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8/14 exercisers

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BOO! Yes, it's me! I fell off the wagon, but I'm back this AM. Whew. Y'all have shamed me into hauling my sorry self out of the bed and getting on that treadmill. Which I did. For 30 minutes. I walked, walked uphill, ran, and did intervals. Now I'm sweating like a farm animal, as DH says. Loverly!


I hope that I haven't started a thread that was already begun--I hunted around for one first. My apologies if I've stolen another early bird's thunder....


My heart's racing, and I haven't even had coffee yet. Thanks, ladies!

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BOO! Yes, it's me! I fell off the wagon, but I'm back this AM. Whew. Y'all have shamed me into hauling my sorry self out of the bed and getting on that treadmill. Which I did. For 30 minutes. I walked, walked uphill, ran, and did intervals. Now I'm sweating like a farm animal, as DH says. Loverly!


I hope that I haven't started a thread that was already begun--I hunted around for one first. My apologies if I've stolen another early bird's thunder....


My heart's racing, and I haven't even had coffee yet. Thanks, ladies!


And I thought I was up early today! Great job! I'd be very surprised if someone already started the thread this morning!

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I am sure once you have a shower and coffee you will feel on top of the world.

I am skipping my morning exercise today.

Last night dh and I walked 2 miles at a brisk pace (wonderful for him as he is just getting over an injury)

Then I did 6 miles on the bike.

I seriously need to clean the house and that may me most of my exercise for today. Hey it's a big house!:lol:

PS. I look forward to this thread everyday, as it helps to keep me motivated.

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Good job gettin' it done, Leila.


I have one more off day before I get to run again. Maybe I should go buy my new shoes today. Hmmm.... I really should run today so I can get 4 runs in this week, but I know my body -- if I overdo it, I'll end up in bed for a week (or two!). That won't be good! LOL


I look forward to hearing how everyone else does today. GET TO IT GIRLS!!! *insert running smiley here*

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I am skipping my morning exercise today.

Last night dh and I walked 2 miles at a brisk pace (wonderful for him as he is just getting over an injury)

Then I did 6 miles on the bike.

I seriously need to clean the house and that may me most of my exercise for today. Hey it's a big house!:lol:

PS. I look forward to this thread everyday, as it helps to keep me motivated.


Great job last night. Housework is well work! It burns calories too!

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I have one more off day before I get to run again. Maybe I should go buy my new shoes today. Hmmm.... I really should run today so I can get 4 runs in this week, but I know my body -- if I overdo it, I'll end up in bed for a week (or two!). That won't be good! LOL


I look forward to hearing how everyone else does today. GET TO IT GIRLS!!! *insert running smiley here*


Take it easy. Being laid up for a week or more is not a good thing! Buying shoes would be good too. Do you have time? Wasn't it you who had a busy, busy week?

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No Joan, Lance or Tiger today. :001_huh:


But I did get a good run in! 3.46 miles, 36:07 min, 10:27 pace. It rained yesterday so even though it was only 63, it was humid. :glare:


Then when I got home i cut th dog's nails. He was laying there so nicely. Once I got the clippers out, it was all over. He does not enjoy that process.

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Take it easy. Being laid up for a week or more is not a good thing! Buying shoes would be good too. Do you have time? Wasn't it you who had a busy, busy week?


Yeah, it was me. I have to take the girls (dd and friends) to the farm to clean out the trailer from their rally on Tuesday. I may be able to eek out some time this afternoon to get the shoes, but I'm not going to push it.

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No Joan, Lance or Tiger today. :001_huh:


But I did get a good run in! 3.46 miles, 36:07 min, 10:27 pace. It rained yesterday so even though it was only 63, it was humid. :glare:


Then when I got home i cut th dog's nails. He was laying there so nicely. Once I got the clippers out, it was all over. He does not enjoy that process.


I'm glad you got it done. That's always the best part -- and your pace is great! Good job.

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I just got back from my longest run ever! I took a new path today, so I'm not exactly sure of the mileage, but I think its about 4 miles. All I know is, I kept a pretty steady pace, ran my first mile (one I know) in under 11min, and was out there running nonstop for 43min! I am so happy! :hurray:


I took yesterday as my day off of running, and I had a not-so-good day. I was tired and cranky. I went to the YMCA last night to try to get in some energy to boost my mood, but all I did was 30 min on the elliptical- and not a very good 30 min. So, I was really itching to take a long run this morning.


I am working towards doing my second 5K in about 3 1/2 weeks, and then a couple more this Fall, but my big goal is doing a 10K in November. After this morning, it feels possible! :D


I love to hear about what everyone else does!

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Wow, everyone is up so early doing so great.


Here is my story. The alarm was set for 5:30, but I slept straight through it. I wokeup at 6:10 to music...asked dh how long it had been playing and he said since 5:30. :glare: So he is gone now..and it is 8:00. I've had one cup of coffee and read a bit on the boards...I am getting up NOW to go at least walk.


Be back to report soon!

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My other two runs this week were terrible, so it was nice to have a good one. 25 minutes - 15.3 pace (which is good for me). And, I ran without my iPod! The Houston Marathon doesn't allow them, so I'm trying to get used to it. I've heard they don't enforce that rule, but I want to be able to run without it, just in case.


The heat and humidity is about to kill me. I am soooo ready for fall (or at least some cooler mornings!).

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Wow, everyone is up so early doing so great.


Here is my story. The alarm was set for 5:30, but I slept straight through it. I wokeup at 6:10 to music...asked dh how long it had been playing and he said since 5:30. :glare: So he is gone now..and it is 8:00. I've had one cup of coffee and read a bit on the boards...I am getting up NOW to go at least walk.


Be back to report soon!


I reset it for 6:00 and fell back to sleep. Luckily DH doesn't leave for work 'til about 8:00, so I was still able to fit in my run.

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I did it.


I didn't want to.


Griped and whined to myself all the way out the door and half way down the block. Then I told myself to shut up and think positive thoughts. ;) Myself reduced the grumbling to a mumble and I got through the walk.


46 minutes in relatively cool air. 70 degrees when I stepped out the door. That I should have been happy about.


I usually don't listen to an iPod while I walk. Part of why I walk is so I can think in peace and listen to the birds. Today an iPod would have been helpful in getting my mind off the whine road.


I did it. I walked.


And I'm glad I did. ;)

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I just got back from my longest run ever! I took a new path today, so I'm not exactly sure of the mileage, but I think its about 4 miles. All I know is, I kept a pretty steady pace, ran my first mile (one I know) in under 11min, and was out there running nonstop for 43min! I am so happy! :hurray:


I took yesterday as my day off of running, and I had a not-so-good day. I was tired and cranky. I went to the YMCA last night to try to get in some energy to boost my mood, but all I did was 30 min on the elliptical- and not a very good 30 min. So, I was really itching to take a long run this morning.


I am working towards doing my second 5K in about 3 1/2 weeks, and then a couple more this Fall, but my big goal is doing a 10K in November. After this morning, it feels possible! :D


I love to hear about what everyone else does!


It's great when you find a new path that is exciting. Great mile time!


You must be getting used to running to feel cranky yesterday without it. But you do need a rest day!

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My other two runs this week were terrible, so it was nice to have a good one. 25 minutes - 15.3 pace (which is good for me). And, I ran without my iPod! The Houston Marathon doesn't allow them, so I'm trying to get used to it. I've heard they don't enforce that rule, but I want to be able to run without it, just in case.


The heat and humidity is about to kill me. I am soooo ready for fall (or at least some cooler mornings!).


I think I would die in Texas. My inly consolation is that dh would never move me there, because if I would die from the heat, he would just go up in flames. He is so not a heat person. You ladies who actually run in TX amaze me!


Great job on your run! Good luck on your marathon! My favorite marathon related quote is "There will be days when I don't know if I can run a marathon. But there will be a lifetime of knowing that I did."

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I did it.


I didn't want to.


Griped and whined to myself all the way out the door and half way down the block. Then I told myself to shut up and think positive thoughts. ;) Myself reduced the grumbling to a mumble and I got through the walk.


46 minutes in relatively cool air. 70 degrees when I stepped out the door. That I should have been happy about.


I usually don't listen to an iPod while I walk. Part of why I walk is so I can think in peace and listen to the birds. Today an iPod would have been helpful in getting my mind off the whine road.


I did it. I walked.


And I'm glad I did. ;)


Well, I'm glad you did! Good job working through it!

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Wasn't going to, but the exercise thread made me feel guilty. I'm glad I did, now that it's over. School's starting a bit late, but my attitude is better.


It's so amazing. I was a little anxious about a couple of things, but running cleared my head and now I feel so much more relaxed. Why do I have to continuously relearn that running always makes me feel better?

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Wasn't going to, but the exercise thread made me feel guilty. I'm glad I did, now that it's over. School's starting a bit late, but my attitude is better.


It's so amazing. I was a little anxious about a couple of things, but running cleared my head and now I feel so much more relaxed. Why do I have to continuously relearn that running always makes me feel better?


Good job for doing it anyway.


It's one of those things that we just have to keep relearning. I secretly think that our brains only hold so much information. As we get to the threshold, it starts getting rid of stuff. So we have to relearn it over and over and over. Oh oh oh! OR it could be that there is a part of our brain that is corrupted kind of like a hard drive. This is one piece of information that is on the bad piece. So we have to relearn it b/c we can't access it! yeah yeah yeah that's the ticket!

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30 on the eliptical and 30 on the bike. Just switching what pre-program I do each time. I'm frustrated with the tread, I don't know why but my right hip just keeps giving out then pinching when I go faster than 3.5. It's fine on the bike and elipitical, but I miss the variety of being able to use all three. I'm proud that I've worked through this nagging problem and not thrown in the towel.


Good job doing your time.


Do you go to a chiropractor? He/she may be able to tug on your leg to get your hip back in line. I need to have them do this for my ankle. :glare:

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You must be getting used to running to feel cranky yesterday without it. But you do need a rest day!


Yeah, I know this, but its so hard! I think I decided yesterday, that I would go for a nice, easy bike ride on the mornings I don't run. Nothing strenuous, just something to get me up and going.


That sounds good, right? I was planning on having Wednesday mornings as my "sleep in" day, but I think that will mess with my schedule too much. So, now I'll look forward to going out on my bike instead of sleeping.


Thanks for the encouragement!

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Once again ladies I must apologize for no reading this thread in its entirety. Will try to later. Did my video this morning and now I am off to switch 2 of my dc's bedrooms around. The are changing b/c ds 6 doesn't like being alone so he is going in with dd's 2 and 5 and dd 9 is having her own room. Sounds strange but everyone wants it and ds can dress in the bathroom. Sorry for straying good work to all you women out there.

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Once again ladies I must apologize for no reading this thread in its entirety. Will try to later. Did my video this morning and now I am off to switch 2 of my dc's bedrooms around. The are changing b/c ds 6 doesn't like being alone so he is going in with dd's 2 and 5 and dd 9 is having her own room. Sounds strange but everyone wants it and ds can dress in the bathroom. Sorry for straying good work to all you women out there.


Good job getting the video done! And switching bedrooms like you are tlaking about is hard work! I think you should get extra points today!

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We (DS and I) were up at 5am and at the Y by 5:30. I worked on the eliptical for 90 minutes; doing one hour of intense & hard work---crossramp of 10 and resistance of 8, then 30 minutes of easy work with the crossramp at 4 and resistance at 6. That's funny to me cause 4 months ago just going for 30 min w/ a crossramp of 4 and resistance of 1 would be too much for me and now 90 min hard work isn't even bothering me one bit.


Oh, and for some unknown reason I was up one pound this morning. Probable TOM is coming.


Oh, and it is my birthday today. No cake for me though. nope, nadda, :lol:


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We (DS and I) were up at 5am and at the Y by 5:30. I worked on the eliptical for 90 minutes; doing one hour of intense & hard work---crossramp of 10 and resistance of 8, then 30 minutes of easy work with the crossramp at 4 and resistance at 6. That's funny to me cause 4 months ago just going for 30 min w/ a crossramp of 4 and resistance of 1 would be too much for me and now 90 min hard work isn't even bothering me one bit.


Oh, and for some unknown reason I was up one pound this morning. Probable TOM is coming.


Oh, and it is my birthday today. No cake for me though. nope, nadda, :lol:



Happy Birthday Carole! :party:


Great job on the machine and on the improvement!

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Okay, I've gotta ask again: What is up with the lack of west coasters in this group? Makes me wonder about the board demographics in general. Sounds like a poll is in order! Any-hoo, I ran 6 miles while the boys had barn duty at the fair. It was already 80 so I dragged here and there and walked a few minutes. Still averaged a 9/min mile pace, I think.

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Once again ladies I must apologize for no reading this thread in its entirety. Will try to later. Did my video this morning and now I am off to switch 2 of my dc's bedrooms around. The are changing b/c ds 6 doesn't like being alone so he is going in with dd's 2 and 5 and dd 9 is having her own room. Sounds strange but everyone wants it and ds can dress in the bathroom. Sorry for straying good work to all you women out there.


Hey, Pam, my parents crossed Oregon yesterday. It was a loooooong day for them. They left Lincoln City about 8:30 and got to Boise at 9:30 p.m. They don't like to go that late, but she said there was just no where to stop without stopping at 2:00 in the afternoon. They stayed on hwy 20 all across the state. They've crossed the country between AR and WA at least 14 times and this is the first time they've every crossed Oregon. I think they didn't want to go down CA because the fires path depresses them.


OK!! please return to our regular scheduled program. :tongue_smilie:

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Any-hoo, I ran 6 miles while the boys had barn duty at the fair. It was already 80 so I dragged here and there and walked a few minutes. Still averaged a 9/min mile pace, I think.


Great job! And you claim to be slow! :glare: Those of us who are actually slow disagree!


A poll sounds good!

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Okay, I've gotta ask again: What is up with the lack of west coasters in this group? Makes me wonder about the board demographics in general. Sounds like a poll is in order! Any-hoo, I ran 6 miles while the boys had barn duty at the fair. It was already 80 so I dragged here and there and walked a few minutes. Still averaged a 9/min mile pace, I think.


Pam in Oregon...and Chris in CA...but yes, we are short on West Coasters. I noticed that a lot of hot states are on this exercise thread.

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Then when I got home i cut th dog's nails. He was laying there so nicely. Once I got the clippers out, it was all over. He does not enjoy that process.
I trained my dog. He hates it too, but now he'll lay quietly through the whole thing because I give him a treat when it's over. I just did a little stp process until he'd lay for the whole thing! He looks soooo mournful going through the process, but he's so proud of himself when it's all over and he gets the treat! :lol:




This morning I did the "Shred" dvd, Level 2. I lasted longer a couple of places where it's so hard! Yippee! :001_smile: Level 2 seems to be about 30 minutes from start to finish (including warm-ups and cool-downs). DD11 did it with me!

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I trained my dog. He hates it too, but now he'll lay quietly through the whole thing because I give him a treat when it's over. I just did a little stp process until he'd lay for the whole thing! He looks soooo mournful going through the process, but he's so proud of himself when it's all over and he gets the treat! :lol:


Yeah, my old dog does just fine. Hates it but puts up with it. I just have to get the 2 yo used to it too.


This morning I did the "Shred" dvd, Level 2. I lasted longer a couple of places where it's so hard! Yippee! :001_smile: Level 2 seems to be about 30 minutes from start to finish (including warm-ups and cool-downs). DD11 did it with me!


Great job!

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I know hot and humid is all relative but when you're not acclimatized to warmer temperatures . . . well it was hard to run today.


But I'm glad I did it because I'm going out with some girlfriends tonight so I won't feel bad indulging in a treat.


Good job getting out there! Have fun with your friends!

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Ate a skimpy salad at home before going out with the intention of eating an appetizer that, in the past, was meal size. Not tonight, it was so tiny I'm hungry now. (Because the service was so poor, we all decided to skip dessert and go home.)


Fellowship great . . . food, not so much.

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Okay, I've gotta ask again: What is up with the lack of west coasters in this group?


West Coaster, here, chiming in... I've had a busy day (Tues and Thrs are my "Out and About" days). In the midst of it all though, I swam with Masters and covered 2000m - which is a little shorter than normal. I arrived a little late and thereby had less time to warm-up.


Tomorrow is another running day... I'll post when I get back in from the run. Not sure what I'll do though. I don't have a race I'm training for right now (decided not to do the Portland marathon) so I'm playing it all by ear. :)

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