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Our State Representative Just Came to the Door


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He just knocked on the door. I suspect he didn't think anyone would actually answer.


I explained the redundancy of using an evaluator but still having to submit to the district. (I don't follow those regulations myself, though--as a certified teacher I use the Private Tutor law.) I also mentioned that along with NY PA has the most difficult regulations.


I can't imagine that anything would come of it, but it was sort of nice to be able to dump it on him a little.

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I think you might be surprised at how much they listen.  Especially if they are taking the time to door knock.  Listening = votes.


True, but homeschoolers are such a minority. His lackey was taking notes as we talked, though. I thought at least I had a voice for a moment.


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I did some job shadowing at the state level and political internships at the national level when I was young.  I was repeatedly told that state representatives care a lot more about the opinions of voters in their district than you might think.  And that if you want to change something on a state level, just call your local reps.  If you want to change something on a national level, no one cares unless you either get a letter to the editor published in a major newspaper or get media involvement.

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I did my internship with one of California's Representatives. From what I saw, the reps were much more responsive to issues brought to their attention by real people (in person). If you can have a few other people make an effort to mention it in person or call in followed with a letter, you might be surprised. Being calm and well versed is key.


I would not recommend a mass mailing of cookie cutter letter or post cards. Those always got dumped on my desk to look through. Letters that were not a template were then passed on to the staffer in charge of the issue or a Chief of Staff.

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I took the boys to see our member of parliament when there was discussion of changing the regulations for home education in England.  I don't think anyone else had been to talk to him about it, and he agreed to sign an early day motion (a bit like a petition by MPs) for me.  


It was good for the boys to see it happen, and maybe it helped to squash the changes.  In fact, I think that the political wave moved on, we had an election, and the new government had other fish to fry.



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I did my internship with one of California's Representatives. From what I saw, the reps were much more responsive to issues brought to their attention by real people (in person). If you can have a few other people make an effort to mention it in person or call in followed with a letter, you might be surprised. Being calm and well versed is key.


I would not recommend a mass mailing of cookie cutter letter or post cards. Those always got dumped on my desk to look through. Letters that were not a template were then passed on to the staffer in charge of the issue or a Chief of Staff.


Maybe I should send a letter as a follow-up, too. It would certainly show that I'm interested enough in the matter to do more than talk at the man while he happens to be here.

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Maybe I should send a letter as a follow-up, too. It would certainly show that I'm interested enough in the matter to do more than talk at the man while he happens to be here.


Yes, and be sure to tell him that you appreciate him coming by and talking with you! 

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I think you might be surprised at how much they listen.  Especially if they are taking the time to door knock.  Listening = votes.


Quoting you again to say that my brother (who is a lawyer for the state House of Representatives, and who has met this guy) said the same thing this morning after I told him my story. I'm hopeful.

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Okay, serial poster here, but the state rep's office just called to tell me that they're getting a copy of the bill to look over, but that it looks like something he will definitely support.


I feel like I made a difference! Yay!


You are!  I just tell myself that if it doesn't pass, I might kick myself for not getting involved.  If I get involved and it still doesn't pass, I will be mad as heck ;) but will at least know I tried.  Go you!!

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Okay, serial poster here, but the state rep's office just called to tell me that they're getting a copy of the bill to look over, but that it looks like something he will definitely support.


I feel like I made a difference! Yay!

That's really great!

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