranky is causing that to hurt a little bit as well. The pain on the upper butt region comes and goes. It is really mostly exactly on the side.  After looking at a diagram on wikipedia I am thinking maybe it is the gluteus minimus? No one has ever accused my gluteus of being minimus, that is for sure.


I saw something called piriformis syndrome and it isn't that. I am not having nerve pain, with shooting pain down my leg etc. Thank goodness!


But the pain is right there at the rotator area. It doesn't feel like a joint issue which is why I am thinking muscle issue. I think my compensations have now caused the piriformis to act up as well, or maybe the entire rotator is inflamed?


Yesterday my dh's flight got cancelled and we had to drive an hour one way to the next airport. So that meant 2 hours in the car. So once again I am standing up gently. Walking is fine.  Standing up, climbing stairs is not fine.


BTW, looking at the diagram of butt muscles was interesting. I found names for all kinds of parts that have hurt in the past, lol. Barre work really lets you know where all those are. I think I hurt this going really fast and hard on my nordic track though.  Bummer because I loved working that hard.

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