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No More Amelia Peabody


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I was just searching around tonight wondering when Elizabeth Peters was going to finish the next book.  Because I need to know.  Nefret pregnant, she and Ramses moving away.  I just can't be left hanging like that.  Then I find out she passed away last August.  I had no idea.  She was working on the next installment - wonder if it will get published.  


This summer I think I will reread the entire series again.  I've spent so many enjoyable hours with Amelia and her family and the dead bodies.

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Oh I am so sorry. That is one of my biggest fears when starting a series. I broke my own rule about not starting a series that is in process with Harry Potter. I was so relieved when that 7th book was published.  I don't even like watching TV series if they aren't finished properly.


you have my sympathy.

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I am so sorry to hear that she has passed. I loved her Amelia series. but I haven't kept up with the last few books. I will read them now,  for sure . It is so sad when a beloved author passes and we know that there will not be anymore good reads from them. My favorite title from this series was The Last Camel Died at Noon.

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I am destroyed, I had no idea she had passed away.  :angelsad2:


I am going to go read the series over again from the first book...maybe a little Amelia will cheer me up.



Apparently she died after a 10 year battle with cancer. 




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I am so sorry to hear that she has passed. I loved her Amelia series. but I haven't kept up with the last few books. I will read them now,  for sure . It is so sad when a beloved author passes and we know that there will not be anymore good reads from them. My favorite title from this series was The Last Camel Died at Noon.

The Last Camel Died at Noon is my favorite, too.


It has been years since I read these books. Thanks for the reminder. :) I believe the last one I read came out like around 9-10 years ago. I wonder if there were anymore after that?

I think there are a total of 18 books, so yes, there are more for you to read.

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I am destroyed, I had no idea she had passed away.  :angelsad2:


I am going to go read the series over again from the first book...maybe a little Amelia will cheer me up.


Exactly the way I feel.  I've never found another series that does for me what Amelia can do.

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Was the last book "Tomb of the Golden Bird" as far as the timeline goes? I think "River in the Sky" was the last one published but it was set a few years prior to Ramses and Nefret getting together.

Few people can write like her. She had such an elegant style that was funny at the same time. Sigh.

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So sad to hear this. I thought I was the only Amelia fan around here.


Has anyone read any of her other series?


I've read some of her other books.  Have you read the Vicki Bliss series?  There is a tie-in to the Amelia series in the final book.  ;) 

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Oooh, I loved her, too. I actually enjoyed her Barbara Michaels books just as well. They were quite a bit different, and not funny, but some were wonderfully chilling for the high schooler I was when I first read them.


I started with House of Many Shadows and Aimee Come Home.




It's an extra sadness when an author dies before they can complete a series.


I loved the "Mistress of the Art of Death" series.

A terrific, intelligent series, unfortunately Ariana Franklin, the author, died after the 4th book right when something really exciting was surely going to happen. :(

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