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It's football season baby!!!

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Um. . . . . . . .












(whispering, so Remudamom won't hear me)



Which is pretty much sacrilege in Alabama. Dh was a marching band director for too many years - hated most every minute -


We're glad to have our Friday nights back, now that he's out of the music scene!

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Go Seahawks!

Go Redskins! You know...except the weekend you come to Seattle. Then, Go Seahawks!


Whew. It might be a rough year for me.





So, have you used your connections to wrangle me a spot on the team plane to Seattle yet? :lol: (I have visions of me being shipped in a case full of equipment. And that's okay. As long as they give me airholes...)


It's neat that he'll be back there this year - I think after this year it's four years before we play each other again, right?

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It's the most wonderful time... of the year!!! :)


DH and I are over the moon. The kids are groaning already. "Football... again???" (just because they get even less of their already-very-limited video game time during football season because *I* need the TV on so I can keep track of the games through Saturday and Sunday! LOL)


Go OU and the Steelers! :D (and any quarterback named Manning - those commercials in the off-season have had me cracking UP! :lol: )

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Um. . . . . . . .












(whispering, so Remudamom won't hear me)



Which is pretty much sacrilege in Alabama. Dh was a marching band director for too many years - hated most every minute -


We're glad to have our Friday nights back, now that he's out of the music scene!


Oh isn't it sacrilegeous though? I was always blase about the Tide, man I hope the Bear isn't listening. Football season was for the parties, not the game.

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So, have you used your connections to wrangle me a spot on the team plane to Seattle yet? :lol: (I have visions of me being shipped in a case full of equipment. And that's okay. As long as they give me airholes...)





I'm still working on it...:D

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(and any quarterback named Manning - those commercials in the off-season have had me cracking UP! :lol: )



Love those commercials!!


My all-time favorite is the one with the lady saying, "I pledge to only watch football on Saturday and Sunday (pause) and Monday... (longer pause) and sometimes Thursday..."

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Oh yeah!!!!


Die hard Redskins fans here!!!


I also love college football! I've been an Auburn fan for years (ever since my cousin attended there back in the 80's)


My two boys have a family feud going...my oldest son loves UVA and my younger son loves Virginia Tech -- so that makes Saturdays very interesting around here!!! (The same thing happens during basketball season! My oldest son loves North Carolina and my younger son loves Duke!)

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