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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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TGIF indeed, this was a difficult week.

Plans for today:
-sprints in park, listening to The Magic Flute
-dd10: Math, Latin, English, Dutch grammar, Biology, History, Geography
-dd7: Math, Writing, English, Spelling, Geography, Reading
-dd5: games with mom, Spelling, Handwriting, Reading
-lunch: read aloud 2x
-dd5 & dd7: science experiment? - Nooooooooooooooo
-Greek & Latin vocab
-study Greek/Latin?
-read a book

-declutter dresser

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What a week....TGIF! 


  • be ready for new refrigerator delivery.
  • be ready to put together new vacuum.
  • school, music lessons 
  • Costco to refill the new refrigerator
  • Collapse in a heap and eat chocolate. 

On a positive note--I lost 2 more pounds this week. 

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Good morning! I am up super early as I just couldn't stay sleeping through the activity of the morning. Dd1 and dh just left. Ds1 is being picked up in 20 minutes. 


The paper isn't here yet. Good grief! I am going to make coffee, read the paper, leave to pick up dd1 in two hours. And hopefully, get a few chores done.


To do today:

oversee school (dd1 and ds2 are doing a practice SAT this morning)

do school with dd2 and ds3

school administration

sports administration

pay a couple of bills

write a little/do a little art

take a nap!

PM practice: two pools


Have a great day!

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Good morning! We got home safely late, late last night, and thanks for all the prayers!


We all slept in since it is still officially spring break. I'm not sure what I want to do first today.There are so many projects I'd like to get done over the next 3 days before we start school again, but I hate to set myself up for failure.


I think I'll just add stuff as I get it done today.



Coffee and computer time is just about done now. 







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The kids talked me into biking to the shops to buy summer shoes. Now I'm really tired.

I think it's the combination of seasonal allergies and time change because of Daylight Saving Time.....I have been soooo tired this week. I really need to study now, but I don't think I will be very productive.

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Good morning Girlies,
It is indeed Friday. I am really wanting a date with Dh this weekend, but it just is not going to happen. Besides the usual issue of procuring a babysitter, we have too much going on this weekend. Sigh!

** school. Got verse quiz done, spelling test done, reading with DS1 is done, too. Kids are outside right now. I don't want to bring them in, but on Fridays we have to be done by noon since we leave for co-op right after lunch.
** have to do the rest of school.
** co-op
** ds2 guitar lessons

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Talked another phlebotomist through how to get blood out of a turnip (me).  Did all my labs.  

Came home and ate.


My kids did their chores and pet care (mostly) before I came home.


Dd is working on practice tests for her achievement test - something she felt like she needed.  Since she was able to find the right test book in the Pit of Doom (aka the school room), I'm letting her go at it.


Ds is working on robotics.


Dh is doing some home repair.


I had better get off of my rear and clean the kitchen before I have to go to physical therapy.  


PS - Tress, I find it endearing when you do sprints in the parc but just a note that in English that would be spelled "park".  Unless you mean something else?

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I've been doing some finalizing on dd's transcript and grades so she can apply for dual enrollment next week. Once I pulled it all out, I realized I didn't have a couple of things finished from LAST YEAR!  


I tidied up the living room which is where ds' school desk is.  


I made breakfast and lunch as well as boiled eggs for the salad we'll have tonight.


I stopped everything to watch some Phineas and Ferb with ds and his friends. I LOVE that show!


I had a long phone call with another homeschool mom. She had sinus surgery on Monday, and I wanted to check on her. We ended up talking for an hour about her church and me giving her advice on some things she could do with the children's church program she directs. 


Now to see what else I can get done today...


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I just checked in and Jean, you saved my load of towels!  Now, they will be done before we leave for practice.


My dryer is making a terrible noise, but it is still working. 


Lots of stuff done, lots of things still to do, but first...nap!

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PS - Tress, I find it endearing when you do sprints in the parc but just a note that in English that would be spelled "park". Unless you mean something else?

Thanks! I do mean a park, with grass, trees, flowers. It's even called 'park' in Dutch :D.
No idea why I would spell it wrong. (Off to edit all my posts.......ehhhh, no, too tired, I'll only edit today :lol:).
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My neighbor gave me several packages which arrived while we were gone. I've spent the last hour and a half pouring over curricula I purchased at the convention. Dh is making IKEA decaf coffee, so I'll be enjoying a cup of that soon. Maybe I can figure out what else I should do today.



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Today I
--did school w dd
--did some annoying, regular housework
--helped dd19 hem her new chorus gown
--read part of a book
--wrote a grocery list for the upcoming week
--ordered pointe shoes (again!) and a swimsuit for dd14
--contemplated garden plans for this year aka wasted time on Pinterest while eating lunch

I still need to
--take dd to ballet (dh will pick up)
--stop at store for baby spinach I forgot yesterday
--make dinner (crab cakes and an orzo dish w garlic and spinach)
--enjoy a glass of wine while dh cleans the kitchen :D

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Back from co-op. It's been very good the past couple of weeks. One of the dads, who is a beekeeper, has been teaching us about bees. And I am very inspired. I want a hive now! Had a horrible morning with DS1. He has been particularly dreadful this past week. I was in tears on the way to co-op, but I had some good visiting with my friends there and came back feeling much better. Friends are so important. Especially friends you can be dead honest with. And these gals are great, nobody acting like they've got it all together. We're all just moms doing the best we can and struggling to get through the day.

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Good Evening Ladies 


Amy, game night sounds awesome!


Krissi, good friends are wonderful! 


Jean, you amaze me with your get up and go each day!


For me...I'm exhausted.  This week was so long...seemed like everything that could go wrong....did.     


Working on refocusing my goals

  • walk 10 miles this weekend
  • replan school for the next 2 weeks and count down to spring break...we start Good Friday - for 10 glorious days!

Hope everyone has a lovely Friday night!  


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Back home. Ds1 is playing one his games right now, according to the schedule. I am sure I will not hear about later  :lol:


Today was productive and I am planning a quiet night.  The practice SAT was not nearly as disastrous as I anticipated, though there is plenty of room for improvement!


Have a great night everyone!

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Game night is over, and I'm heading to bed soon. We had a good time, though, and took some breaks along the way.


I've totally fallen off the carb and sugar wagon this week with traveling, seeing family, eating out, having junk food in the house we visited, etc. I can tell I've gained a little bit of weight back, but i don't even want to know how much. I did somewhat okay today until dh asked dd to make brownies for our game time. It's always a new day tomorrow! 



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