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had sugar and carbs last night, I now feel awful

Jeannie in NJ

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I don't eat a lot of sugar, but I have found over the years that my body needs lots of complex carbs to feel best.


ETA:  But I'm also of an age (and have been for awhile!) where hormones are an issue.  So I don't always attribute not feeling well to what I have or haven't eaten.


I hope you feel better soon!

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I ate too much sugar yesterday along with carbs. I think sugar, and not the carbs, affect my well-being the next day. It almost feels like a hangover without the alcohol consumption, but it makes sense since alcohol turns to sugar in the body.

I'm a 85% vegan. So I eat lots of beans (carbs) and feel fine. But when I eat cake, brownies or other deserts that are high in sugar, I wake up with a "hangover" feeling. It's the sugar that does it to me.

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I'm a 85% vegan. So I eat lots of beans (carbs) and feel fine. But when I eat cake, brownies or other deserts that are high in sugar, I wake up with a "hangover" feeling. It's the sugar that does it to me.

^this. Exactly. I am in the process (again) of cutting sugar out of my diet completely. I love coffee...with cream and sugar. I refuse to use splenda or any other sugar substitutes (whether chemical or "natural").


Baked goods, ice cream, and candy all leave me feeling hungover the next day. Pasta, beans, breads do not.

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