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When your doctor calls you at home on Christmas Eve :(


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I had a routine test done on Friday.  (I get lots of doctor visits and routine tests - "routine" for me, anyway - because I beat melanoma 10 years ago and breast cancer 2 years ago). 


So my oncologist called a little while ago.  I knew it wasn't a Merry Christmas wish, because she doesn't call if everything's normal.  She wanted to let me know that I have a nodule or cyst on my thyroid, so her office will be calling after Christmas to set up a CAT scan for more info.


I'm just feeling...I don't know what.  I wish she hadn't called on Christmas Eve (especially because it was just to tell me to expect another call after Christmas).  I'm kinda worried, even though she didn't sound concerned, but I think that's her bedside manner not to sound concerned. 


Here's why I bring it to the hive:  We are changing insurance on Feb 1.  If it turns out to be nothing - then I'm OK waiting until Feb 1 for any follow-up.  If it turns out to be something - then I really need this expensive test to go against our deductible which starts Feb 1.  I'm conflicted.  Please help me reason through this rationally.

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I'm sorry too that you got this information on Christmas Eve. My comforting thought is that even worst case, this is very treatable. No great advice on managing insurance--I really wish we had a healthcare system where such concerns didn't factor into treatment decisions. Since they will be calling you back for scheduling, I think I would try to talk to the doctor again about the implications of waiting until Feb 1. Peace to you.

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I'm sorry they called you on Christmas Eve.  So you're wondering whether to schedule your next appt. til Feb. 1?  I'd talk to your doctor about your situation and see what her advice is.  I have a comforting thought for you too, though.  I was diagnosed as having thyroid cancer about 15 years ago after the doctor found a nodule on my thyroid.  They definitely wanted to follow up and be very cautious and treat it accordingly and promptly, but at the same time, every single doctor assured me that thyroid cancer is slow growing and often completely contained.  


As it turned out, I didn't have thyroid cancer, but they removed my thyroid anyway.  (I guess there were "suspicious" cells and they didn't want to take the chance.) 


Hugs to you!  You have beat a lot so far, and it sounds like you are doing great!!



My daughter just received a call from her internist about an hour ago.  Funny that doctors call on Christmas Eve...

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About the insurance - any spending we do in January won't count toward our 2014 deductible, because dh starts a new job on Jan 1.  So he doesn't have insurance through them until Feb 1.  We still have COBRA insurance until then. 


Thanks for the good advice about asking the doctor or her staff what she thinks about waiting until Feb.  If I hadn't been so shocked when she called, I'd have thought of that!

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My daughter just received a call from her internist about an hour ago.  Funny that doctors call on Christmas Eve...


I wonder if my doctor called because she might be out of the office after Christmas, and didn't want the first call to be from her staff trying to schedule the follow-up. 


Thank you for the well wishes.  I'm glad yours didn't turn out to be cancer after all.  I've already been self-diagnosing on the internet, and apparently a thyroid cyst has a low likelihood of being cancerous.

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I'm sorry that you got the call today. You're bound to worry - how can you not?  Praying for you.  


Thanks for your prayers.  Yes, I'm a bit worried.  My dh just got a job offer a week ago - he'd been out of work for 3 months.  It has been a hard time, and I thought our worries were temporarily over!

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FWIW, I have nodules on both sides of my thyroid, and they're not cancerous. As long as they don't bother me, I don't have to have them removed.  I just have to follow up with the thyroid surgeon periodically.  The biopsy is super easy - just a local anesthetic and I went back to work afterward. I have two friends who had thyroid cancer in the past year, and they're both doing great. One of them, the cancer wasn't contained and the other it was. Fortunately, thyroid cancer is usually very treatable.  I know the waiting and not knowing is hard; I pray that you will have peace through the holidays. :grouphug:

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