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Isn't that the truth! I always feel better while at the doctor's office. I hope he's feeling better soon. There is a plus side, he didn't throw up in the car!!

But he did actually and we weren't even driving. He went out to get something he'd left in the car and when he bent down, felt woozy and URK-SPLAT! Then the damn toy he was looking for wasn't even in the car!


I had to scrub vomit out of my car in the dark of night and leave the doors open to air it out.

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WHY do kids fall ill right after their doctors appointment?

Only half of them do. The other half feel better as soon as they arrive at the doctor's office. The four hours of lethargia after the bumped head immediately lifts. The crippling pain in the leg suddenly disappears. The parent reddens. The doctor scribbles 'Munchausen by proxy?' in the margin of the file. We fall into this half. Sigh is right.
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Because they pick up "the crud" from all the other sick kids at the doctor's office.

That's what I was thinking, too.

I hope he feels better soon, Gil, and that no one else in the house catches it. Stomach illnesses are miserable. :(

Is there any possibility he got sick from something he ate?
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Because they pick up "the crud" from all the other sick kids at the doctor's office.

Yes, this exactly! We now stop at the last bathroom on the way out of the doctor's office and wash hands. Walk into our house and wash hands and faces. When my kids were younger, I swear this happened every time we walked through the doctor's office doors! So annoying!
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But he did actually and we weren't even driving. He went out to get something he'd left in the car and when he bent down, felt woozy and URK-SPLAT! Then the damn toy he was looking for wasn't even in the car!

I had to scrub vomit out of my car in the dark of night and leave the doors open to air it out.

I'm sorry, but that is absolutely hilarious. It beats my story by a long shot. My kids used to puke when we were turning onto our road. Our house is the second one in on a street filled with homes. We could see the house and...puke. It happened more times that I could count. Why did this happen? Why not a mere 45 seconds later? Why always when we were still IN the car, but the house was literally less than 45 seconds away?
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Because they pick up "the crud" from all the other sick kids at the doctor's office.  

Yup.  This.


My kids know that they aren't allowed to touch ANYTHING at the doctor's office, not the magazines, not the armrests on the chairs, nothing.    Don't even get me started on the toys.  Ick.

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Only half of them do. The other half feel better as soon as they arrive at the doctor's office. The four hours of lethargia after the bumped head immediately lifts. The crippling pain in the leg suddenly disappears. The parent reddens. The doctor scribbles 'Munchausen by proxy?' in the margin of the file. We fall into this half. Sigh is right.

Thanks for the perspective, lol. Yep, now that you mention it I think I have on boy in each category. Buddy is mysteriously healed upon entering the Dr. Office before he is seen while Pal is healthy as a horse...until right after the appointment at which point he looks and feels like death warmed over. Aahh, the joys of parenthood.


Because they pick up "the crud" from all the other sick kids at the doctor's office.  

I really, really, really hope that it isn't crud. From what I can tell, CRUD is a respiratory thing and he's been stomach sick for a while now. Plus CRUD can just go on and on and on and its contagious. Its hard to quarantine in a small house and I don't know that I can pull it off long term in our place.


That's what I was thinking, too.

I hope he feels better soon, Gil, and that no one else in the house catches it. Stomach illnesses are miserable. :(
Thanks, he's finally asleep now and its been 2 hours since he threw up.
Is there any possibility he got sick from something he ate?

I doubt it. He didn't eat anything new or strange the day he got ill. We had veggie stir-fry and rice for lunch and PB&J for dinner (I know kind of backwards, but that's how we roll sometimes!)



Yep, we pick up the crud every time we go to the doc.  Or we did, until we started religiously washing before leaving the office and the moment we walk into our house.  

Yikes! I don't think its CRUD--its a respiratory thing, right?--but if he's not better by Monday I'm taking him in again and we'll see.


I'm sorry, but that is absolutely hilarious. It beats my story by a long shot. My kids used to puke when we were turning onto our road. Our house is the second one in on a street filled with homes. We could see the house and...puke. It happened more times that I could count. Why did this happen? Why not a mere 45 seconds later? Why always when we were still IN the car, but the house was literally less than 45 seconds away?

Wow, that sounds horrible. I was pretty grumpy about my car but suddenly I feel better. Perhaps you could keep sick bags or special tumblers in the car? So that when they feel ill, they can hold a large cup--I'm thinking like an empty big-gulp cup or something? Thats what we wound up doing for little Pal today.  I don't think I could take that--people would think I were crazy for having my kids puke out the side of a moving car.


Yup.  This.


My kids know that they aren't allowed to touch ANYTHING at the doctor's office, not the magazines, not the armrests on the chairs, nothing.    Don't even get me started on the toys.  Ick.

Yeah, after this my kids won't be touching ANYTHING in there ever again either. This is ridiculous!


--Gil, who has gotten 5hrs of sleep in the last 40 hrs.

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Were there eggs in the stir-fry? I developed--after 18+ years of eating eggs almost every single day--a food-sensitivity/mild allergy to eggs. I was throwing up constantly. I felt lethargic + congested for a few days and couldn't figure out what was wrong with me--I'd been exercising and eating well and was losing weight on my carb-diet but I was soo friggin sick!


We ran out of eggs in the middle of the week and so by a fluke I went 3 days with no eggs and I stopped vomiting. I had eggs when next we got some and I felt like I'd been poisoned again. I was scared thought I was dying or something. Turned out, I just had to stop eating eggs for several months.

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We've had the opposite. My kids always sento get sick when they have a well check and then I get charged for two appointment (a well check & sickness). :/ but I commiserate with you. (Not sure I used that word right. Need. Coffee.)

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