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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Snow in the morning?  It's awfully cold out there. . . 


Clean kitchen


Ds - school

Dd - school

Grocery store

Promised dd that I would make "Happy Family" for dinner.  


*  I'd appreciate your prayers.  Many of you know that I've been sick since the week before Christmas.  Part of the illness has involved my throat repeatedly swelling up.  I've been managing it with some high-powered anti-inflammatories.  On Monday I started my third antibiotic - a stronger one that the pharmacist cautioned me might react with the anti-inflammatory and cause me major stomach problems.  After a lot of stomach pain on Monday night, I stopped the anti-inflammatory.  Thurs. night (the night I'm writing this) my throat started swelling up.  I'm back on the anti-inflammatory.  My stomach hurts but not too badly.  Doctors know about all that  is going on.  They don't have a lot to offer other than just hope that one of these meds will finally solve this.   

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Of course I will pray for you, Jean! :grouphug:


I'm going to try tackling today, I'm dressed and have had breakfast.

I will post after I have done things. (An official to-do-list is depressing right now.)


ETA: what's 'Happy Family'? It sounds like fun!

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-dd10: Math, English, Dutch grammar, Biology, History, Geography, Latin test

-dd7: Math, Dutch, Spelling, Copywork, Reading

-dd5: Math, Spelling, Copywork, Reading


Dd10 is baking pancakes, I'm not doing read alouds.


So far, so good.

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:grouphug: Jean


I've been thinking of Amy and her family :grouphug:


The snow this weekend will miss us so there won't be major difficulties moving dd19 back into the dorm for spring semester :)



--school: maths, English (writing), the last episode of "The Civil War" (finally :rolleyes:), whatever she chooses for science

--get dd19 after her calc final


--exercise (took yesterday off instead of today--had a weird lower back pain)

--make 8 bazillion stuffed shells for dinner and the freezer


--dd FLL 4-6 pm, ballet 6:30-8 pm

--pack up rental calc textbook to return to Amazon

--more high school planning...

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Jean,  loads of prayers and  :grouphug: .


Luckymama,  Amy and her family have also been on my mind.  


Tress--I love all things grains and sugar, however they don't like me at all.  I feel your pain. 



  • Algebra with ds--making it my first priority of the day.
  • Clean house and do laundry 
  • Decide what to have for dinner and proceed with plans.


Jean, when you have a chance would you post how you make your "Happy Family",  I would love to do that for my family.


Have a good Friday everyone!


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Jean, Happy Family sounds really good (recipe?) and I hope you start feeling better soon, so you can happily eat your Happy Family!


I have been thinking about Amy and her family :grouphug:

And also of a colleague of dh, his wive died suddenly of a lung embolism, they have an 8mo dd, the funeral is today.


So far, I have survived the day. I even did a science experiment :D. And laundry.

Now I'm going to sit down and read a book for a while.




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Morning Girls,

Jean, will continue to pray for you! Tress, will pray for you, too. There's been a lot of conflict around here, too. I'd like to know what a "Happy Mama" is. And on-going prayers for Amy and her family. Wow! Lots to pray for this morning!


Well, got my morning constitutional completed this morning. Got a nice bit of rain yesterday and they're predicting more.

** school this morning - Verse quiz, spelling test, health, literature, writing, math, science and Latin(for the boys)

** co-op this afternoon. Starting my rocketry class.

** ds9 starts guitar lessons this afternoon

** DS 10 has basketball practice tonight


Have a good day, everyone,

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Praying here for you Jean and Tress. Also for Amy and her family.


Back from am practice. It was slightly warmer this am (still sub zero) but we are supposed to get up to 35 today! Tropical....


I have grand plans for today in the decluttering department. But we will see how things go.


To do:

school for ds3, dd2

oversee dd1, ds2 (who said it was too cold to go to judo last night and we all stayed in and watched the Olympics!)

oversee chores

clean out refrigerator

find minion to scrape off pack snow over sidewalk in front of driveway


errands: bank, drop off donations, home depot 

PM practice: swimming, climbing



green smoothie

write 30 minutes

art/craft 30 minutes


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To Do Friday


work daycare 730-830

ds15 meeting with career counsellor.  Now done all terms of his probation

Job interview 10am got job

package up hockey cards for prize box at daycare

dd14 online wwII class 1-230

work daycare 3-6

both teens online lit class 3-430(they will do this one at the library)


clean something

call probation officer re ds15 and court on monday

call mom re sitter for next weekend

call pool and cancel kids swim lessons (refund being mailed to me)



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11ish report:


Human care including breakfast done.

Had to dump out all my antibiotics, and count them to determine that I did not take it this morning.  Rectified that.

Went through a list of 12 doctors and finally narrowed it down to 1 doctor.  Made an appointment for Monday.  I sure hope I like him.  

Dd - reading

Ds - Alg 2

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Math done with dd

Ds has worked on history/Lit.  


Dd and I have made a grocery list for the remaining ingredients for our "Happy Family".  We're going to go and get that now.  For the last hour I've been looking longingly at my armchair but I need to do this one last push to make sure we'll have supper tonight.  

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Prayers for you Jean

Fridays are our 'easy' day.  

We had school lite--which today meant listening to Huck Finn
I cooked breakfast
I took the boys out for lunch
Dropped #1 off at the library
#2 and I have been making Valentine crafts most of the afternoon
Quiet time now

Still to do
Fold a load of laundry

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Heading out soon, but I did almost everything. Instead of cleaning the refrigerator, I finished my mud room decluttering!  Just waiting on dh to install some hooks in the wall (I would do it, but he wants to do it "because those swim bags are so heavy."). Getting started on my study project (fabric storage).


I hope everyone is feeling better, been thinking of all you today.


Have a great evening!



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1st load in the dishwasher is running.


Happy Family recipe (I make a lot of substitutions depending on what I have available):



Thanks for the link.  :hurray:


Will be praying you find a doctor who can resolve this throat swelling issue. I bet it has to do with going to the DENTIST???!  :lol:  Not to make light of your plight!


I don't have much on my list other than work, some studying, cleaning kitchen. Happy at prospect that I may be able to see this year's olympics. We all need something to look forward to, be it ever so simple, right?

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Liz - I went to the dentist and have been all cleared.  No doubts.  No hidden pockets of anything anywhere.  


I have an appointment with a new primary care doctor for Monday.  I hope that he can be a good resource on the throat swelling.  The ENT is 100% sure that the throat swelling is from my sinuses (I'll spare you the gory details of why he's so sure) but while he's treating the infection, we have to still keep my airway clear.  I had thought that antibiotics would deal with the swelling too but it hasn't worked out that way.  

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Jean, you need to be on high-powered probiotics with all the antibiotics you have been taking. Do you drink Kefir? It's easily "doctored" up with some good berries or honey and should supply you with bazillion of good little tummy bugs.

I am on high powered probiotics and systemic enzymes and I drink kombucha daily.  I haven't done kefir because I'm not totally sure about me and dairy.  

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finished afternoon shift.  DD14 did both of her online classes, ds15 did his one, though he ducked out early and is now in big trouble with me.  I have a headache/ear ache right now because of this cold and am trying to make the children stop screaming and fighting before my head explodes and I have yet another mess to clean up.  This weekend is the first one that I didn't have to work or run to 15 places in a day, I am looking forward to it.  I just wish it was going to be warmer so I could send the kids out to play, that's what they really need to start getting along again, a chance to be outside burning off this pent up energy.

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Well, dinner is over. The kids are watching Shrek. I think that's one of the few kids' movies that can truly amuse me. I love it!

Got everything done today, but I am beat. I just feel stressed out all the time. Sometimes I think that's been affecting my ability to lose weight. Does anyone else feel that way? I don't know what it is exactly, but it just feel .... like my life has me in a stranglehold.

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