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Christmas Cards

Night Elf

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I was going to skip cards this year. We've only received one so far and it's from one of DH's past bosses. Last year I did them because I had a photo to include. This year we don't, and we don't do letters either. Would it be okay to just get a pack of generic cards and just sign them without a message? I'd get a card that says something about Thinking of You or Wishing You...

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I think that's fine, if you want to do it.


Most cards we receive are photo cards with no personal message.  I have long had a bias against a "generic" card because my mother always wrote a long personal note on every card.  I felt burdened with that for a long time.  I'm getting over it.


I type up a letter for a few people we know, mainly old ladies from a past church who like to hear from us once a year.  I enclose it in a card with a photo (though this year we have no photo yet!).   I email a copy to a few people.   I send a few generic cards with a short message to a few people.   That's about it. 


Part of me misses the stacks of cards that used to arrive when I was a kid.  But another part of me is glad to be rid of all that paper and the burden of deciding if I should keep it or not. 


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I think it would be fine.


We don't send many cards anymore, just to immediate family and close friends.  And the past couple of years it's just been family.  I get cards that are specific to the family member (mother, brother and family, etc.).  Friends get generic cards.  We do make cards a little more personal by having everyone in our family sign the cards individually.  We started as soon as the boys learned to write their names.  I think it adds a little more personal touch than having mom (or dad) sign for everybody, or just signing "The Smiths."

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Would it be okay to send a card after I receive a card from someone? Does that look bad because I'm obviously reciprocating? I think I only got 2 cards last year. Why am i worried when my family doesn't seem to care about cards either? Hmm....

This is what we are doing, plus adding in a few people who may see the card we reciprocated so that they aren't offended.  We are sending a photo card though.

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Ease up on yourself, Beth!  IMO, anyone who would seriously get in a snit over whether or not they received a Christmas card is just too much trouble for me to deal with.  :P


We send generic cards, usually with no letter or note.  I used to have each of us sign personally but this year DH did all of it for me (fabulous DH!) - all I did was seal and apply stamps.  Sometimes I reciprocate, sometimes I don't.  After Christmas, I throw them all away (with the occasional exception of family photo cards, but as the years go by I don't keep many of those, either).


Really, there is enough on my to-do list and enough pressure to make "a perfect day" for everyone I ever met, for Pete's sakes.  When do I get to sit and stare at the tree?



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Would it be okay to send a card after I receive a card from someone?


Sure it is.  The person you send it to doesn't know you're sending it in response to theirs.  For all they know you've had a huge stack of cards already signed and addressed sitting on your kitchen table for three weeks, but you keep forgetting to get stamps or take them to the PO.

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One of the company's dh works with sent emails this year. In the email they basically say that we're incredibly fortunate to be living in Australia, and that in lieu of cards that will end up in the recycle bin by January, they have donated a well to a village in Africa.


A well might be beyond most of us, but I like the idea!

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