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moving toddler back to crib wwyd?


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I'm curious...


My first two were never in one - a crib, that is.  Number 3 (and only boy) was just plain easy.  My questions are about DD3 - fourth child, 2.5yo. She started potty-ing in late November.  We let her sleep outside of her crib (in big bro's bed, in her tent, then in a toddler bed, too) because she requested and things were great.  I went ahead and moved the crib for baby #5.  In mid-December DD3 developed a bladder infection and since then things just changed.  It took us a while to get over that and sleep has not been the same since.  She quit potty-ing (quite understandably), she battled bedtime which is unusual for any of my children.  We have a very structured bedtime.  And now, this week, she is resisting nap.  I know that's not unusual for children her age, but I do think she'd nap if she were confined.  She seems to have too much freedom.  So, I'm considering moving the crib back into her room.  I am hoping she doesn't cause a revolt.  She may love it, I just don't know.  This child really NEEDS her nap (and so do we!) so I'm looking for some suggestions!


ETA: I would just move the crib and try it, but I'm asking because I don't want to seem fickle (plus, I think all the OPTIONS are really not that great for her).  I would have to move out the toddler bed, rearrange sleeping for the baby, etc., so thinking over my options first...

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I would give her one more chance.  The rule is that she must stay in her bed.  Only exception will be when she starts to use the potty again.  

If her feet touch the floor during naptime, then the toddler bed will be going away and the crib will be used.  


My 3.5 year old started to cause a ruckus during naptime.  I basically did the same thing.  Although, we hadn't bothered to remove the crib yet.  She had been ready for the big bed before mommy was emotionally ready for it.  

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My daughter slept in a crib until she was almost 4.  She would fall out of any bed (even with a guard rail) that I put her in.  She NEVER climbed out of it.  She had really short legs that wouldn't reach even if she had tried.  I think people (not the OP) try to force children to grow up too fast these days. 

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I agree that is a safety issue moving her back to a crib.  It is not abnormal to have a child that age resist a nap even if they need it badly.  Start working on teaching her to stay in her bed. I allowed books in the bed but that was it.  Do you have a really soft blanket that you can make a nap only blanket?  One that you only allow to have in the bed.


It is not making a child grow up faster by not keeping them in a crib. 

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She has never tried to climb out of it, or I would agree that it's not safe.  Hmmm...


I also know that it's not abnormal to resist nap at this age.  I agree with teaching her to stay in her bed during nap (this is what I've done with my other children and it's been easier with some than others) however, we have a two story house now, and I am going up and down repeatedly and it's just getting ridiculous.  This is when I'm schooling the others so it's pretty unrealistic.  At some point I quit and she just bangs around up there until nap time is "over".


I am most concerned about bedtime.  Bedtime was so so good until recently.  And it seems to correlate to the crib, or absence of the crib rather….

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She has never tried to climb out of it, or I would agree that it's not safe.  Hmmm...


I also know that it's not abnormal to resist nap at this age.  I agree with teaching her to stay in her bed during nap (this is what I've done with my other children and it's been easier with some than others) however, we have a two story house now, and I am going up and down repeatedly and it's just getting ridiculous.  This is when I'm schooling the others so it's pretty unrealistic.  At some point I quit and she just bangs around up there until nap time is "over".


I am most concerned about bedtime.  Bedtime was so so good until recently.  And it seems to correlate to the crib, or absence of the crib rather….


If she hasn't been using the crib for awhile, don't be shocked when she starts climbing out at all.   She has had freedom from the crib.  DS could scale it with his toes so fast. Can you move her to a location near you for nap.  Set up some blankets on the floor or the couch while you try to get her back into napping?  


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I'd absolutely use a crib--I wish I had with my DD at 2 (enter 5 months of pure hell, but I was too stubborn to move her back).  If she starts to climb out, remove all climbing hazards and get an extra-tall gate to put at her door.  It's less scary than closing the door, allows her some freedom so she still may not nap, but at least she'll be in the room and get the idea that either she can play quietly or go to sleep during naptime.  

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I set up her crib tonight in her room and once she saw it she could hardly wait to get in it.  Now I am thinking I may have moved her out prematurely.  I really wouldn't have been so eager only I have another baby that I would like to put in it.


I will watch her carefully to make sure she isn't going to try to climb out - I appreciate everyone's concern for our safety.  I know she's had a taste of "freedom", but this particular child seems to thrive on boundaries.  In this case, I'm hoping the crib's physical boundary is our ticket to better sleep. :)


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I agree that is a safety issue moving her back to a crib.  It is not abnormal to have a child that age resist a nap even if they need it badly.  Start working on teaching her to stay in her bed. I allowed books in the bed but that was it.  Do you have a really soft blanket that you can make a nap only blanket?  One that you only allow to have in the bed.


It is not making a child grow up faster by not keeping them in a crib. 


It is if they are not ready for it and you force it for whatever reason.

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We had two cribs for quite some time.  My first was just so happy and cozy in there that I didn't see a good reason to move him out.   He liked getting into his crib.


He wasn't  the type to climb out, so that wasn't a big concern for me.  


Nice long nights of sleep and peaceful afternoon naps were my main concern.  :)

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Last night I was reading a picture book to DD.  It was just a drawing in one of the illustrations.  But it looked like a crib with the legs removed.  The mattress was a few inches off the floor.  I thought how wonderful it would be for that in between time period when kids are capable of climbing out of a crib, but not ready for a toddler bed.   Like the OP's kid right now.  I wonder if cribs used to be made like that with removable legs?


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When my kids were old enough to climb out of the crib but too young for a twin size bed (we didn't have a toddler bed at the time) I resorted to taking one side off the crib.  Then I put my Fisher-Price bed rail under the crib mattress and it blocked most of the side.  My kids loved it, they didn't have to give up their crib yet but if they wanted out they could get out safely.

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Well, last night went well too, but today I caught her climbing out… :(  I do think once she realizes she's capable, she won't stop trying. :(  Boo.


When my others were at this stage - of resisting nap, even though they still needed one - I put them in a very boring room - my room - with a baby gate up and they slept there fine.  However, I have my 7mo napping in my room, so that won't work.  I am back to the drawing board…. I will have to figure something out for this little monkey.

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I can relate to this! My youngest (number 5) is the same age. He slept in a Pack n Play. He climbed out it at 18 months and that same day he climbed out of his Superyard fence that we had downstairs for him to play in. It was like he woke up one day and decided to climb out of everything. My three boys share a room and have full size bunk beds. He decided that his next bed would be the top bunk where my 15-year old sleeps. He climbed into it that same day. So that is his bed now. He can climb up and down, but I always insist that someone be standing there. My 15 yo sleeps with him and when the 2 yo wakes up fussy and wants out, my oldest helps him down and brings him to us so everyone can sleep. I'm hoping to get him to a lower bed, but haven't been able to yet. 

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Since she's already out of the crib, I'd leave her out.  I would instead put a gate across the door for nap time.  And books in bed are fine.  Maybe stress quiet not the nap.  


I took soo many pictures of my kids who insisted they didn't need to nap but they fell asleep in the oddest arrangements.  My favorite has to be the one where ds had a book on the seat of the rocker and he fell asleep face first in the book.



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My kiddo never had a staying in bed issue, but she did go through about a full year of wanting it absolutely dark at about age 1.5, beginning on an overseas trip to the UK when she had trouble adjusting to the time change. i bought a tent to use there but she loved it so much we brought it home with us. She literally would not take a nap unless it was pitch dark. Very strange.


I bought this tent for the top of her crib. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B002DPPHCG/ref=mp_s_a_1_26?qid=1389842908&sr=1-26&pi=AC_SX110_SY165_QL70


I was reluctant, because it felt strange putting a kid in there...but she LOVED it. It was actually safer than using blankets because she would pull them into her crib:(


The sides and opening can be left open or have a see-through netting option as well. I wouldn't do it if she doesn't like it or sees it as punishment, but if she thought it was her very own fun camping bed kind of thing, it might work just until you can get her bed-trained.

Mine kept books, loveys, and a flashlight in there too:)


Just an option if you get desparate...

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Well, last night went well too, but today I caught her climbing out… :(  I do think once she realizes she's capable, she won't stop trying. :(  Boo.


When my others were at this stage - of resisting nap, even though they still needed one - I put them in a very boring room - my room - with a baby gate up and they slept there fine.  However, I have my 7mo napping in my room, so that won't work.  I am back to the drawing board…. I will have to figure something out for this little monkey.

Can you put the 7 month old in the crib and the toddler in  your room with the baby gate up?  

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