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WOW - time for a thank you! (Especially, the "old" folks)

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We're actually past the four year mark that I took dh to the ER and came here over and over and over for prayers. He lived. He's fine and healthy. The kids an I managed four hurricanes and the rest of it. And, I really, truly believe that the prayers, good thoughts, well wishes and anything else we received from this board and others I am on made the difference.


Dh is truly baffled when I get all weird in August - he was too busy with ventilators and morphine to know what was going on :tongue_smilie: just like a man, huh? But, when August 9 and then August 14 passes, I always breathe a sigh of relief. Dumb, but true.


Anyway, thanks for this board and thanks to all of you who were around when this happened. And thanks to anyone on this board. It is cyber, but when you need it, it's surprisingly real.



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I cannot believe it has been four years! It is one of my vivid memories from this board.


Wow! I am so happy that he is heathly and doing well. I know that was an unbelievably stressful time for you and your family. I don't blame you for going all weird every August. That sort of thing would have sent me over the edge.


Happy four-year anniversary of LIFE and health for your husband!

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I hope this comes across right. Can I asked what happened four years ago?? My dear sister in law died four years ago this week in a car accident as a result of Hurricane Charlie (she lived near Charleston, SC). So honestly I'd love to have some GOOD NEWS about that week in the history of the world. It was such a sad time for all of us.

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I hope this comes across right. Can I asked what happened four years ago?? My dear sister in law died four years ago this week in a car accident as a result of Hurricane Charlie (she lived near Charleston, SC). So honestly I'd love to have some GOOD NEWS about that week in the history of the world. It was such a sad time for all of us.


Darla, I'm so sorry you lost your sil. Isn't it weird how dates will just pop out and hit you so hard, like it was just happening again? We were hit by Hurricane Charlie as well, it took out dh's car and our roof.


My dh fell sick on 8/9. Turned out he had http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boerhaave_syndrome Boerhaave's Syndrome. His espophagus tore away from his stomach. (He was healthy at the time, not a big drinker, nothing unusual about him) The acidic contents of his stomach filled his chest cavity. Lots of surgery. Lots of chest tubes. Lots of morphine. Most of all, lots of prayer from people I'd never met.


It's crazy how praying/good thoughts can spread. Mike had people ALL over the world praying for him in a matter of an hour of me posting on this board.


No one in the medical community gave me any reason to hope that Mike would live, but in the same breath, they all said they'd pray for him. And he lived. And he's fine (I hope.)


Every now and then when we're out doing something, someone will approach Mike and say I was your "nurse" "x-ray tech" or whatever and tell him how thrilled they are that he lived. He's one of their big success stories.

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Thank you, Amy, for taking the time to reply. I'm so glad your husband was the miracle and made it!


My sister-in-law was driving her truck and she hydroplaned into oncoming traffic. She was the only one of dh's family that lived out east and we didn't know much about her life out there. We knew her as something of an introvert/loner; we are all thankful that she'd just visited here in the PNW two months previously. I felt like I was just getting to know her on a personal level.


When we first got the news that she'd lived for a little while then she'd died, we were so, so sad thinking she was all alone as she passed away. But you know what's awesome? (I'm going to cry.) She was a pharmacist at a hospital in Charleston, and she was taken by ambulance to the hospital where she was employed. They knew her, she was one of their own -- they rallied around her and some prayed for her. Someone said they rubbed her feet. She lived about four hours, I think, then died.


Thanks for giving me the opportunity to remember and cry for my s-i-l again.


I know that's not what you set out to do ... but it's all about ME right? (wink) Again, I'm so glad your dh made it!! Thank you, Lord.

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Thank you, Amy, for taking the time to reply. I'm so glad your husband was the miracle and made it!


My sister-in-law was driving her truck and she hydroplaned into oncoming traffic. She was the only one of dh's family that lived out east and we didn't know much about her life out there. We knew her as something of an introvert/loner; we are all thankful that she'd just visited here in the PNW two months previously. I felt like I was just getting to know her on a personal level.


When we first got the news that she'd lived for a little while then she'd died, we were so, so sad thinking she was all alone as she passed away. But you know what's awesome? (I'm going to cry.) She was a pharmacist at a hospital in Charleston, and she was taken by ambulance to the hospital where she was employed. They knew her, she was one of their own -- they rallied around her and some prayed for her. Someone said they rubbed her feet. She lived about four hours, I think, then died.


Thanks for giving me the opportunity to remember and cry for my s-i-l again.


I know that's not what you set out to do ... but it's all about ME right? (wink) Again, I'm so glad your dh made it!! Thank you, Lord.


WOW - what a beautiful, sad story. I love that she was NOT alone at the end and that she had people that understood her and cared. If it helps, I'm crying with you. :grouphug:

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We're actually past the four year mark that I took dh to the ER and came here over and over and over for prayers. He lived. He's fine and healthy. The kids an I managed four hurricanes and the rest of it. And, I really, truly believe that the prayers, good thoughts, well wishes and anything else we received from this board and others I am on made the difference.


Dh is truly baffled when I get all weird in August - he was too busy with ventilators and morphine to know what was going on :tongue_smilie: just like a man, huh? But, when August 9 and then August 14 passes, I always breathe a sigh of relief. Dumb, but true.


Anyway, thanks for this board and thanks to all of you who were around when this happened. And thanks to anyone on this board. It is cyber, but when you need it, it's surprisingly real.




Can it POSSIBLY be four years?!? It seems like it was just last year or so!

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I'm so thankful your "little whippersnapper" and you all are able to look back on all of that difficulty (spoken in an old folks tone). LOL.


Amy, wow. I remember well this heartfelt time in your life.


Thanks for just giving me a warm feeling about being part of this community, Amy.







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I can't believe it's been four years! I clearly remember those posts as I had just begun posting here and I was amazed at the large number of people that responded to you. It was almost like the board was in suspended animation, waiting on any news from you.


I am so glad that all is well, Amy!:001_smile:

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:grouphug:Oh, Amy...Couldn't be happier for you.:grouphug:


We're actually past the four year mark that I took dh to the ER and came here over and over and over for prayers. He lived. He's fine and healthy. The kids an I managed four hurricanes and the rest of it. And, I really, truly believe that the prayers, good thoughts, well wishes and anything else we received from this board and others I am on made the difference.


Dh is truly baffled when I get all weird in August - he was too busy with ventilators and morphine to know what was going on :tongue_smilie: just like a man, huh? But, when August 9 and then August 14 passes, I always breathe a sigh of relief. Dumb, but true.


Anyway, thanks for this board and thanks to all of you who were around when this happened. And thanks to anyone on this board. It is cyber, but when you need it, it's surprisingly real.



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Amy, I wasn't around here then. But I am beyond thankful that the others that were here supported you and the family during that horrific time. I am so glad that all is well. You know I want to live next door to you all and think you are the bees knees. Yet another prayer will be lifted in thanks and love for you all. :grouphug:

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