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If you have Verizon for a cell phone, are you happy with it?...

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I need to get a new cell phone plan. We have been using AT&T prepaid Gophones, but they get no service in my son's college dorm and other places on campus. Verizon seems to work well there everywhere.

I will probably get a family plan instead of their prepaid ones.

Are you pleased with Verizon? Anything I should be concerned about?


~Sabrina in NY

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I pm'd you ... dh and I have a webpage selling cellular services, so if you're interested you could check it out! It covers all major providers and has tons of free/discount phones plus cash-back rebates. We've sold to numerous homeschool families -- including our own! Anyway, just if you're interested you could check it out.

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I love Verizon. I stayed even when the old owners of WorldCom bought them out. I despise WorldCom with every ounce of my being and they owe me hundreds of dollars. But Verizon has given us the best service and least dropped calls - almost none in fact. So we've stayed with them.

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I actually happen to be a happy TMobile customer.....


Verizon's service is excellent, and we used to live in an area that Verizon was the ONLY service that would work. TMobile works fine where we live now and is cheaper.


My only complaint with Verizon (and this was many, many years ago) was that when I called to change my plan they re-started my contract and didn't tell me. This made me really, really mad. Like another poster said, just go in with your eyes open to the hidden fees and small print, just like you would with anything or anyone. That was just my learning experience.

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I'll be the odd woman out here. Dh has verizon-it stinks. He gets calls dropped all the time, has terrible service. We joke "Can you hear me now?" "NO" . I have AT&T and NEVER have I had a dropped call! I get much, much, much better service. Even in remote areas! Hmmm, maybe from reading the replies, some areas get better service w/ verizon, but we never have! Oh, and dh just went on a camp out w/ the boy scouts. The only cell phones that worked, were AT&T!

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another pleased Verizon customer here. :D


Here, too. Been with Verizon for about 4 years. Always have service. Can't remember the last time I dropped a call. All of my family have Verizon so I can talk to everyone for free for however long I want!!

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We laugh about the Verizon commercials here, but to be honest the cell phone service isn't great here no matter who your provider is.


My one beef with Verizon is that I signed up with Verizon a couple of months before we moved here, when I was living in Rhode Island. Before I signed up, I called and talked to a Verizon rep, explaining where exactly I was moving and that I needed to know if the phone would work there and if it would be a local number. I was assured all would be well. :glare: Turns out they could not give me a local number. They could give me a Burlington number, but only if I gave them a Burlington address. Which of course I didn't have.:001_huh:


I ended up getting them to let me out of my contract, and I switched to a different provider.

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another pleased Verizon customer here. :D

:iagree: We've been nothing but pleased.


One thing I can warn you about is that my dh's friend signed up first and paid $20/phone for his family and that was a "great deal". My dh went to sign us up and we got the same phones for free along with a memory chip and charger set for free as well. When we inquired about the difference we were told that the salesmen are allowed to do what it takes to make a sale and get a contract. So you might consider haggling with them a little or possibly don't be too eager to buy it right away and then they can lower prices etc. for you. HTH!

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