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Unusual births


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mine have all been so different! my special thing is I've never needed stitches.


#1- waited 30hrs after waters breaking before induction (scolded by midwife for that!)

#2- retained placenta & emergency trip to theatre to remove it. Due to placenta/cord issues that had been missed at scan. He was also born with his arms crossed over his chest.

#3- fast. Very nearly side of the road. Biggest bubs.

#4- born sunny side up in the bath tub. Posterior labour is the worst!


All of mine have been posterior.  Since I don't know any different, I can't compare.  It is nice to know it can hurt less.


I don't think I had any really unusual births.


Oldest was pretty normal until actual delivery. Then, I had a really bad tear that still bothers me a bit today. She tore through muscle and it doesn't seem to have ever regained normalcy.


Youngest was strange because the entire thing was only 90 minutes. I was cooking dinner, felt a contraction, and then my water broke. The hospital brushed me off at first because they said they had other women in more obvious pain. When I finally threw such a fit that someone examined me, my room was full of people. Youngest flew on out but my placenta was a different story and they put me under for a few minutes to remedy that (after my idiot doctor attempted to pull it out - that was probably the most pain I've ever felt).


I had a botched episiotomy with #1 that caused me problems for years.  It was repaired after #4 and hasn't bothered me since.  I still have no problems 8 years and a birth later.  You might look into a repair.

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I had my twins naturally.  Twin 2 was breech.  Doctor was willing to do a breech extraction, but she somersaulted at the last minute and came out head-first! 


Other unusual thing was no one figured out I was in labor, even though I had been on the antenatal floor for a week due to water breaking early.  They thought I was "complaining".  Well, apparently not enough!  By the time they got me to L&D I was fully dilated and baby 1 was already at +2.  They're lucky I didn't have an unassisted twin birth right there on the antenatal ward!

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At first, as I was reading all these experiences, I thought my birth stories weren't all that unusual. But then it occurred to me, aren't all births unusual? Everyone is different and special. So here are mine.


DS 1: Totally uneventful pregnancy. I was planning a normal vaginal birth. I went into labor at 39 weeks at about 5:30am. I puttered around the house, packing my bag and such. The contractions kept up and I was so excited that we headed to the hospital at about 7:30am. I think I was 3cm when I got there. They had me go walk for an hour and I progressed to 4cm and they admitted me. Labor was slow and increasingly painful in my back. They started pitocin at about 1:00pm. And I got an epidural shortly after that. Being that it was my first baby and I was so excited, there was a ton of people in the room. I started to push at around 6pm. I had a CNM assisting and after about the first 3 pushes she left and got the OB. She felt DS's position and shook her head. He was posterior and pretty darn stuck. They had me keep pushing while both the OB and CNM had their hands up there trying to get him to turn. At this point the epidural was not working at all and my back hurt so incredibly bad. So one could have cut off my leg with a butter knife and I wouldn't have noticed. Then they tried to turn him with the vacuum. The tension in the room was crazy with so many people trying to help cheer me on and they were all getting scared. It was so intense. The vacuum attempt failed and it was the policy of that hospital and if the vacuum failed, they must do a c-section. So they took me back. The section went fine but he didn't breathe well right away, had an apgar of 2. Luckily he perked right up and didn't stop crying for a year after that. He was 8lb3oz and the OB said, because of his position, he never would have made it out, but if he hadn't been sunny side up, it would have been fine.


DS 2: After the extremely painful labor with ds1 I decided to just schedule a c-section this time as well. He was breech at 32 weeks and although I knew he could turn, that fact sort of reinforced my decision to do another c-section. Well at about 34 weeks he did turn around and dropped. And it was too early! I knew that something was happening but everyone around me was telling me no, not to worry, he'd stay put. At a day shy of 35 weeks started having contractions in the evening. DH was working nights about 50 miles away. I called my mil to sit with DS and I drove myself to the hospital. I truly thought that they would send me back home, I didn't even bring a bag. I got there at 3cm and progressed to 4 within an hour. In the meantime DH left work and drove to me. Right about the time he arrived they decided I was indeed in labor and I need to be transferred to a hospital that had a NICU, which was in the town DH had just left. They put me in an ambulance and DH had to turn around and drive back. When I got to the other hospital, the OB asked me why I was going to have a c-section and I told him because my last baby was big and got stuck. He said that he didn't really want to do a section for no reason and since this baby would almost definitely be small, did I want to try for a VBAC. I said sure and that is what happened. Everything was calm, there was no one there except DH and I got an epidural that actually worked. It was so peaceful. When it was time to push, the dr noticed he was also posterior but since DS was small (he was 5lb13oz) he was able to turn him right over. I think it took 5 pushes and he was out. But they he was rushed to the NICU and stayed there for 5 long days.


DD: This pregnancy was a bit more complicated. After having two very different births, I knew what I really wanted to happen. With both of them, I didn't get to see them for a hour or more beside a quick glance. I really wanted to be handed my baby right away. I also knew that a vaginal birth really is easier to recover from and didn't want another c-section. I was also worried about having another premature birth. So I took progesterone shots and was on bed rest until 36 weeks. I was hoping she would come soon because she was measuring big and I didn't want a c-section. So I walked and walked and walked. It was strange because I tried so hard to keep her in but then when it was time (my idea of time, anyway), I wanted her out. At 37 weeks I decided to try castor oil ( I know, I know...) not expecting it to work at all. I took the third dose at about 8pm. By 8:30 I was having good contractions but I figured it would be a good long while before I would need to head to the hospital. DH had to run to the airport to pick up his brother, which was an hour each way. I figured that if this really was labor, I'd be ready to go to the hospital once he got home. He left at 9:00. By 9:15 the contractions were 2min apart and crazy strong. I called my mom and freaked out. By 9:30 I knew I had to go. My mil came to pick me up and my mom came to sit with the kids. I was supposed to deliver at a hospital about 45miles away but I knew I wouldn't make it so we headed to the local hospital. By the time we got there I was 8cm and dying for an epidural but of course it was to late. In the meantime DH was rushing back. At 11:30 I was fully dilated but my water hadn't broke. The dr said she wouldn't break my water because I was trying to wait for DH. My water broke at 11:45, DH walked in at 12:00 and dd delivered at 12:10. It was the craziest thing. I had not intended to have an unmediated birth and I never thought it would go so quickly. But I ended up getting both of my wishes. I didn't have a c-section and I got to keep her with me right after she was born. She ended up weighing 7lb3oz and also presented posterior. Apparently my pelvis is shaped such that they just settle in that way.

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I don't think either of mine were "normal" but the first was just a mess. I had been having pre-clampsia most of the pregnancy and went into labor for the first time at 27 weeks with the contractions being about a minute apart. They managed to stop it. They put me on a drug to prevent it but it made me sick. So, every time I went into labor I would have to go in and get an injection and be monitored until it stopped then they would send me home. At 35 weeks I woke up and my whole face was swollen, my eyes were literally so swollen they were shut and I could barely see. I called the Dr (whose office was in the hospital) and of course they told me to come in. I go in and they said that they were going to "fit me in" at the end of the shift before lunch. They put me in a room and my DH and I sat in there for what seemed like a very long time. Then we noticed it was very quiet! My DH says, "they probably left and went to lunch." No way, who would do that. He decides to go get someone since he's tired of waiting and I am miserable. To our shock the entire office was dark and empty. They had gone to lunch and left us waiting in the room. Now, I am an emotional mess and we go upstairs to labor and delivery to ask for help. They tell us my doctor is in surgery but they admit me and put me in a bed. This was Friday the 15th of December and we had already been waiting most of the morning. Later that day they induced me and we waited. I figured it would be too long since this baby had already tried many times to be born!  On Saturday they broke my water. Still nothing. By Sunday I am getting totally frustrated and asked if they could just do a c-section. They were obviously concerned about the baby's heartbeat because they would only let me lay in one position where they could hear it clearly. They said that I haven't delivered by 10pm that night then they would do a c-section. This is now my 3rd day. I remember about 5pm or so when the nurses changed shift that this real "strong' nurse came in and said that she was going to make sure that this baby was born before her shifty was up. I don't remember when but at some point they said I could start pushing. I think it was close to 9pm. My Mom and Dad were there in the room with us since they had been visiting and my Dad had never seen any of his kids births. My aunt from Washington was also on the phone listening to everything happening. When it finally got started it didn't take long and my DD was born at 9:50pm on that Sunday the 17th. With 10 minutes to spare to when they said they would do the c-section. But, she was born with the cord around her neck and she was blue and unresponsive. They "bagged" her for 3 minutes and 13 seconds. Complete silence in the room. Scariest 3 minutes of my entire life. Her first apgar score was 2. They lifted her leg and it fell back down. She ended up staying in the hospital for 7 days and they finally let us go the day before Christmas Eve but we had to promise to bring her into the pediatrician at the hospital the next day for them to check her again. She ended up having a lot of feeding issues in her early life and was diagnosed with ulcers at age 3 but other then that she has been healthy.  So Mom and Dad, DH were in the room and Aunty was on the phone the whole time.


#2 my water broke while I was making pancakes. It was the 17th of February 14 months after DD #1. I told DH. He actually didn't believe me! He thought I was making it up because I wanted her to be born on the 17th. Really? I drove myself to the hospital and he stayed home with the toddler. They ended up keeping me since my water had broke but I was not in labor. My Mom and Dad drove down to pick up #1 and I laid in the room all night waiting. DH went to work that night and called me after. Nothing was happening still at 4am when he called. I guess he figured since the first one took so long that the second one was going to also. He went home and went to bed. By 7am I was in full labor and couldn't even get medication since it had come on too fast. I was about 1 hour away from our home. A neighbor went to wake him up but he hit morning traffic. The baby was born just before 8am and DH walked in while I was in the bathroom and looked at very weird like "why are you in there and not having the baby?" Well...because the baby is over there and I am done! And I was alone, that part made me the most sad. And we still haven't told her that Dad missed her birth. And she was born on the 18th.


So baby #1 took 3 days

baby #2 about 3 hours


The 17th is a big day for us. We met on Aug 17th. Married on June 17th (not planned) and then DD #1 December 17th and I went into the hospital for DD#2 on the 17th.


My DH also has three kids from a previous marriage his birthday is the 12th. Two out of the other three kids were born on the 12th as well. Weird thing with dates in our family!

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#1: My water broke on my cat and my baby brother (11 yo). That one wasn't exceptionally unusual except the 3 hours of pushing where my cervix had to be pushed back the whole time since they had me push early.  Oh, and I had a "big baby" at 17 without pain meds. :) That apparently impressed the doc and nurses.


#4 was born at home, unassisted in a blow up pool in my living room.  She was posterior.  Surprisingly, my favorite birth experience. She was born facing a weird angle.  


#5 was born in the caul (homebirth) and apparently the u/s did not catch an "almost previa" where my placenta looked notch from growing right next to my cervix.  It caused NO problems at all, but was weird that it wasn't caught by u/s and my edd was apparently way off as my "early baby" by a week was actually obviously overcooked. :)

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11lbs 10 oz vaginal birth with shoulder dystocia. Scary!

Been there with a 10lb 7oz baby. She was my second and supposedly induced early according to one wacky CNM(1 day early according to my dates). I have no doubt she would have been that large if I hadn't insisted on them checking her size.


My 1st was 4 hours of pushing trying to get him to turn, because he was posterior. I had two other posterior babies as well but they were a bit smaller because they were induced early. My 2nd dd partially turned and came out a bit crooked. Her poor cheeks were so bruised. :(

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These are fun to read. :-) 

DD #1 9lb 8oz my biggest.

DD #2 short, 4 hour labour and was born 15 min after we arrived at the hospital. The doctor had 2 fingers in 1glove and the nurses were freaking out that they didn't't have an IV started yet.

DD #3 induced because her heart rate was all over the place. I didn't have any contractions until 8+ cm and she was born 30 minutes later. 

DS had 10-15 second long contractions all day 30 min or more apart. Finally went to the hospital when they made it 8 minutes apart. The midwife wanted me to go. I have a history of fast labours and they had another  patient deliver in the car outside the ER earlier that day. Had DS 2 hours later. My DH was living at the police academy over an hour away at the time but made it just in time for the birth. He stayed at the hospital with me that night but left at 5am to get back in time for morning PT. 


My sister has very fast labours and home births. First one was a 2.5 hour labour, second was 1.5 and her husband didn't make it home from work before the birth. Fortunately the midwife made it. My husband won't agree to home births (or any more kids for that matter) so I'm jealous.


A good friend's 8th pregnancy ended up being surprise twins. She had a planned home birth but a very fast labour and the midwives didn't get there for the first one. They made it in time to help with the second twin who's foot had surprised everyone. :-) These twins are my 7yo best friends. :-)

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I had been having real contractions for 6 weeks; showed on monitors.  Nothing was happening though.  A week before my due date, the doc ordered an u/s because she thought the baby was breech.  The tech said aloud, "Hmmm, I wonder why she didn't ask for size."  I thought nothing of it.  On my due date, I was supposed to be induced but the beds were full.  Then my best friend called; she was in labor with her twins 13 weeks early.  Dh and I decided we would go to her hospital to be with her but on the way there, I had a massive contraction so we thought we'd pop into mine to seen if anything was happening.  Sure enough, I was at 5cm but the contractions still weren't regular.  The doc asked me if I wanted to just get the darn thing moving so he popped the water and dosed me with pitocin.  The doc, nurse, dh, and my mom all sat in the room joking for the next few hours.  At some point, the back labor was so bad, I turned around on the bed to be on my knees.  While they all joked, I decided I was ready to push.  A few pushes in, they realized what I was doing and tried to get me on my back but I couldn't move.  I delivered dd on my knees w/o the epidural but there was a mad rush in the room because she wasn't coming out the way she should; heart rate dropped.  Doc decided to give me a giant episiotomy and voila!  Dd came out not breathing.  They got her breathing on the table and when I looked over, I saw what all the fuss was about.  She was 11 1/2 pounds!!!

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I've showed up at routine doctor appointment dilated to eight, twice, not in labor. I have an incompetent cervix. When they say painless dilation, they aren't kidding.


My water has only broken once on its own.


After no deliveries lasting more than five hours, including my first, an induction, my last one, the eleventh was long, long, long, and painful. It was a total shock. She was turned all wrong and came out looking like a unicorn.


A nurse caught one of its because I had no warning we were anywhere near close. Actually, I had just said to get, "Ooh, that was a good one. Maybe we're getting somewhere."


My only c section was a footling breech with the chief near the cervix and a preemie. I was grateful for that option.


Lest you think I get off easy, I do have to have a cerclage surgery with every pregnancy and a removal. Sometimes the removal is okay.... And sometimes you wish for death. I'm only half joking. The removal with Olivia had me praying out loud and thinking surely I would pass out... No such luck.


Four medicated births (two before incompetent cervix, one so we could get the stitch out completely, and one for the actual birth, or last one) and six non medicated births so far. With the one in July/August I'm going they'll just beam him out. Right?

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