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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

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Okay, I have much on my plate I *want* to do, but I had insomnia last night and I'm feeling miserable right now.


-clean main living area


-clean master bathroom


-put in plants I bought on Thurs. (!!)


-prepare for Sunday School




And the most important thing today - which I've been looking forward to for months!::::


--Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival!!  Whoot!


why oh why did I have to get insomnia last night???  :cursing: :crying:




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Sorry you didn't get any sleep Debbi.


Have to go to the local tea shop and pick up a birthday present for my little sister.


Going to lunch with my sisters and Mom


Pick up Rowan's boyfriend on the way home


Help youngest clean and rearrange her room, she is getting a day bed/trundle bed from a friend today, which will give us more room for folks to sleep.


Making General Tsao's crockpot chicken for supper. (Stephanie O'Dea recipe)


morning chores




the daily meds routine with Rowan


It's supposed to be a beautiful day!



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Good morning! It is a meet weekend here. I am off in a bit with dd2 and ds3. Dh has the afternoon sessions.


Everyone had great races last night, so it was a good way to start.


We have to put in an appearance at a confirmation party tonight.  We won't stay too long, I think.


Tomorrow is a repeat day.


Have a great day everyone!

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Good Morning!  :seeya:


I just love waking up to the birds singing and the windows open.  :D



  • walk 
  • tidy house--vacuum first floor
  • iron --few things for next week needs some attention
  • prep stuff for dinner tonight
  • enjoy the beautiful day. 




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hmm. I try to keep my Saturdays as free from housework as possible.  Nothing more than an hour but its usually a good hour because dh is cleaning also and the kids have to get a good 15 minutes in during that hour.  So this is what we will tackle today housework wise.  There are also our fun things listed for the day.


-Cardio class

-kids kung fu

-ds acrobatics

-dh clean bathrooms

-kids straighten up downstairs

- sweep downstairs

-mop downstairs

-stock pantry with new food (I was given a bunch of free food from a pet sitting client.  I will only need to buy meat, veggies, eggs, and milk from the store for the next few months!!!)

-clean out pantry/coat closet


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Tammy, sleeping with the windows open is just lovely :)


Today's must-dos:

--group meeting for our China trip 10-noon

--dd ballet rehearsal 3:30-4:30 (she's missing class for the meeting)

--dd19 choral concert at the university 8pm

--dd English (catching up from our four days away)

--find 5 more meals for May

--check Amazon prices for selling CPO books and Human Odyssey books

--decide how to sell those books: online or local sale on Tuesday

--gather other books to sell at local sale

--exercise: Pilates arms and back


Would also like to do:

--30 min cardio

--some gardening

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Feel better, Debbi!


It's a big day here because ds' birthday party is this afternoon. His birthday isn't until Wednesday, but he's having it at a party business (inflatables, climbing maze, etc.). 


Already finished today:

Woke up early


dishes from today and last night

Took dd to meet friend so she can go back to RUSH weekend

picked up liquid medicine 

shipped out a curriculum package I sold online

picked up supplies for ds' party 

Kroger shopping list made 

2nd load of laundry is washing


To Do:

shop at Kroger

pack up stuff for the party

pick up a friend on the way to the party


come home and crash

tidy house

stay up late again to pick up dd; maybe watch some stuff on Netflix while waiting



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To do:


master bedroom and bath

drop donations at Goodwill

grocery store

furniture shop, lunch with dh


read and sleep...it's been a long week.  Came home with some sort of bug yesterday, slept the entire afternoon/evening. 

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I can't easily go out today, boys either. 


During the night Eldest had a bit of a cough and sounded congested so we aren't going out today - even though it is Free Comic book day. 


Dh is away for a extra long weekend taking care of his Dad and family matters several hours away. 


On a bright note the other day Eldest really got into Dealing with Dragons and read the whole book in a day. I happily was able to download the whole audio book series from the library so the boys have something to listen to. 


Meanwhile my only plan is to putter around with chores today.

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hmm. I try to keep my Saturdays as free from housework as possible.  Nothing more than an hour but its usually a good hour because dh is cleaning also and the kids have to get a good 15 minutes in during that hour.  So this is what we will tackle today housework wise.  There are also our fun things listed for the day.


-Cardio class

-kids kung fu

-ds acrobatics

-dh clean bathrooms

-kids straighten up downstairs

- sweep downstairs

-mop downstairs

-stock pantry with new food (I was given a bunch of free food from a pet sitting client.  I will only need to buy meat, veggies, eggs, and milk from the store for the next few months!!!)

-clean out pantry/coat closet





Its almost 6, the kids are getting their baths right now, then we'll be reading book and saying prayers. They'll probably get a little time to play before bed at 7!!! After that I'll sweep and mop downstairs and then relax for the night! The park was fun and my dd was able to ride her bike for the first time ever!! hope everyone had a wonderful day

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OMG! Some of you have SO much to do today!!  


I can't believe it but I accomplished everything but Vespers.  I'm just too pooped to go tonight.  MD sheep and Wool Festival was great!  Such a beautiful day too... but boy was it crowded.  I don't remember ever seeing that many people at the MDSWF... I hate crowds so it was a bit overwhelming.  I've also noticed that when I got to stuff like that there's a stimulation overload.  So many venders and so much stuff to look at. 


I'm exhausted.  I think I'm going to soak in the tub and read a book for a while and let the fam.  fend for themselves.

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Pre-dinner update!


Today's must-dos:

--group meeting for our China trip 10-noon

--dd ballet rehearsal 3:30-4:30 (she's missing class for the meeting)

--dd19 choral concert at the university 8pm

--dd English (catching up from our four days away)

--find 5 more meals for May

--check Amazon prices for selling CPO books and Human Odyssey books

--decide how to sell those books: online or local sale on Tuesday

--gather other books to sell at local sale

--exercise: Pilates arms and back


Would also like to do:

--30 min cardio

--some gardening

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With Eldest a bit sick, and Dh away for a long weekend it has been very quiet here. 


I haven't even left the house today. It's kind of strange. I hope to get out tomorrow if Eldest is feeling better. 


(Well I did step out on the porch to collect the recycle bins.)

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Load #2 totally done.  And with that I thought I was done for the day until ds told me that he needed stuff washed for tomorrow.  Sigh.  He loaded the washing machine but because he's going to go to bed I will have to make sure it gets in the dryer.  (Not a huge imposition but I'm tired!)


Went through all the mail and sorted the bills.


Imposed on my "poor, overworked" children to tidy the living room of all of their stuff.


Now I need to actually pay those bills.  

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