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Exercise Thread ~ 4/6 - 4/12


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For stress eating you could try exercising instead. It can be really really hard to force yourself to skip the food and workout. Getting started is the hardest part. However, if you can push yourself to start, you usually then start to get into it. The desire to eat goes away. The best part is when you are done you feel pretty good; endorphins are flowing and you feel proud of yourself for avoiding stress eating. 


I'm not always successful but I try and most times I succeed.


Yesterday I did FB lower body tabata and in the afternoon did a HIIT and lots of stretching.


Today is rest day.

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Today was a 6 mile run.  It was so cold outside. My hands, despite the gloves, never got warm.  So far I've also done 100 swings and 25 push-ups.  I plan on at least another 100 swings and 25 pull-ups.  I could get in another 100 swings after that.  Tonight I'm either going to do Yin yoga or a bubble bath. I can't decide. :)


Yesterday my dh, 3 boys, and I went on a short hike, then we went and saw Captain America: The Winter Soldier.  I felt the need to run more and do more kettlebell after watching the movie. :D  

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I did the second day of a couch-5K program. I have to do this every spring. It's the only way to trick myself into running again, lol. In a couple weeks I'll be back up to form, but for now I need my little routine. It helps me to transition from indoor cardio (Nordic track, cardio DVDs) to outside. Whatever it takes, right?


I also bought a new barre DVD at Target today and I am going to do some of that.

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I also bought a new barre DVD at Target today and I am going to do some of that.

Which one? You're the one who got me into barre workouts :)!


1 Mile of Leslie - I seem to prefer the workouts with her alone - less chatter and stuff that is funny at first, but gets repetitive after a few times.

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Sun: Bada$$ and 100 Kettlebell Swings


No bike ride or walk we were so incredibly busy around the house. This week is going to likely be crazy as well with 2 additional kids most of the time. Today the plan is Bada$$ and Kettlebell Swings. I'd like to take a walk but it is raining so we'll see how the day goes.

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Which one? You're the one who got me into barre workouts :)!


1 Mile of Leslie - I seem to prefer the workouts with her alone - less chatter and stuff that is funny at first, but gets repetitive after a few times.


I got Pop Physique's "original butt' DVD. I have never bought a DVD with the word "butt" in the title. I was embarrassed just buying the DVD in Target because the cover is so provocative. When I got home I turned the paper wrapper inside out so my kids would not see such an objectified image of a woman's body. The only reason I bought it is that is a barre workout and the price was very good. I figured I could find something worthwhile. 


When I read the reviews on Amazon before viewing it I got worried. It claimed the women were exercising in lingerie etc.


I saw it last night and they are NOT in what I would call lingerie. They are in tights and lace tank tops with fancy sports bras underneath. Everything is covered and it isn't anything special. The main teacher is wearing a fancy sports bra and a knit shrug over her shoulders and arms. I found nothing untoward in their dress. The teacher has a typical yoga instructor type physique. They look healthy and strong, as opposed to the teacher in the ballet beautiful series who is so thin I find it triggering for my own self esteem issues.


The workout is fine. It reminds me of Pure Barre. I own the original of that and consider that one to be an 'advanced beginner' or beyond beginner workout. This Pop Physique is about the same level. Lots of "up an inch, down an inch" but with a smile and cheerful attitude, that is missing in the Pure Barre original, lol, I am sure I am going to like it. If they are similar, I would totally buy another by Pop Physique if I come across it in the store.



And.... I also bought a new Tracy Anderson "Precision Toning" from Amazon. But it was ONLY 7.50 and I have Prime. It was too good to pass up! She counts reps! She uses 5lb weights! She gives instructions! I had to buy it.

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I attended my very first ever yoga class today.  It is an 8 week lunch hour series. Let's just say I have not used those muscles for years and years and years before tonight.  I shook all through class, and am now quite sore but so glad I went.

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Crazy busy weekend.

Saturday did bootcamp and cycle back to back... Them went hiking in the snow 2.5 miles straight up hill with my kids. We did great, and no one fell down the mountain. We only almost lost one shoe!


Yesterday did lots of house chores and then ran 3.1 in 28 with my last mile split my fastest pace.


Today is a cycle/strength day, but my ds needed to get stitches this morning, which totally stressed me out, and my 2 youngest dss have an extra karate class tonight to make up for snow days. I cancelled my cycle and I may run while the boys are in karate. I may just come home and go to sleep for the 2 hours. Sigh..... My legs are tired :-( my arms are tired, my brain is tired.

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Nothing today. Slept terribly. 


I got Pop Physique's "original butt' DVD. I have never bought a DVD with the word "butt" in the title. 


And.... I also bought a new Tracy Anderson "Precision Toning" from Amazon. But it was ONLY 7.50 and I have Prime. It was too good to pass up! She counts reps! She uses 5lb weights! She gives instructions! I had to buy it.

Those both sound very good. Thank you for the detailed review. I'm going to look into them. I've often gone back and forth on TA. Not sure if I'd like her or not. I have too many DVDs, yet am always on the lookout for more. Like you, I don't like provocative stuff either. 

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Monday- BA Workout and 100 Kettlebell Swings


Today planned- BA Workout, 150 Kettlebell Swings, Hill Sprints



Snickerdoodle- So was the workout so bad that it is traumatizing to talk about :)


Usually we are able to get in a good active family event on the weekends actually but we've been too busy with life, right now we are busy working on projects. I'll be glad when we finish a few things up and can slow down a bit. 


Swellmomma- Welcome!


I'm a little disappointed that I've not been able to pick the intensity back up since "the bad week" but at least I'm still hanging in there are enjoying it. I'm really hoping that the schedule lightens and weather improves very soon. 

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Yesterday was quick and easy JM kickboxing cardio...my "git er done" workout when short on time and motivation.


This morning was a quick cardio/ab combo workout followed by pilates. All FB of course. Still having to modify a lot of the pilates moves for my tailbone which is slooooooowly getting better. I couldn't do simple pelvic tilts of all things.





And.... I also bought a new Tracy Anderson "Precision Toning" from Amazon. But it was ONLY 7.50 and I have Prime. It was too good to pass up! She counts reps! She uses 5lb weights! She gives instructions! I had to buy it.

No way! TA counting reps? I don't believe it.


In her postnatal dvd she gives instructions but she does not count reps.



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Monday- missed my run but got to martial arts- it was all thinking and my brain was fried.  Arggh. I hate it when I get all backwards learning new techniques.


Tuesday a.m. Lottie Barre Hip hugger abs and then Fitness Blender butt and abs Tabata workout.  I really prefer Fitness Blender.  I hope to go for a 1 or 1 1/2 mile training barefoot run.  If I can squeeze it in.


Tuesday p.m.- martial arts.

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it is migraine week, BUT I did 45 minutes on the treadmill last night.  I told myself I only had to do 10 minutes, but that means I have to get dressed, put my hair up, put my tennis shoes on, put the treadmill down, find my ipod, and by the time I've done all that and start moving, it's easier to keep going. 


Sometimes I think I hate the prep more than the actual exercise.


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You all are so intense in the workouts you do, kind of makes me feel like a poser lol  Today was a 1 mile routine using Leslie Sansone's Walk your belly flat dvd.  I am not ready to go past mile 1 yet, so only a 15 minute workout, but at least I am moving.  My heart is still racing 30 minutes later.  I am so so out of shape it is scary, but I am finally doing something about it and even though you all are so much more advanced than me I hope it is okay for me to keep posting on these threads now to keep me motivated and accountable.

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No way! TA counting reps? I don't believe it.


In her postnatal dvd she gives instructions but she does not count reps.


I know, right? I don't quite believe it myself. But, for 7.50 I was willing to find out.


I should get it tomorrow so I will report back if the rumors are true.

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it is migraine week, BUT I did 45 minutes on the treadmill last night. I told myself I only had to do 10 minutes, but that means I have to get dressed, put my hair up, put my tennis shoes on, put the treadmill down, find my ipod, and by the time I've done all that and start moving, it's easier to keep going.


Sometimes I think I hate the prep more than the actual exercise.

So true. If I can get out the door I'm golden but actually getting out the door. If I could just run in the tank and boy shorts I wear to sleep in life would be easier. Find my bra, find my tights, find my shoes, ipod,phone,tie back my hair, go to the bathroom, not to mention if it's cold extra shirts and hats and gloves. Annoying.
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You all are so intense in the workouts you do, kind of makes me feel like a poser lol  Today was a 1 mile routine using Leslie Sansone's Walk your belly flat dvd.  I am not ready to go past mile 1 yet, so only a 15 minute workout, but at least I am moving.  My heart is still racing 30 minutes later.  I am so so out of shape it is scary, but I am finally doing something about it and even though you all are so much more advanced than me I hope it is okay for me to keep posting on these threads now to keep me motivated and accountable.

I feel like a poser too, its ok. I don't do really long workouts unless it is low intensity. Everyone is at a different level and has different goals. Just like with our kids we have to reach them where they are at, one day at a time.

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You all are so intense in the workouts you do, kind of makes me feel like a poser lol  Today was a 1 mile routine using Leslie Sansone's Walk your belly flat dvd.  I am not ready to go past mile 1 yet, so only a 15 minute workout, but at least I am moving.  My heart is still racing 30 minutes later.  I am so so out of shape it is scary, but I am finally doing something about it and even though you all are so much more advanced than me I hope it is okay for me to keep posting on these threads now to keep me motivated and accountable.


When I was 37 I was getting winded walking up our stairs.  I avoided going upstairs because it was so hard to do.  I started trying to run, using C25k.  I couldn't believe how hard it was to run just for a minute.  I kept pushing myself (should have taken 2 or more weeks on a few of those steps) but I never got that runner's high, and I never felt good when I was done.  Only exausted.  I then got injured, badly, could barely walk that entire summer  I started again the next winter, but it was still so hard.  I still remember when I was finally able to run just 1 mile.  I kept pushing.  It took me a while to get to where it felt good to work out.  But it has paid off.  I'm in better shape now then I've ever been in my entire life.  I'm stronger and have more endurance than I even had as a child.  I was in awful shape when I started.  Physically and emotionally I was in a bad place.  I feel so much better now that I can't imagine going back.  I'm 44 now, so I've been at this for a little while.


You have to keep at it; do not give up.  It is so worth it.  

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I did a 35 min run for my C25K (I like the Zombies, Run! program). I run more than they instruct because I can, but it is still hard to move from inside cardio to outside cardio.  I feel it in weird places in my legs, lol.


I keep saying that I am going to do some more work tonight but I am tired... trying to get motivated....not working....


Ok, I did some more. I did some arms, abs and butt stuff. But I didn't like it, so there.

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FB upper body tabata, along with this fun ladder workout, and this stretch


So I tried flavored coconut water to drink before working out mornings. Yuck. It's so gross. Plain coconut water is worse. 


I find I do have more pep in my exercise when I take in a bit of carb in the morning. I don't drink caffeine so I can't rely on that to give me energy. I stick to a few bites of applesauce for now. I can't do coconut water.

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Swellmomma, when I started to workout, I could barely walk up my driveway to get the mail. My driveway is only 3 car lengths long! Start at the start. There is no posing, just making progress or giving up. For me, giving up wasn't an option. I had to take care of my kids and my parents. My parents are gone now, but I still have those kids!! I slowly worked my way up to 3 miles of walking daily. That was IT for 10 years! In that 10 years, I lost 100 lbs, had many major health setbacks and finally, 2 years ago, at my daughters insistance, joined a gym. I was embarrassed and miserable, but found classes I love and other women I love more! My gym people encourage me more than I deserve and when they believe in me, I believe in me.


I could not hold a plank for 3 full seconds....I can hold one for 3 whole minutes now. I could not do 1 push up....even modified....I can do 50 modified non stop, and about 25 regular ...

I could not run between telephone pole to telephone pole last June. I ran a 10k last September in under an hour...and I am training for a 1/2 marathon next fall.


I am not bragging, and I hope it doesn't come off like that....I just want you to know I started in the worst possible shape I could ever be in....bed-ridden for months. I think you have seen some of my posts through the years.

I KNOW you can do this!!! You have the strength of character and the drive! This community of exercisers is actually a community of encouragers. We are here for each other. We root for each other. We are proud of one another's accomplishments and help each other over the hurdles that can seem insurmountable alone.


WELCOME ABOARD!!!!! And I, for one, can not wait to cheer on your achievements!!!


Now, GO GETTUM!!!!

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Tuesday: no cardio! Lol! I stuck with an abs, core, back routine. Lots of dumbells. My 10 lb'ers are getting too light!! Yeah!! It's been a long time in coming.


Wednesdays plan is a 3 mile easy walk, cycle class and barefoot class tonight. Hoping to burn off some of the extra eating I have been doing 😜. Spring makes me hungry! ( so do the other 3 seasons.)

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Dieing!  Decided today to try the kettleball workout dvd that came with my KB, only made it through a portion of it before feeling like I was about to have a heart attack.  It worked out to be the warm up, 45 sumo squats, 45 swings, 45 jumping jacks, then 10 lunges on each side and 10 of these other moves I can't remember the name of.  My thighs and shoulders hate me, my heart is racing and my lungs are going to explode.  I just had my dose of oregano oil for today and now sipping some water trying to bring everything down to normal.  So glad tomorrow is just a walking day.

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Didn't squeeze my run in yesterday after all because I had to squeeze in a pediatrician's visit instead, poor youngest has pink-eye:(  Last night at martial arts it was an intense evening of kicking.  My daughters and I all limped out.  I can really feel it today in my gluts.  I love that good sore feeling, as opposed to the, "Uh oh, what did I do to myself now?" type of sore.


Today- ran 1.8 miles.  Tried to do it in my new merrills and they drove me crazy- the arches bother me so I flung them back into my car and ran barefoot.  Of course I'm not used to barefoot yet and the skin on my feet got sore before I really had a really good cardio workout.  I'm trying to be patient.

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I did the 30 min workout 'Bum Bum" from Brazil Butt lift. ZOMG that was quite the workout. I wasn't expecting it to be whatever it is and it took me by surprise. I am going to be doing that more often, that is for sure. If I can do that workout full on with no stopping, then I will feel like I have accomplished something!


Then I did the arms and abs workout of my new Tracy Anderson DVD "Precision Toning". I had planned to do the whole thing, but No Way was I doing lower body work after doing 'Bum Bum'.


I have to say that I like this TA DVD. I am not a TA hater, but also not a TA lover. I want to like her stuff, but I always feel like she never meets me half way. And, to be honest, she spends most of the time in her own DVDs looking bored out of her mind. If she feels that way, how am I supposed to feel when I do it for the umpteenth time?


Anyway, I actually like this DVD. She talks! She gives some instruction and it is useful. I feel like I was able to do a better job because of what she said. Were there still a few moves where I was thinking "What did you do with your shoulder there, Tracy?" Yep, of course. But, there were things she did go out of her way to explain, and if she didn't then I figure it just doesn't matter that much, lol.


But I think it would be a good introduction to TA. I think there might be a TA beginner DVD now? That might be better for a real beginner because this DVD was not easy, at least not for me. This one might be more for someone who doesn't want to commit to Meta but wants to work some TA into her workout. It could also be a way to try out TA before committing to Meta. I cannot imagine committing to meta, lol. 


Tomorrow my plan is to run and then do some weights. I hope I am not too sore in my 'Bum Bum' from Bum Bum to go running.  I am taking some advil before I go to bed tonight, lol.

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Tuesday- Rest Day 

Wednesday- KB Swings and BA workout


BA workout is still a challenge. I'll be glad when I can move up on some of my exercises. I've tried on a few but I'm not strong enough yet. It is supposed to be 8 weeks so I'm hoping by then I can do the regular push-ups and one- legged squats and I'd love it if I could do my pull-ups with just the bands (instead of the modified rows w/ suspension straps). 

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