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Exercise Thread ~ 6/8 - 6/14


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Nothing for me today and the next few days. I had a skin tag removed and need to keep the area dry - hence no perspiration and no showers - tough in this climate, but yet another wonderful reason to be introverted  ;). 





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My knee feels great. :hurray:

Wonderful :D! I was thinking of your knee earlier today. 


Since you and I have quite similar taste, and please, anyone else here, who knows, would love your feedback - has anyone tried the Slim Series


Thank you :). 

I'm tempted, but I do know that I need a new program/bunch of DVDs like I need a drill to my head  :lol:. 

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Sounding like a broken record, but feel really blobby and yucky not being able to workout. Just a few more days. 


Nothing for me all weekend or today. I have a sore lower back, not a crisis, just giving me a Zing when I bend just the right way. So, I am resting it until it shuts up. I threw my back out a couple years ago so now I respect the pain, lol



We had our Mount St. Helens climb today. I will probably be in a coma for the rest of the week, so that's it.

Wow! I'm very impressed :D.



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Sounding like a broken record, but feel really blobby and yucky not being able to workout. Just a few more days. 




You don't sound like a broken record- btw, I feel that way today too- yet I have no excuse:)


Monday night- martial arts

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Nothing for me all weekend or today. I have a sore lower back, not a crisis, just giving me a Zing when I bend just the right way. So, I am resting it until it shuts up. I threw my back out a couple years ago so now I respect the pain, lol

I hope you feel better!


I did ~30 minutes of Aim True Yoga and then finished week one of Run! Zombies! 5k yesterday. :)

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monday - 2 1/2 hours of weeding on a slope. (there are parts I get to do a mt. goat impression.)  the soak in a *really* hot bath felt good.  I refuse to count weeding as a workout this summer though.


tuesday - yoga, and more weeding.

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Tuesday- nothing, nada, lumpy day:)


Wednesday- 3.64 miles with dd running 9 min.  walking 1 minute,  times 3. I couldn't figure out why run/walking with my dd is so much harder than running w/o walking on my own.  On my own I only run.  Then I realized that on my own my average pace is 11 1/2 minutes per mile.  With my dd we averaged 9.64 minutes per mile with the walking included in equation.  Suddenly I don't feel so geriatric.

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I was away again last week.  I did manage to be able to run most days.  My folks live in a very hilly area, so I was feeling it. I also was able to practice Yin yoga most nights.  My cute little nephew (he's 3) has a yoga for kids Youtube routine saved on his tablet.  He was using his tablet to do yoga in his room like his Aunt Kimmy  :001_smile: He melts my heart. 


Now I'm home and trying to decide how my summer schedule will work. I take the kids swimming 3x's a week.  I normally run while I'm there, but last year I swam a bit too.  I don't want to swim, but I was thinking of making use of their weight room.  I could do most of the exercises I do with kettlbell but with dumbells.  I'll have to see how I feel. 


Yesterday I ran 3 miles in the heat, today was 4 miles in the rain.  

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Tuesday- nothing, nada, lumpy day:)


Wednesday- 3.64 miles with dd running 9 min.  walking 1 minute,  times 3. I couldn't figure out why run/walking with my dd is so much harder than running w/o walking on my own.  On my own I only run.  Then I realized that on my own my average pace is 11 1/2 minutes per mile.  With my dd we averaged 9.64 minutes per mile with the walking included in equation.  Suddenly I don't feel so geriatric.



Oh my.  You were running sprints.  Nice workout. :)

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You are all doing great!


I still have an owie back and...as of yesterday we have lice. Or, actually as of yesterday I was made aware that we have had lice for a while.


So...yeah.... not really exercising. Does laundry count? I have to do it carefully due to my back.


DH and I spent the evening nit combing each others hair and washing towels instead of working out. So romantic.

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I thought that I'd be able to start working out again from today or tomorrow, but it doesn't look like it. It's very hard to keep that particular area as dry as possible - especially in this climate.


I still have an owie back and...as of yesterday we have lice. Or, actually as of yesterday I was made aware that we have had lice for a while.


So...yeah.... not really exercising. Does laundry count? I have to do it carefully due to my back.


DH and I spent the evening nit combing each others hair and washing towels instead of working out. So romantic.

Hope your back feels better, and so sorry to hear about the lice. I hate, hate, hate lice. We had that problem almost ten years ago. It was awful. 

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Did sprints this morning.  Whew and that is all I'll say about that  :glare:

You are all doing great!


I still have an owie back and...as of yesterday we have lice. Or, actually as of yesterday I was made aware that we have had lice for a while.


So...yeah.... not really exercising. Does laundry count? I have to do it carefully due to my back.


DH and I spent the evening nit combing each others hair and washing towels instead of working out. So romantic.


Oh no! I hope both resolve quickly  :grouphug:

I thought that I'd be able to start working out again from today or tomorrow, but it doesn't look like it. It's very hard to keep that particular area as dry as possible - especially in this climate.


Hope your back feels better, and so sorry to hear about the lice. I hate, hate, hate lice. We had that problem almost ten years ago. It was awful. 

I hope that heals very quickly for you.  I am having to pass on swimming because I've got some weird dermatitis/disgusting red stuff/chiggers something going on with my ankles.  Why can't we just be healthy darn it.

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You are all doing great!


I still have an owie back and...as of yesterday we have lice. Or, actually as of yesterday I was made aware that we have had lice for a while.


So...yeah.... not really exercising. Does laundry count? I have to do it carefully due to my back.


DH and I spent the evening nit combing each others hair and washing towels instead of working out. So romantic.



Words cannot express the shudder that still goes through me when I reflect on our one and only (hopefully forever) lice invasion 14 years ago.  Sending hugs!

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Yikes! Hope you're able to rid the lice quickly.


I did half of my wo this morning. Had to stop to take ds to swim lesson. Got up late because I was up late with one of the boys who couldn't sleep. Then my 5 yr old came in to snuggle this morning and we all know that takes priority over exercise.

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Today is a real live rest day!!! Completely! I am holed up in a hotel room while dh is in a class. I could work out, brought my weights and running shoes, but I think it is a good time for me to rest. School is done for the year! I am getting ready to run a 15 k in August and a 1/2 marathon is September....did a 9 miler this week. So, anyway, yesterday was an exercise rest day....but a 6 hour drive...today, I am sleeping! And eating! And watching tv! Tomorrow, I will get back to itðŸ˜. Tell me it is OK!!!!

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Today is a real live rest day!!! Completely! I am holed up in a hotel room while dh is in a class. I could work out, brought my weights and running shoes, but I think it is a good time for me to rest. School is done for the year! I am getting ready to run a 15 k in August and a 1/2 marathon is September....did a 9 miler this week. So, anyway, yesterday was an exercise rest day....but a 6 hour drive...today, I am sleeping! And eating! And watching tv! Tomorrow, I will get back to itðŸ˜. Tell me it is OK!!!!

It's ok!  Rest!


Oh my, Redsquirrel.  *shudder*  That is such a pain!


I got two walks in yesterday, but that's it.  We've been busy.

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Today is a real live rest day!!! Completely! I am holed up in a hotel room while dh is in a class. I could work out, brought my weights and running shoes, but I think it is a good time for me to rest. School is done for the year! I am getting ready to run a 15 k in August and a 1/2 marathon is September....did a 9 miler this week. So, anyway, yesterday was an exercise rest day....but a 6 hour drive...today, I am sleeping! And eating! And watching tv! Tomorrow, I will get back to itðŸ˜. Tell me it is OK!!!!

Totally OK
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Thursday- 2.64 mile barefoot run on a treadmill.  First time and last time.  The conveyor belt was like sandpaper.

 Martial Arts.- mostly sparring, it was a blast.  My 18 yo was in class too, she's downright scary when she sparrs.  I was so proud:)

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Thursday- 2.64 mile barefoot run on a treadmill. First time and last time. The conveyor belt was like sandpaper.

Martial Arts.- mostly sparring, it was a blast. My 18 yo was in class too, she's downright scary when she sparrs. I was so proud:)

Barefoot on the conveyor???? OUCH!!!! And I barefoot everything except spin and running. Yikes!!!

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Tuesday- nothing, nada, lumpy day:)


Wednesday- 3.64 miles with dd running 9 min. walking 1 minute, times 3. I couldn't figure out why run/walking with my dd is so much harder than running w/o walking on my own. On my own I only run. Then I realized that on my own my average pace is 11 1/2 minutes per mile. With my dd we averaged 9.64 minutes per mile with the walking included in equation. Suddenly I don't feel so geriatric.

Can you and your daughter come play with me? I need someone to push my old butt!

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You are all doing great!


I still have an owie back and...as of yesterday we have lice. Or, actually as of yesterday I was made aware that we have had lice for a while.


So...yeah.... not really exercising. Does laundry count? I have to do it carefully due to my back.


DH and I spent the evening nit combing each others hair and washing towels instead of working out. So romantic.


I'm so sorry.  Lice is awful.  I hope you are able to get rid of it soon.  

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Oh, I tried Think Thin protein bars. They are gf and 20 g protein. Soy and whey protein so not good for those who can't have that. Good for me though cause they are gf. Taste is pretty good. I like the chocolate fudge flavor. 

Yes, I try to avoid soy when I can, but I'm struggling to meet minimum protein recommendations, so figured it's a trade off. :)  I'll have to try that kind-I've only had the peanut ones I linked.


I did a ~5 mile bike ride with the family, then started week 2 of Run! Zombies! 5k.  And I did a little bit of strength work after with the kettlebell and planks.  I had a pretty bad past couple of days from something I ate, so I haven't done much this week.  Dh has band stuff tomorrow so I'll have more time to exercise.

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Open mat today.  I am so sore I feel like a train hit me in my sleep- but I don"t want to miss any martial arts this month because we will be traveling and missing a lot in July.  Afterwards it's a family-day-work picnic. Hopefully with hiking.

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