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Photos from Normandy

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Since today is the 70th anniversary of D-Day, I thought I'd share photos from our trip there in Dec 2009.  My dad flew to Germany for Christmas, and we went on a long trip, including walking in the Battle of the Bulge Memorial Walk (65th anniversary of the battle), going to Reims, Bayeux (the tapestry is amazing), and around the historical WWII sites of Normandy.  Here are a few shots from Point du Hoc, Utah Beach, Omaha Beach and the Cemetery above the beaches.


Pointe du Hoc, which is the highest point between Utah and Omaha beaches (the craters are left overs from WWII)




James Bond and Indy inside one of the craters




We were told this barbed wire is original from the war.  Army soldiers scaled the steep cliff and came through the wire




You can see how very, very steep the cliffs are




The Beaches






This is my dad standing at the water front.  We happened to be there at low tide, which is when the troops would have landed.




The beaches were HUGE.  I had no idea how large they were.  Looking to the left




Looking to the right




Looking back toward the town and cliffs




I was standing about 1/4 of the way up the beach from the water, and my dad, JB and Indy aren't at the top of the beach yet.  Look how far these guys had to go to get up the beach, while being fired on from the cliffs above.





Photos of the cemetery in the next post.



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Photos from the cemetery above the beaches.


Indy overlooking the beaches from the balcony of the museum, just outside the cemetery




Memorial at the entrance to the cemetery




There are approximately 10,000 graves at this cemetery




There were so many markers like this.  It made me so sad that their families never really knew what happened to them, and where they were laid to rest




This marker did me in.  The note in the flowers reads: To The Dad I Never Knew.  A True American Hero




This is one of my favorite photos of my dad.  We were there at sunset, so we got to see them lower the flags while Taps played.  My dad, a retired military member, turned to the flag poles and saluted.  James Bond did the same, and Indy did the Scout salute.








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I have photos but they are much older.  My Grandpa was an army photographer in 1944.  My dad still won't let me see some of the images.  They are hidden away in a trunk; too important to destroy, but too disturbing to look at.  


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My grandpa was there that day. He passed away about five years ago. I can't begin to imagine the horrors those brave men saw.


I haven't made it there yet, but it's on my bucket list. Thank you for the pictures.

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This is dd and her grandfather at Omaha beach. His dad participated in D-Day. He passed away a week before dd was born.




My Grandfathers were not there. One was a radio operator in a bomber and the other drove a tank in Patton's third amy. He was too young for DDay but arrived after that.

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