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So, were you fooled today?


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I was on alert all day waiting to be tricked.  This afternoon my oldest dd emailed me an ultrasound pic, indicating that she is pregnant. She has three kids- two bio and one adopted.  I knew they weren't trying so I wasn't falling for that trick. Except it was no trick.  She's really expecting!  I can't believe she did this on April Fool's Day though!

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No, not unless you count my dd4's cute initiative to hide a chocolate kiss under my pillow to 'play a trick on mom.'
That she told me about immediately in the hopes that I would share, lol. She is a crafty one😘

On the other hand, I played tricks all day on her. I think I need to get out more!
Just simple little ones that had her giggling all day:) by the time dinner time came around and I called the family to the table where all the food was waiting she was used to it...but her raw pasta, frozen veggie cutlet and fake fruit kind of threw her for a loop. (Uh, mommy, I think you forgot to cook my dinner!)

Daddy may well hate me for a few days. As a last minute addition I put yellow dye tablets in the faucets. When he stumbled into the bathroom bleary-eyed I was still in bed...and I about wet myself when he came in to tell me he thought the toilets were backed up and urine was coming out of the taps!!!! Ha, ha, oh wow! The man has a PhD! He is never goin to live that one down:)
A couple of other little ones before breakfast, which meant that by the time I took him a cup of hot tea he was eying me warily. Poor man, when he left for work I realized he didn't drink his tea! Probably thought I did something horrible to it, but I would never ruin perfectly lovely British tea:)

Big joke of the day: I removed all of his ties for work and replaced them with the most hideous collection of classic monstrosities the local thrift shops had to offer. He was a very good sport about it and picked out the most garish to amuse his students today:)

Dd hid plastic roaches around for him, including on his toothbrush...and then led him around the house by the hand to show him each one, lol. I am going to have to teach her about suspense.

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My 16 yo went all out. He turned all the framed items on our walls crooked. He put tape on my and dh's optical mouse sensors, and on the tv remote. He put red food coloring in the toilet tank. And...He added an extension to my browser that turned every image on the internet into a photo of Nicholas Cage! Oh, and he changed my desktop background to a Nicholas Cage* collage. He did it all after dh and I went to bed last night. He really out did himself. :D


*Apparently being "Caged" or "Nick Caged" is like being Rick-rolled.

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My 16 yo went all out. He turned all the framed items on our walls crooked. He put tape on my and dh's optical mouse sensors, and on the tv remote. He put red food coloring in the toilet tank. And...He added an extension to my browser that turned every image on the internet into a photo of Nicholas Cage! Oh, and he changed my desktop background to a Nicholas Cage* collage. He did it all after dh and I went to bed last night. He really outdid himself. :D


*Apparently being "Caged" or "Nick Caged" is like being Rick-rolled.

I sure wish I had the tech skills to Nick Cage my dd!!!  I find it charming that your 16 year old pulled these pranks.

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My 16 yo went all out. He turned all the framed items on our walls crooked. He put tape on my and dh's optical mouse sensors, and on the tv remote. He put red food coloring in the toilet tank. And...He added an extension to my browser that turned every image on the internet into a photo of Nicholas Cage! Oh, and he changed my desktop background to a Nicholas Cage* collage. He did it all after dh and I went to bed last night. He really out did himself. :D


*Apparently being "Caged" or "Nick Caged" is like being Rick-rolled.

Have you seen Google's prank?  They photobombed people's photos with Hasselhoff pictures.

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The 12 year old came charging in this AM at the crack of dawn, "Mom!! The horses are out on the county road and headed up to the neighbors' spring wheat!!" (Which they *have* done once or twice)

I shot out of bed and then looked at her. We can't even see the road from our house, much less the neighbors' wheat. How had she seen them?

"Uh...i was out checking if the bus was here yet."
Uh huh.
Good job on the initial panic, though Bean.

The boy's New Years party popper, holding the bathroom door shut, OTOH, was a dud. ;)

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I have not been tricked, but I pulled one.


I popped a casserole dish in the oven 2 minutes before the timer was to go off. I asked dh to pull the food out for me and put it on the table. When he pulled the foil off, he wrinkled up his nose and asked what it was. I told him it was a new low carb dish.... :D ....It was canned dog food topped with peas and a little cheddar cheese.


Dd exclaimed that it looked like dog food and dh shushed her as he started serving it :lol: . I started laughing and stopped him before it made it onto a plate. Then he figured it out. He said I really had him. He didn't know how he was going to bring himself to actually eat it, but he didn't want to insult my cooking! Dd pointed out that she was right, of course. He posted a picture of the dish on his facebook. Then we ate the real dinner. He was quite surprised cause I don't often pull stuff like that.


And on a side note, the dog really enjoyed his dinner.

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I have not been tricked, but I pulled one.


I popped a casserole dish in the oven 2 minutes before the timer was to go off. I asked dh to pull the food out for me and put it on the table. When he pulled the foil off, he wrinkled up his nose and asked what it was. I told him it was a new low carb dish.... :D ....It was canned dog food topped with peas and a little cheddar cheese.


Dd exclaimed that it looked like dog food and dh shushed her as he started serving it :lol: . I started laughing and stopped him before it made it onto a plate. Then he figured it out. He said I really had him. He didn't know how he was going to bring himself to actually eat it, but he didn't want to insult my cooking! Dd pointed out that she was right, of course. He posted a picture of the dish on his facebook. Then we ate the real dinner. He was quite surprised cause I don't often pull stuff like that.


And on a side note, the dog really enjoyed his dinner.

RE bold print above: I thought it said "I pooped a casserole dish..."   :scared:   so what really happened is a relief to me.  I must be tired and need to go to bed.

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DS12 is in school.  Today is a half day, and he knew I wouldn't be here when he got home because I had an appointment to get my haircut.  Just before I left, I came up with a prank.

He's always giving me a hard time for having gray hair.  He suggests that a get it colored and has mentioned that he doesn't like me having gray hair because he doesn't want a mother that looks old.  He totally means it too.  I've threatened to color it blue in the past.


So, after my haircut, I took a selfie and sent it to DD14 who photoshopped my hair blue.  She then acted like I had just sent her a picture of my new hair, and OMG....

He totally fell for it and spent the next hour freaked out over my blue hair.  He didn't learn the truth until I came home with normal hair.

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After my DDS spent some time telling me of the pranks their science teacher told them how to do one of my DDs got me good. She took the batteries out of our automated soap dispenser. I failed to figure it out. How sad is that?

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My 16 yo went all out. He turned all the framed items on our walls crooked. He put tape on my and dh's optical mouse sensors, and on the tv remote. He put red food coloring in the toilet tank. And...He added an extension to my browser that turned every image on the internet into a photo of Nicholas Cage! Oh, and he changed my desktop background to a Nicholas Cage* collage. He did it all after dh and I went to bed last night. He really out did himself. :D

*Apparently being "Caged" or "Nick Caged" is like being Rick-rolled.

What is Rick-rolling? I've never heard that term before.
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