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Dr. Hive- bladder infection question (possibly tmi) (Updated)


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Please send an update when you can. Hopefully, she's already feeling a bit better by now and can have a relaxing weekend recovering.



Unfortunately with antibiotics it takes a few days to feel better. I was hoping she would get 2 prescriptions, one to make her healthy and one to make her feel better, but at least she's getting proper treatment. I assume she'll feel better by Monday.



How is she feeling today? I hope she's starting to feel better!


Thanks for thinking of us today, guys. :)  She's improving a bit, but still feeling pretty crappy.  She actually pees a normal amount of pee when she goes now, but the needing-to-pee feeling is still there most of the time for her.  I did convince her to go back to underwear instead of the pull-ups, so that's something, and she only sobbed on the toilet once today.  I'm hoping she feels better tomorrow.  This has been terrible though, I hope we don't have to deal with another UTI anytime soon. :(


Oh, and I was going to post a pic of her with her giant tooth-gap for everyone, but I can't find it.  So you'll have to settle for the pic I took on Tuesday of her in her new glasses. :P  You'll have to excuse her hair, she's still growing out her last pixie cut. ;)



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Your girl is a cutie and I sure hope she feels better soon!!


Fwiw, I've never gotten good care for my children in the ER or a walk-in clinic. Once I had a vomiting 7 month old and the ER doc told me to quit nursing for 24 hours so his tummy could "rest". My ped was livid that that was the advice we were given. A good doctor is worth his weight in gold!!

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Your girl is a cutie and I sure hope she feels better soon!!


Fwiw, I've never gotten good care for my children in the ER or a walk-in clinic. Once I had a vomiting 7 month old and the ER doc told me to quit nursing for 24 hours so his tummy could "rest". My ped was livid that that was the advice we were given. A good doctor is worth his weight in gold!!


I'd be livid if I'd been told that, too.  Wow.  Some doctors should never have been allowed to practice medicine.


Our regular doc is amazing.  The problem is that he's so amazing, it takes a week to get in to see him now, because everyone else in town wants to see him too. :P  So for stuff like a UTI where we don't want to wait, we're stuck with the walk-in clinic.  

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Mergath, your daughter is a doll! If she is still uncomfortable today, ask a doctor or pharmacist if she can take Azo Urinary Pain Relief Tablets. They are OTC and really help with that constant needing to pee feeling. They will turn her pee orange, though (the dye actually numbs the urinary tract).

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Mergath, your daughter is a doll! If she is still uncomfortable today, ask a doctor or pharmacist if she can take Azo Urinary Pain Relief Tablets. They are OTC and really help with that constant needing to pee feeling. They will turn her pee orange, though (the dye actually numbs the urinary tract).


I'll look into getting some of those, thanks!

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Mergath, your daughter is a doll! If she is still uncomfortable today, ask a doctor or pharmacist if she can take Azo Urinary Pain Relief Tablets. They are OTC and really help with that constant needing to pee feeling. They will turn her pee orange, though (the dye actually numbs the urinary tract).


Mercy -- Thanks for mentioning this. I didn't know these tabs were OTC as I always got them with an RX. 


Mergath -- As Mercy said, they will turn her pee orange. They may also stain her underwear. You might want to put her in pull-ups while you're using this medicine, so her clothing doesn't get stained. She'll probably only need to take two or three doses before she starts feeling better and then you can discontinue it (presuming the doc or pharmacist okays it).


While I was searching for these tabs on Amazon, I also saw that they carry Cystex (which does the same thing as AZO). Their Cystex Plus also has an antibacterial agent. I also got urinary tract infection test strips as I have way too much experience with UTIs.


Hope your little one is feeling better sooner than soon!

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Is she feeling any better this afternoon? I'm hoping the medicine is working by now.



She's still having some discomfort immediately after peeing, but no more sobbing and she says it's not as bad as it was, so fingers crossed it's working.  If she's not feeling 100% better by after dinner, I'm going to see if Walgreens carries Azo or something similar and give that a try.


Thanks for your concern and prayers/good thoughts, everyone.  Dd blushes and gets all giggly when I tell her how many people are concerned for her and hope that she gets better soon, lol. :)

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My dh got a UTI that never showed up on a in-office test nor a lab culture.  The dr said, well, maybe it's a bacteria that doesn't culture well. Since the symptoms were so text book UTI, he gave my dh a broad spectrum abx and that was the end of it. It happens!


So glad that your dd is feeling better. UTIs are AWFUL!  Ever since my dh got one he is so sympathetic to people (usually my girls and me) who end up with one,

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So happy to hear you're seeing some improvement!  That's a great sign.  


For prevention of future UTIs, if this was caused by e. coli (which the vast majority of UTIs are) you could keep a bottle of D-Mannose powder on hand.  Any sign of discomfort, or sometimes even just if we're traveling I start giving it to my UTI-prone kiddo mixed in water (her 2 infections were both on/after trips, probably due to dehydration since she tends not to drink enough when we travel).  I figured out dosing using amazon reviews, 1/2 tsp 3-4 times a day.  Too high a dose can cause loose stool, so if you see that just decrease the amount.


D-Mannose is a harmless fruit sugar and the most effective alternative treatment we've ever tried.  I don't hesitate to give it to preventatively, especially knowing what a nightmare UTIs are.  Dd likes it with a little spoon of stevia and some lemon, so it takes like lemonade, and for us it's a plus that it ups her fluid intake.  She's had some early signs that have totally resolved after a day or two on D-Mannose.  The other thing that helps is she takes a bath every other night.  If she didn't have the UTI history I'd probably bathe her a bit less often.     



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What a darling, darling sweet little girl!  Poor thing.  I used to get UTIs a lot when I was a kid and they were so miserable.  It's pain I wouldn't wish on my most hated enemy.  I hope she's all better very, very soon and doesn't have to go through this ever again.  And I hope the Urgent Care does not make you pay for two visits because the first doctor was an idiot and actually could have caused more harm with his "wait and see" approach to a UTI.


Once my now 5 year old had UTI symptoms with a strep throat infection.  The doctor said sometimes where a kid complains about having pain isn't where they are actually having pain for some reason.

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