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Missing documents on application - they tell us NOW?


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Yes, you can add your scream to the collective scream brought on by the common app this year.  If one didn't get them, I'd check with the others to make sure they got everything. 


that's just the thing: the other colleges DID did send verification that they received everything. Heck, some already admitted her, based on the material from the Common App.

Just this one school stated until the end of January, when the student logged into her account, that test scores were received and further information was coming soon.

I am SO mad. I thought we were done.

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I'm so sorry.  That is beyond frustrating.   I am glad that they did notify you and are giving her the opportunity to get everything submitted.    But, wow, why did they wait until the end of Feb for an Oct submission??


The email said that they acknowledged that documents *might* have been submitted by the deadline to the CA.

But you'd think if pretty much the entire application is missing- school report, which includes transcript and counselor letter, AND recommendations  - somebody would notice?

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Of course it is. It was early November. They said they do not want to penalize the student... what that means, I think, is that they screwed up with the CA and know full well that everything was submitted on time.


Have they already given out honors applications, etc from the earlier deadline?   I would be upset if that were the case.

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I am so not looking forward to this. I do not understand why the powers that be would roll out a program with this many problems or why schools would be so quick to jump on it, or not be willing to jump back off.


What boggles my mind is that we had NO problems with the CA otherwise- for all other schools it worked just fine Which leads me to believe that the issues are on the side of the school, and not on the side of the CA.


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What boggles my mind is that we had NO problems with the CA otherwise- for all other schools it worked just fine Which leads me to believe that the issues are on the side of the school, and not on the side of the CA.



It almost even sounds like they had it once and since lost it.  Otherwise, I don't understand their asking for everything so late.

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What boggles my mind is that we had NO problems with the CA otherwise- for all other schools it worked just fine Which leads me to believe that the issues are on the side of the school, and not on the side of the CA.


 This.  I would check with all the other schools and make sure they received the documents.


Then, as the counselor for my student, I would call the admission office. I would be very surprised if your dd was the only student who received that email.

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My son received an e-mail a couple of weeks ago that one school -- the most selective one on his list -- did not have either of his recommendations, which we submitted through the Common App. As with Regentrude's daughter, my son had already been admitted to six or seven other colleges, all of whom had access to the exact same material through the Common App. Fortunately, I had copies of both letters in my files. So, we made copies and sent them off with a note explaining that the teachers had submitted them to the Common App, but here were copies for their convenience.


Later that same day, he got a phone call from another school saying they were not able to download the transcript. And, as my son was promising we'd mail a copy immediately, the rep on the phone added seemingly as an afterthought, "Oh, and if you could send the recommendations, too, that would be good." We did the same thing, sent hard copies of all of the requested materials with a very polite note explaining that the documents had been submitted through the Common App.


Fortunately, in both of these cases, we were notified before the application deadline, which minimized the freaking out that might have happened otherwise.

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I would think it's at least a good sign that they are looking at her app and want the info...


We had schools lose info for both of my older two, but granted, we were notified earlier.  I think it's more common than many realize - and the Common App this year sure didn't help.  I'm glad youngest didn't need to use the CA.


Best wishes to you and may the frustration end up worth it!

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It may not be the school you're referring to, but I know that Cornell in particular said they were having trouble integrating the CA with their own admissions software, so it wasn't *just* the CA issues, it was over & above that.  Very frustrating I'm sure, but I agree that it's probably a good sign for your daughter's admission decision that they're asking!

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Just wanting to add that this realization hit me today:

they must have had all the papers once upon a time because DD even got an interview with this particular school!

I don't think they do interviews with applicants from whom they have no paperwork.


Mine have had interviews from schools that later requested paperwork being resent (or sent for the first time).


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