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8/15 exercise thread

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I hope someone isn't posting at the same time as I am!! LOL


I really didn't want to run today! But I got up and did it - 4.8 miles! My longest run since starting to train. I forgot to check the clock before I left, but I think it was at about the same pace I've been running. But, why did my feet feel like they had cement on them for the first two miles?????

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I hope someone isn't posting at the same time as I am!! LOL


I really didn't want to run today! But I got up and did it - 4.8 miles! My longest run since starting to train. I forgot to check the clock before I left, but I think it was at about the same pace I've been running. But, why did my feet feel like they had cement on them for the first two miles?????


It happens. There are just some days that we feel awful. Good job on the longest run!


Oh, and I was just going looking for the thread myself!

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I'm back to getting my fix too. ;) Tiger told me I ran a faster mile today than ever. :D


I did a total of 2.77 jles, 28:3? minutes, 10:18 pace. That first mile felt fast too!


I was trying to get dh to take me out on my new bike. I haven't ridden in the woods yet so I really want to, but the park doesn't open until 8 and since we are vacationing next week, he doesn't feel like he can leave early today.


Speaking of vacation, my folks will be here tomorrow so I may not get to post, but I plan to run with dad in the morning (if he brings his shoes). We'll run whatever he needs to unless it's like 5 or 6 miles. Then at the beach, I'll run with my iPod on "distance goal" and try to get 3-4+ miles in every day except Sunday.

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Does mowing the lawn for 3 hours, when it's very, very long and the lawnmower keeps bogging and dying, count?

I did that the day before yesterday.


How about raking clumps of heavy wet grass that had been mowed the day before?

I did that for 5 hours yesterday, all by myself. Does that count?


Did I mention that it was only the front yard and one side? I still need to do the back and other side.

And I'm SO sore.



PS - Kudos on the long run! I don't think I could *ever* get myself out of bed to run - I hate it so much.

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Does mowing the lawn for 3 hours, when it's very, very long and the lawnmower keeps bogging and dying, count?

I did that the day before yesterday.


How about raking clumps of heavy wet grass that had been mowed the day before?

I did that for 5 hours yesterday, all by myself. Does that count?


Did I mention that it was only the front yard and one side? I still need to do the back and other side.

And I'm SO sore.



PS - Kudos on the long run! I don't think I could *ever* get myself out of bed to run - I hate it so much.


It does count. I read an article that gardening is enough to keep your heart healthy. Of course I would call what you were doing extreme gardening or the like. It wasn't just your average run of the mill gardening like my mom does.


I just checked sparkpeople. One hour of lawn mowing with a power mower burns 324 cal. One hour of raking burns 288 cal. One hour of gardening burns 228 cal.


Great job! How are your hands???

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It's been raining for the last two weeks, so there hasn't been a good time to mow. Hence, the grass was way-long and thick, which meant big wet clumps to rake. So, I guess I burned off the small bowl of ice cream I had after dinner last night? Yay!


My hands are better today than they were yesterday. I mowed without gloves and they felt totally bruised yesterday. I wore good thick gloves to do the raking. I think the soreness in my hands is left over from the mowing. I'll have to remember to wear gloves to mow the back...


If I did this all the time, I can see that I'd be in good shape.

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I'm back to getting my fix too. ;) Tiger told me I ran a faster mile today than ever. :D


I did a total of 2.77 jles, 28:3? minutes, 10:18 pace. That first mile felt fast too!


I was trying to get dh to take me out on my new bike. I haven't ridden in the woods yet so I really want to, but the park doesn't open until 8 and since we are vacationing next week, he doesn't feel like he can leave early today.


Speaking of vacation, my folks will be here tomorrow so I may not get to post, but I plan to run with dad in the morning (if he brings his shoes). We'll run whatever he needs to unless it's like 5 or 6 miles. Then at the beach, I'll run with my iPod on "distance goal" and try to get 3-4+ miles in every day except Sunday.


Great job!!! Where are you going on vacation? Running on the beach would be wonderful! We'll miss you around here!


Does mowing the lawn for 3 hours, when it's very, very long and the lawnmower keeps bogging and dying, count?

I did that the day before yesterday.


How about raking clumps of heavy wet grass that had been mowed the day before?

I did that for 5 hours yesterday, all by myself. Does that count?


Did I mention that it was only the front yard and one side? I still need to do the back and other side.

And I'm SO sore.



PS - Kudos on the long run! I don't think I could *ever* get myself out of bed to run - I hate it so much.


Holy cow! Yes that counts!!!!


I never thought I could get myself out of bed to run either. But, I've signed myself up for this relay race. So, every time I think I can't do it, I think of my team and how I don't want to let them down!! That definately helps!! Anyway, I've discovered that I really like it! I'm planning to continue after the race, but cut back on the miles.

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Great job!!! Where are you going on vacation? Running on the beach would be wonderful! We'll miss you around here!


We're off to Hatteras Island on the Outer Banks, NC. The only reason we are going is that some friends invited us. We just finished week 6 of school. For us it's not really break time yet. That would ordinarily come after week 9. This is the first time anyone has done this. It certainly helps with a house rental!


ETA: the problem with running on the beach is the shells. Last time I went out to run 40 minutes and ended up walking most of it b/c I kept picking them up!

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Well it looks like I have dislocated my rib again.

I also did this about 5 years ago.

It hurts when I breathe, which makes exercising a bit tricky.

Although once I get moving the pain does ease up.

Funny thing is I have no idea how I did it.

I know I have to go get it popped back in or it will want to stay like this.

Thing is I HATE going to the doctors. Also I have to see a DO to pop it back in and the one I saw last time has left the area. So I have to find a new doctor.

That said I did walk 2 miles last night with my dh.

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Today is a rest day for me. I have to mow and I can't get the stupid mower started...and then I have to put away 26 loads of laundry...ok, only about 5....and I need to go to the grocery store...


Anyway, I ran or walked or both, S, M, Wed, Thurs this week....and I plan to run in the morning, so that will be 5 days this week!


Great job everyone...and I'm jealous of the beach trip! Enjoy!

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Well it looks like I have dislocated my rib again.

I also did this about 5 years ago.

It hurts when I breathe, which makes exercising a bit tricky.

Although once I get moving the pain does ease up.

Funny thing is I have no idea how I did it.

I know I have to go get it popped make in so or it will want to stay like this.

Thing is I HATE going to the doctors. Also I have to see a DO to pop it back in and the one I saw last time has left the area. So I have to find a new doctor.

That said I did walk 2 miles last night with my dh.



Oh my! Sounds painful. :( I'm sorry. Now get on the phone and find a doctor!

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Well my body is trying to get back to normal after the miscarriage. I was 5 mos along so it has been very different and I keep thinking I am getting my cycle. I don't think I am up to exercise b/c the back pain is wrapping around to my front and quite frankly the last 4 days it hurt worse during the exercise. When I woke up today I thought everything had started and it definately feels that way, but I stopped bleeding...again. Argggghh! I just want to be normal again. Of course many friends might reply that I never was normal. Oh well tomorrow is a new day. :tongue_smilie:

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Today is a rest day for me. I have to mow and I can't get the stupid mower started...and then I have to put away 26 loads of laundry...ok, only about 5....and I need to go to the grocery store...


Anyway, I ran or walked or both, S, M, Wed, Thurs this week....and I plan to run in the morning, so that will be 5 days this week!


Great job everyone...and I'm jealous of the beach trip! Enjoy!


Mowing is hard work! So is laundry.


I will enjoy the beach! :tongue_smilie:

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Well it looks like I have dislocated my rib again.

I also did this about 5 years ago.

It hurts when I breathe, which makes exercising a bit tricky.

Although once I get moving the pain does ease up.

Funny thing is I have no idea how I did it.

I know I have to go get it popped back in or it will want to stay like this.

Thing is I HATE going to the doctors. Also I have to see a DO to pop it back in and the one I saw last time has left the area. So I have to find a new doctor.

That said I did walk 2 miles last night with my dh.


That sounds really painful. I cannot imagine what that is like. Good job on the walk last night, I think. Don't push it!

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Yes, yes, I actually have managed to keep up this week even though I have been teaching 5th grade for VBS. I have only missed one day so far (though I haven't exercised yet today, and now I have to go clean because grandma is coming in the morning and we have a thing this evening...)


Great job exercising during VBS! I'm always too tired so I take the week off.

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Well my body is trying to get back to normal after the miscarriage. I was 5 mos along so it has been very different and I keep thinking I am getting my cycle. I don't think I am up to exercise b/c the back pain is wrapping around to my front and quite frankly the last 4 days it hurt worse during the exercise. When I woke up today I thought everything had started and it definately feels that way, but I stopped bleeding...again. Argggghh! I just want to be normal again. Of course many friends might reply that I never was normal. Oh well tomorrow is a new day. :tongue_smilie:


Wait wait wait. Be sure that everything is normal again before you start.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Wait wait wait. Be sure that everything is normal again before you start.




I have been given permission to resume all activity.;) I think it's just waiting for that 1st cycle which dr. could not honestly say when it would happen. Keep getting massive PMS symptoms then...nothing. Just hormones. Won't let em keep me down tomorrow.

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I hope someone isn't posting at the same time as I am!! LOL


I really didn't want to run today! But I got up and did it - 4.8 miles! My longest run since starting to train. I forgot to check the clock before I left, but I think it was at about the same pace I've been running. But, why did my feet feel like they had cement on them for the first two miles?????


We slept late this morning, getting up at 8am and were at the Y by 8:30. I stepped on the elliptical and oh my, I felt just like you did. I did not want to move, my legs were sooooooo tired.


Doesn't it just feel so good! Afterwards of course.


I stayed on the elliptical for 70 minutes, then moved over to the bike for 30 minutes.


Tomorrow is a rest day.

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