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Exercise Thread ~ 1/19 - 1/25


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I liked participating last week!
DONE! means that I walked and stretched and I'll be specific about bonus activities (and, not that I'll have any this week, failures).

Sunday --  DONE!
Monday --  DONE!
Tuesday --  DONE! + walked stairs while waiting for someone.
Wednesday -- DONE! + Walk for Life!
Thursday --
Friday --
Saturday --

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Yesterday did 5.5 on the treadmill, but really had fun!! No plodding and steady pace...lol!! I did serious hill climbs, all out sprints, walking cool downs etc. I am not sure that treadmill ever had a workout like the one I gave it yesterday!! LOL! I really had fun! To the point I was laughing...now, isn't that what this is all about?? ( ummmmmm...yes, I am a bit nuts....runs in the family.)

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Yesterday did 5.5 on the treadmill, but really had fun!! No plodding and steady pace...lol!! I did serious hill climbs, all out sprints, walking cool downs etc. I am not sure that treadmill ever had a workout like the one I gave it yesterday!! LOL! I really had fun! To the point I was laughing...now, isn't that what this is all about?? ( ummmmmm...yes, I am a bit nuts....runs in the family.)



I wish I could like my treadmill.  I don't think I use it rightly, though. Remember this treadmill workout?  That is what I should be doing.

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Today is supposed to be a rest day.  I did do yoga this morning, plus my plank work.  The plank challenge is good (the challenge was posted by Athleta), but there are not enough rest days, and I'm starting to lose the progress I made.  I want to keep it up.  I never thought I would make it to a 5 min plank by the end of the month, but I will work on doing plank for 5 minutes with small breaks after a minute or 90 secs.  After the month is over, I will slow down on the planks, maybe working on them every other day. 


I have become more obsessed with having a stronger core.  :D I have never really focused on that before.  I've done core work, with kettlebell and yoga, but never focused on it.  I think I need to do that.  My core has always been very weak, and with the small gains I've made I can tell it's improving my running and my posture.  I think some focused core work will be worth it. 

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Today is supposed to be a rest day.  I did do yoga this morning, plus my plank work.  The plank challenge is good (the challenge was posted by Athleta), but there are not enough rest days, and I'm starting to lose the progress I made.  I want to keep it up.  I never thought I would make it to a 5 min plank by the end of the month, but I will work on doing plank for 5 minutes with small breaks after a minute or 90 secs.  After the month is over, I will slow down on the planks, maybe working on them every other day. 


I have become more obsessed with having a stronger core.  :D I have never really focused on that before.  I've done core work, with kettlebell and yoga, but never focused on it.  I think I need to do that.  My core has always been very weak, and with the small gains I've made I can tell it's improving my running and my posture.  I think some focused core work will be worth it. 


I did a five minute plank once.  It was at the end of a bootcamp class.  The only way I got through it was the competition with the other people in the class.  I had an attitude of If those people can do it then it's possible and I can do it too!  It worked.  Not sure if I could do it by myself at home.  Good luck with your challenge it is possible and you can do it!

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Can I join?  I could use some accountability.  My focus this year is more on cardio and building my core muscle, of course weight loss is great too!  Today is my rest day.  Right now I'm doing an assortment of Ellen Barrett's DVD's, s so I'm glad today is an off day, I'm sore.  DH just ordered a NordicTrack treadmill during the Marin Luther King Jr. sale so I'll be excited to get that.  I've been limited to the two days a week I'm at the YMCA because it's to much of a drive to do each day.  Now I won't have an excuse!

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Denise Austin: Get Fit Daily Dozen.




Did I ever thank you for hosting this thread?  NO?  SHAME!


Thank, Negin!

You're sweet.  :grouphug:  No need to thank me. And anytime that I can't start the thread, any one of you, please feel free to do so. 

BTW, what does ADMG stand for? :)




My core has always been very weak, and with the small gains I've made I can tell it's improving my running and my posture.  I think some focused core work will be worth it. 

Kim, my core has always been weak also. I'm trying to constantly remind myself to pull them in throughout the day. 



Can I join?  I could use some accountability.

Right now I'm doing an assortment of Ellen Barrett's DVD's, s so I'm glad today is an off day, I'm sore.  

Of course, you can join :grouphug:.

I love Ellen Barrett DVDs and have to say that she is one of my favorites. 






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Had sick kids this weekend- thought we were over it, went for a 2 mile run yesterday only to get home and find out yet another child was sick.  Went to the gym this morning and got a call that 2 more were down for the count.  Left gym and went to Publix and rented a steam cleaner, and bought enough cleanser to drown my house.  Arggggghhhhh!

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I'm not supposed to run this week. (Insert weeping). I did SI joint exercises per PT and walked 3 miles on the treadmill. It is poopy. There I said it. I am also not supposed to do any hip opening yoga for awhile. What's that leave, planking? ;-)



I am sooooo sorry!  That really does suck.  I hope you get to run next week.  -can you do weights with your upper body?

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Had sick kids this weekend- thought we were over it, went for a 2 mile run yesterday only to get home and find out yet another child was sick.  Went to the gym this morning and got a call that 2 more were down for the count.  Left gym and went to Publix and rented a steam cleaner, and bought enough cleanser to drown my house.  Arggggghhhhh!




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Yay, Me!  I updated my original post: DONE!


I did change up my stretching.  

Previously I have been doing a routine that my daughter does for her lordosis/kyphosis that is for stretching and strengthing her back and core and promoting good posture.  I like doing it, too, b/c I could certainly use some work in that area.  


This week, I decided to start alternating. MWF: the back and core stretches and exercises and TRS: a full-body stretch plus the core stuff from MWF.  I hadn't done those full-body stretches in a long, long, time and they felt g.r.e.a.t!


So, that's a switch up and I like it.

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You're sweet.  :grouphug:  No need to thank me. And anytime that I can't start the thread, any one of you, please feel free to do so. 

BTW, what does ADMG stand for? :)





AMDG is an acronym for Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam which means "for the greater glory of God."  Besides being (a slight abbreviation of) the motto of the Jesuits, many Catholics will type or write it first in a letter or document.  People do it for all kinds of reasons including reminding themselves to only say those things which are for the greater glory -- and not mean, snarky, sarcastic, et c.


Of course, I'm not saying that *I* need reminding . . .!  ;)

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Different moves from magazine clippings, Pinterest, etc.


Had sick kids this weekend- thought we were over it, went for a 2 mile run yesterday only to get home and find out yet another child was sick.  Went to the gym this morning and got a call that 2 more were down for the count.  Left gym and went to Publix and rented a steam cleaner, and bought enough cleanser to drown my house.  Arggggghhhhh!






AMDG is an acronym for Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam which means "for the greater glory of God." 

That's beautiful. :)


I just bought this dvd and did the total body portion which is 15 min. Ack. She does 5 sets of 8 of each move and by the 5th set I'm screaming mercy.



When I first started barre, I was tempted to buy a DVD by her, probably the same one. I haven't ruled it out. I just have far too  many DVDs. 


Free Barre Workouts!!! :hurray:

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Fitness Blender HIIT followed by upper body workout. The HIIT was tough. Hats off to Kelli (of Fitness Blender) who can do a full minute of double butt kickers. I cannot. That's crazy right there. I can barely squeak out 30 seconds.


The upper body was a good workout too. I only used 3 lb weights but when you do 5x5x5 of each move those 3 lbs feel like 20!

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3 minute plank this morning, then 4.5 mile interval run.  I did 4 x 6 400's.  It felt hard, but good.  Yoga later.  I'm still doing a 40 day kriya challenge, doing the same 30 minute kriya everyday.  It's challenging, not because the 30 minutes are phyiscally demanding, but doing the same routine everyday is challenging my ability to stay in the moment.  I find my mind wandering more, I can't seem to stay focused, but I'm going to keep going. 

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Kettlebell today.  I think my body is tired, and hungry  :laugh: .  I had a hard time getting through my workout.  I took a little longer breaks, and didn't add on the extra push up or pull ups like I've been doing.  And plank was impossible today.  I end up doing a series of shorter planks with 15 sec breaks inbetween.  Tomorrow is yoga day, and I need it. 

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Sickness round two (strep throat) at my house- so no workout yesterday, just hours in the peds. office.  Today?  I'm trying out some of the free online videos this morning that all you wonderful women have mentioned on this thread.  It's better that burying myself in chocolate candy.  Well- it's almost better.

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