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Oil pulling funny, or not??


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My meticulous dd stopped using toothpaste because she started getting a major mucus reaction. She tried brushing with baking soda and that made her throw up. I thought I'd suggest oil pulling because she's always had a plaque problem even when she was able to use toothpaste. I told her if she oil pulls, maybe she can just brush without anything on her toothbrush and that will be good enough. It turns out she has already started oil pulling. Then she told me...she has completely stopped brushing.




I don't really think this is a good idea. Maybe I'm wrong. 



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Thanks Dawn.  Honestly, that sounds yuck to me but I don't like the feel of oily things. Interesting.  I have never heard of this.  Perhaps this is more common in other regions?


It's sort of an up and coming thing right now and often done with coconut or sesame oil, I think. There are historical roots of this practice--in India maybe?

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It's sort of an up and coming thing right now and often done with coconut or sesame oil, I think. There are historical roots of this practice--in India maybe?

I will have to look for the link now, but there are actually studies done on it in India.  It seems promising.  I would suggest her using a water pik once in awhile if she gets build up.  But otherwise, oil pulling properly (spit in trash-not sink) followed by brushing without toothpaste, if she'd like, would be good.  There are also oral probiotic dissolvable lozenges which might be a good idea. She can also brush with aloe plant sections once in awhile. There are a couple other plants that help, too. I can't remember off the top of my head.

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I will have to look for the link now, but there are actually studies done on it in India.  It seems promising.  I would suggest her using a water pik once in awhile if she gets build up.  But otherwise, oil pulling properly (spit in trash-not sink) followed by brushing without toothpaste, if she'd like, would be good.  There are also oral probiotic dissolvable lozenges which might be a good idea. She can also brush with aloe plant sections once in awhile. There are a couple other plants that help, too. I can't remember off the top of my head.


Why do you have to spit it in the trash? 


What is the purpose of oil pulling?

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I don't know anything about oil pulling. She can just brush with water. I don't see how oil pulling would take care of getting stuff off the teeth.

That's what I was thinking, too. Wouldn't your teeth feel slimy after a while if you never brushed them? And how would you clean between your teeth if you weren't brushing or flossing?


Also, what about the fresh breath issue? Wouldn't your breath be terrible-smelling if you never brushed your teeth or flossed away food particles?


I'm not trying to be snarky -- I honestly don't know. :)

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From what I've read, oil pulling should be done first thing in the morning, ideally without having consumed anything.  I do rinse with salt water afterward.  It seems to have made a significant difference in the bacterial count in my mouth.  It does take getting used to, but I really like it now. 

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