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S/O medic alert bracelet - does your child wear it 24/7?


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DS and I both have medical alert jewelry.


Mine (metal bracelet) stays on 24/7, but DS and DH think that DS should take his off to shower and sleep.  I tend to think that DS should wear his 24/7 also.  


DS has 2 items: a sports band (fabric with a medic alert tag on the outside) - I can see taking this off to shower, I guess.  And dog tags - which DH is afraid will choke him if he sleeps in them.  


The issue is: DS forgets to put them back on, and I often have to remind him.  Sometimes I forget, too.  :(


What do your DC do?  Wear 24/7?  What about in the pool?  Shower?  Sleeping?  

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Our son wears his bracelet when he leaves the house. Put on shoes, bracelet, and grab medicine bag.

At home, it's fine for him to have it off.

When he's away from the house, it stays on 24/7. He has a metal one that he'd shower with it on.

The sports band one is more around town.


I wouldn't worry about choking on dog tags. My father wore his with his penicillin allergy in the army.

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I never wore an alert bracelet when I was an adult, particularly once I started using a pump. When my daughter was diagnosed with diabetes last spring we had her wear an ID bracelet all the time. I stopped using my pump shortly after and so I began wearing a bracelet as well. Partly for practical reasons, partly to model wearing one for her. She has to have her bracelet on whenever we are out of the house. She has two. One is a silicon bracelet, similar to the Livestrong type bracelets and she uses that most often, so I don't have to worry about it coming on and off for showers/sleep. I don't find myself having to remind her more often than I find reasonable to do so; putting it on is part of her "packing her kit to go out" routine.  Clearly if you don't have a kit to pack up before you leave the house every single time you go somewhere this won't help, though...


My alert bracelet is not waterproof, so it has to come off. I got it in a style I love and it is part of my daily outfit. It is quite comfortable, but I notice when I'm not wearing it, which helps get it on my wrist before we go out. 

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My older daughter wears her Road ID bracelet 24/7, swimming, showering, always. Youngest DD still only wears hers when she leaves the house. She has a watch that she wears 24/7, except during swim meets, but she still doesn't want to wear the ID, so at this point she just puts it on her ankle when she leaves the house.

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