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Menopause, estrogen, etc. - TMI so ladies only please.


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I had my yearly (a year late) appt yesterday. I had a mammogram, plus all the usual fun stuff. We were also going over bloodwork I had drawn last week.


It appears that at the ripe old age of 46, I have already completed menopause (I'm sure it was earlier than it might have been because of my hysterectomy). We discussed some options. I haven't really had symptoms that I've noticed (well, maybe mood swings and slight insanity, but no hot flashes, night sweats, etc.). One thing that has been an issue is ZERO sex drive and, when my husband CAN coax me into it, a LOT of pain.


Because that is pretty much my only symptom, and my bone density scan looked really good, my dr recommended estrogen cream (to hopefully improve things in that specific area), and just suggested I consume more soy products to get some phytoestrogens overall (apparently the vaginal creams don't absorb much and wouldn't help with other things).


I'm definitely going to try the cream because he said my vaginal walls are like paper, and, I know this is TMI, but they basically are so thin the friction from intercourse causes tiny tears and a lot of pain. The estrogen will apparently help to build up tissue in the area, and help with all of the issues. He also gave me a testosterone shot to help in the "desire" area. I can't say I'm excited about that at the moment. ;-p


Has anyone dealt with this? What about issues after menopause overall? What did/do you do to help with post-menopausal health?

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I'm sorry things are the way they are. :grouphug: It's seems like a sort of "in sickness and health" thing.


Although not a substitute for vaginal intercourse, are you open to other forms of expression? (Not asking for you to answer, just offering a possibility so that you can remain "active" and have all the benefits that s#x brings, both personally (O) and relationally.)

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Yep, yep, yep. Premarin helps a lot, reduces pain and makes everything easier. If dh is willing to take the initiative, we usually have fun, but I am very seldom, ever, the one to take the first step anymore. (What a reversal!) We've had to talk more than a bit to find a new pattern that works for both of us.

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I have a friend who has been using chaste tree and another herb that worked on her within 24 hours. No pains or hot flashes, no mood swings, and other symptoms that were a big deal but I can't remember what all she said. I will find out what the other herb is and get back to you. I am sorry you are going through this, I have some of the same issues and have been lazy about taking my herbs that I know would help. I would rather take a naturally occurring plant than start taking a prescription that is made out of questionable ingredients.

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my gyn recommended magnisium. (she does for all her peri- patients)   I was having increasing hot flashes, no cycle, and no interest.  then I started magnesium, and hot flashes went away and interest returned.  'course, so did my cycle  :glare: two weeks later. (so, it was only three months, but still  . . . . so, I don't really know if it was the magnesium, or if it was coincidence.  I don't think anyone has actually checked my hormone levels.)

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my gyn recommended magnisium. (she does for all her peri- patients)   I was having increasing hot flashes, no cycle, and no interest.  then I started magnesium, and hot flashes went away and interest returned.  'course, so did my cycle  :glare: two weeks later. (so, it was only three months, but still  . . . . so, I don't really know if it was the magnesium, or if it was coincidence.  I don't think anyone has actually checked my hormone levels.)


Interesting.  I started taking magnesium about a year ago for sleep issues and I haven't noticed any increase in interest at all. 

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I have several years of menopause under my belt. I'll just tell you... Your problem is totally normal, and Ive never encountered a woman for whom the natural therapies worked in that specific dept. The soy/herbal stuff did help some of my friends with the hot flash/ irritability/ heart palp symptoms... Just not the intimacy stuff.


With a decrease in your s-x hormones, your s-x organs change. In the case of menopausal women, the v-ginal tissue atrophies, dryness is an issue, etc. the most effective therapy I've experienced is called V-gifem, which works in the same way a topical estrogen cream would, it's just a pill inserted rather than a cream applied. The amount of estrogen used in these products is so small that it's negligible (I was on it while breast feeding).


It's definitely a change and you'll have to be more proactive in searching out what works, and get creative. DHs usually need some educating... His approach/expectations will need some revamping too.

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Thanks for the input! I just started a calcium, vit D, magnesium supplement, so I'll be interested to see if I notice any difference there. I am open to some other intimacy ideas, but honestly, I haven't even been interested in those due to overall lack of desire. I am hoping the testosterone will help that.


I know it's been frustrating for dh, but he seems pretty upbeat about the prospect of some positive change. I could probably get past the lack of desire, even if the testosterone didn't help, if I knew I wasn't going to have the pain.


I had no idea heart palpitations could be a menopausal issue. That does make me feel better, because I HAVE had some of that and I was wondering what in the world was going on (cardiologist checkup last year showed no issues).


I guess I really need to read up on my stuff. I would normally be ahead of the game, but like I said, I really had no idea this is what I was dealing with.

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I'm 43.  My older sister was fully in menopause at 45 and has helped me learn about hormone levels, as I'm in peri-menopause now.  I've been on bio-identical hormones for a couple of years- off and on.  I use gels and they are compounded at a local pharmacy.  Has your doc suggested a long term solution for the testosterone?  I use one gel that has testosterone and estrogen combined and another gel of just progesterone.  I've found these to be a nice solution.     

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